Are Trump Supporters Naturally The Most Bigoted Racist People Or Just This One Guy?


Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

Why are so many racists (and bigots) clinton supporters?
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Hillary Clinton, Racist: Top 5 Worst Comments (in Public)

" It is worth visiting Clinton’s own history of making racially offensive comments for political gain.
1. “Hard-working white Americans” prefer her to Obama.
In May 2008, Clinton told the USA Today that while Obama was leading the delegate race, she still had a broader political base. Unfortunately, she made that claim in explicitly racial terms, citingan Associated Press poll “that found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

2. “Colored People’s Time.” Clinton appeared alongside left-wing New York City mayor Bill de Blasio at the annual Inner Circle Dinner this year, and joined in a racist joke based on a stereotype that black people are late for everything:

Clinton: I just have to say thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough. [Laughter]

De Blasio: Sorry Hillary, I was running on C.P. time. [Audience gasps]

Host: I don’t like jokes like that.

As Mediate later noted, the cable news networks mostly ignored the racist joke.

3. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t really THAT great. As she struggled to stop the Obama insurgency in the 2008 Democratic primary, Clinton tried to diminish Obama’s credentials as a “community organizer,” which had led some to draw connections between him and Dr. King. Clinton argued that it was really a professional politician, President Lyndon Johnson, who made the difference: “Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act”

4. “Ah don’t feel no ways TAHHHHHRD.” Clinton, like Vice President Al Gore, and indeed like President Obama himself, has a tendency to imitate what she believes to be an African-American accent when she speaks before black audiences. Obama, who grew up in Hawaii, at least has some cultural competence and experience, honed through practice in inner city Chicago. Clinton manages to sound condescending every time — most notoriously in this cringe-worthy clip from 2008.

5. Obama’s “slumlord,” and “super predators.” Losing traction in 2008, Clinton belatedly attacked Obama’s connection to fraudster and fundraiser Tony Rezko: “I was fighting against those [Reagan] ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago,” she said in a South Carolina debate. The remark was described as racist by Obama fans — as was her 1996 term for chronic criminals, “super predators.”"

Top Ten Examples Of Hillary Clinton’s Racism The Media Chooses To Ignore

"#1 – In 1974, after Bill Clinton lost his bid for a Senate seat, Hillary lashed out at campaign manager Paul Fray calling him a, “f*cking Jew bastard!” This outburst was witnessed and confirmed by 3 people, so it definitely happened.

#2 – As First Lady, Hillary called young black men “super-predators” indicating that she thought all young black males were violent criminals. She also said, “We have to bring them to heel,” like young blacks are the same as dogs. Despite thinking this was incredibly racist, blacks still support Hillary.

#3 – While serving in the US Senate, Hillary tried to make a joke that disparaged a civil rights icon and demeaned all people from India. “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station?” asked Clinton.

#4 – In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal immigrants.” She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall between the US and Mexico. Considering the main “proof” of Trump’s racism is that he opposes illegal immigration and wants to build a wall, isn’t it odd that Hillary gets off for having said the same thing?

#5 – During the 2008 democratic primaries Hillary Clinton’s campaign started the “birther” rumors, questioning Obama’s US citizenship. They even circulated the now famous picture of Obama in full Muslim garb. Somehow Trump’s campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is racist, but Hillary’s role in starting the birther movement is not.

#6 – Also during the 2008 presidential race, Hillary’s husband Bill said this of Obama: “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Hillary didn’t say this one but her husband did and she certainly never disavowed it.

#7 – Shortly after announcing her candidacy, Hillary said “all lives matter” in a black church. I don’t think this one is racist, but lefties, black activists, and Hillary herself all do, so it makes the list. Plus as is the case with most of this stuff, if Trump had said it liberals would freak the hell out.

#8 – In November of 2015, Hillary called people in this country illegally “illegal aliens.” Trump is a racist when he says “illegal aliens,” why isn’t Hillary?

#9 – In April of this year, Hillary joined NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on stage at a democratic fundraiser for a scripted joke about how lazy black people are. The two liberals made reference to “colored people’s time” which is a super-racist way of saying black people are chronically tardy and lethargic.

#10 – April was a great month for Hillary’s racism, as she also made a comment disparaging Native Americans. She said she had experience dealing with wild men when they “get off the reservation.” In essence she said Native Americans are savages who must be segregated from the rest of society.

As a bonus:

#11 – On a black radio show, Hillary pandered to black voters by claiming she always carries hot sauce in her purse. "
Why are blacks supporting her in sky-high numbers bro?

Because they are racists who see the Democrats as platform to promote institutionalized racism against whites.
Aren't the Dems making history tonight?....
And there is time to post here about Trump.....
This is your moment in the sun Libs.....

Why aren't you enjoying it????
Actually, I AM enjoying it.

It's a beautiful thing to behold.

Yes, last night they pandered to one of their largest contingents of supporters. The mothers of thugs and criminals killed by police. Then they paid tribute to their favorite alleged rapist and convicted felon, Bill Clinton.

Democrats are so proud of all their victims!
Parents of thugs huh?

Keep offending black people and see how that works out for you.

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

Why are so many racists (and bigots) clinton supporters?
Gotta link?
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,"
Bill Clinton to Sen Ted Kennedy on Obama.

