Are Trump Supporters Naturally The Most Bigoted Racist People Or Just This One Guy?

He already apologized for it.

It's well behind us now.

Try again.

Marc, it seems like you are being presented with an overwhelming amount of evidence that Democrats are unquestionably racist and you just keep right on excusing them. Over and over again.. Oh, she got fired for that... Oh, he apologized for it!

I hate to tell you buddy but you're really exposing your hypocrisy here.
He already apologized for it.

It's well behind us now.

Try again.

Marc, it seems like you are being presented with an overwhelming amount of evidence that Democrats are unquestionably racist and you just keep right on excusing them. Over and over again.. Oh, she got fired for that... Oh, he apologized for it!

I hate to tell you buddy but you're really exposing your hypocrisy here.
Actually no. What is being pushed as racist, isn't really racist.

However, what blacks, time and time and time again say is racist, you and your ilk see no racism whatsoever.

Funny that.
Liberals don't really enjoy anything. Think about it, you never see happy liberals, even when they get everything they claim they want. You'd think they'd be happy with Obama being president. They're not. You'd think they'd be happy with obamadon'tcare being passed. They're not. You think they'll be happy with Hillary as president? No, absolutely not. They'll still be livid with rage. They're just never happy.

I'm afraid I would have to disagree with you there.

Yes, liberals are miserable people, but the only joy they get in life is making others miserable as well.

If a liberal sees a man enjoying the sunshine in the park smoking his cigarette, the liberal will petition his liberal representative to stop smoking in the park making other people miserable.

If a liberal sees a man is happy owning his firearm to protect himself, his family and household, a liberal will complain that the government needs to take his guns from him so he would be miserable too.

If a liberal sees a wealthy man enjoying the fruits of his labor with fancy cars and perhaps a few boats, liberals will call on their politicians to take the mans wealth so he might be miserable along with them.

If a liberal sees a family happily dining in a McDonald's restaurant, the liberal will propose putting taxes on happy meals or otherwise pressuring the restaurant to eliminate them. Remember DumBama's brilliant idea of forcing restaurants to put calorie counts on every item in their menu?

So that's what makes liberals happy--making everybody else miserable.
He already apologized for it.

It's well behind us now.

Try again.

Marc, it seems like you are being presented with an overwhelming amount of evidence that Democrats are unquestionably racist and you just keep right on excusing them. Over and over again.. Oh, she got fired for that... Oh, he apologized for it!

I hate to tell you buddy but you're really exposing your hypocrisy here.
Actually no. What is being pushed as racist, isn't really racist.

However, what blacks, time and time and time again say is racist, you and your ilk see no racism whatsoever.

Funny that.

So let me see if I've got this straight.... ONLY people with certain pigmentation are capable of determining what is racist and one particular political party can never actually BE racist, regardless of what they say?

Yeah... that's real funny! :cuckoo:
Liberals don't really enjoy anything. Think about it, you never see happy liberals, even when they get everything they claim they want. You'd think they'd be happy with Obama being president. They're not. You'd think they'd be happy with obamadon'tcare being passed. They're not. You think they'll be happy with Hillary as president? No, absolutely not. They'll still be livid with rage. They're just never happy.

I'm afraid I would have to disagree with you there.

Yes, liberals are miserable people, but the only joy they get in life is making others miserable as well.

If a liberal sees a man enjoying the sunshine in the park smoking his cigarette, the liberal will petition his liberal representative to stop smoking in the park making other people miserable.

If a liberal sees a man is happy owning his firearm to protect himself, his family and household, a liberal will complain that the government needs to take his guns from him so he would be miserable too.

If a liberal sees a wealthy man enjoying the fruits of his labor with fancy cars and perhaps a few boats, liberals will call on their politicians to take the mans wealth so he might be miserable along with them.

If a liberal sees a family happily dining in a McDonald's restaurant, the liberal will propose putting taxes on happy meals or otherwise pressuring the restaurant to eliminate them. Remember DumBama's brilliant idea of forcing restaurants to put calorie counts on every item in their menu?

So that's what makes liberals happy--making everybody else miserable.

Yes... this is what Liberals call "FREEDOM!"

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

Why are so many racists (and bigots) clinton supporters?
Gotta link?
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,"
Bill Clinton to Sen Ted Kennedy on Obama.

A light-skinned’ African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.
Harry Reid on Obama
Things get lost in translation.

He already apologized for it.

It's well behind us now.

Try again.
Lost in translation......right. I noticed you didn't have anything to say about Slick Willie's comment.
Looks like they caught another bigoted, racist Trump supporter being themselves. This time on the NYC subway.

Apparent Trump Supporter Goes Nuts on Subway: ‘Put Them Back in the F**** Fields’

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

This from a racist/bigoted far left drone that celebrated the death of cops.
What kind of support for 9/11 First Responders including cops is forthcoming from the GOP?

What difference does it make at this point? But considering that you support the killing of cops, you far left drones do not see the irony in what is happening!
Looks like they caught another bigoted, racist Trump supporter being themselves. This time on the NYC subway.

Apparent Trump Supporter Goes Nuts on Subway: ‘Put Them Back in the F**** Fields’

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?
Because most are frightened by change and diversity, and that fear combined with their ignorance results in unwarranted anger.
I wonder why non-white people aren't afraid of "change" and "diversity"....

Very peculiar.....
Looks like they caught another bigoted, racist Trump supporter being themselves. This time on the NYC subway.

Apparent Trump Supporter Goes Nuts on Subway: ‘Put Them Back in the F**** Fields’

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

This from a racist/bigoted far left drone that celebrated the death of cops.
What kind of support for 9/11 First Responders including cops is forthcoming from the GOP?

What difference does it make at this point? But considering that you support the killing of cops, you far left drones do not see the irony in what is happening!

Yes we know you celebrated the death of cops just like many of the far left drones on this board did!

Do not want to be called one, then do act like one!
Looks like they caught another bigoted, racist Trump supporter being themselves. This time on the NYC subway.

Apparent Trump Supporter Goes Nuts on Subway: ‘Put Them Back in the F**** Fields’

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?
Because most are frightened by change and diversity, and that fear combined with their ignorance results in unwarranted anger.

The irony of those comments from a far left drone!
Because most are frightened by change and diversity, and that fear combined with their ignorance results in unwarranted anger.

Which is why you and other liberals live in the whitest communities your money can afford.

Wealthy liberals pay a premium to get away from the minorities. Won't see any refugees located to the neighborhoods of the open border advocates like the clintons.
Wealthy liberals pay a premium to get away from the minorities. Won't see any refugees located to the neighborhoods of the open border advocates like the clintons.

Hypocrites. I used to belong to a local blog and liberals would preach all this diversity stuff. Okay, but when I found out where they lived, it became obvious they were preaching from the whitest community their money could afford.

I have no problem with liberals talking the talk, but walk the walk I always say. When my neighborhood began to change, it's the preaching liberals that were the first to sell their homes and get the hell out of Dodge. Now the white people living here are mostly conservative. The liberals all left.

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