A light-skinned’ African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.
Harry Reid on Obama
Things get lost in translation.

He already apologized for it.

It's well behind us now.

Try again.
Aren't the Dems making history tonight?....
And there is time to post here about Trump.....
This is your moment in the sun Libs.....

Why aren't you enjoying it????
Actually, I AM enjoying it.

It's a beautiful thing to behold.

Yes, last night they pandered to one of their largest contingents of supporters. The mothers of thugs and criminals killed by police. Then they paid tribute to their favorite alleged rapist and convicted felon, Bill Clinton.

Democrats are so proud of all their victims!
Parents of thugs huh?

Keep offending black people and see how that works out for you.
Dude you pussies are offended at ANYTHING & EVERYTHING so fuck off with that. Keep your peeps in line bitch

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

Why are so many racists (and bigots) clinton supporters?
Gotta link?
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,"
Bill Clinton to Sen Ted Kennedy on Obama.

A light-skinned’ African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.
Harry Reid on Obama
Things get lost in translation.

He already apologized for it.

It's well behind us now.

Try again.

Why would you need to translate the English language? LOL

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

Why are so many racists (and bigots) clinton supporters?
Gotta link?

Hillary Clinton, Racist: Top 5 Worst Comments (in Public)

" It is worth visiting Clinton’s own history of making racially offensive comments for political gain.
1. “Hard-working white Americans” prefer her to Obama.
In May 2008, Clinton told the USA Today that while Obama was leading the delegate race, she still had a broader political base. Unfortunately, she made that claim in explicitly racial terms, citingan Associated Press poll “that found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

2. “Colored People’s Time.” Clinton appeared alongside left-wing New York City mayor Bill de Blasio at the annual Inner Circle Dinner this year, and joined in a racist joke based on a stereotype that black people are late for everything:

Clinton: I just have to say thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough. [Laughter]

De Blasio: Sorry Hillary, I was running on C.P. time. [Audience gasps]

Host: I don’t like jokes like that.

As Mediate later noted, the cable news networks mostly ignored the racist joke.

3. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t really THAT great. As she struggled to stop the Obama insurgency in the 2008 Democratic primary, Clinton tried to diminish Obama’s credentials as a “community organizer,” which had led some to draw connections between him and Dr. King. Clinton argued that it was really a professional politician, President Lyndon Johnson, who made the difference: “Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act”

4. “Ah don’t feel no ways TAHHHHHRD.” Clinton, like Vice President Al Gore, and indeed like President Obama himself, has a tendency to imitate what she believes to be an African-American accent when she speaks before black audiences. Obama, who grew up in Hawaii, at least has some cultural competence and experience, honed through practice in inner city Chicago. Clinton manages to sound condescending every time — most notoriously in this cringe-worthy clip from 2008.

5. Obama’s “slumlord,” and “super predators.” Losing traction in 2008, Clinton belatedly attacked Obama’s connection to fraudster and fundraiser Tony Rezko: “I was fighting against those [Reagan] ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago,” she said in a South Carolina debate. The remark was described as racist by Obama fans — as was her 1996 term for chronic criminals, “super predators.”"

Top Ten Examples Of Hillary Clinton’s Racism The Media Chooses To Ignore

"#1 – In 1974, after Bill Clinton lost his bid for a Senate seat, Hillary lashed out at campaign manager Paul Fray calling him a, “f*cking Jew bastard!” This outburst was witnessed and confirmed by 3 people, so it definitely happened.

#2 – As First Lady, Hillary called young black men “super-predators” indicating that she thought all young black males were violent criminals. She also said, “We have to bring them to heel,” like young blacks are the same as dogs. Despite thinking this was incredibly racist, blacks still support Hillary.

#3 – While serving in the US Senate, Hillary tried to make a joke that disparaged a civil rights icon and demeaned all people from India. “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station?” asked Clinton.

#4 – In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal immigrants.” She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall between the US and Mexico. Considering the main “proof” of Trump’s racism is that he opposes illegal immigration and wants to build a wall, isn’t it odd that Hillary gets off for having said the same thing?

#5 – During the 2008 democratic primaries Hillary Clinton’s campaign started the “birther” rumors, questioning Obama’s US citizenship. They even circulated the now famous picture of Obama in full Muslim garb. Somehow Trump’s campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is racist, but Hillary’s role in starting the birther movement is not.

#6 – Also during the 2008 presidential race, Hillary’s husband Bill said this of Obama: “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Hillary didn’t say this one but her husband did and she certainly never disavowed it.

#7 – Shortly after announcing her candidacy, Hillary said “all lives matter” in a black church. I don’t think this one is racist, but lefties, black activists, and Hillary herself all do, so it makes the list. Plus as is the case with most of this stuff, if Trump had said it liberals would freak the hell out.

#8 – In November of 2015, Hillary called people in this country illegally “illegal aliens.” Trump is a racist when he says “illegal aliens,” why isn’t Hillary?

#9 – In April of this year, Hillary joined NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on stage at a democratic fundraiser for a scripted joke about how lazy black people are. The two liberals made reference to “colored people’s time” which is a super-racist way of saying black people are chronically tardy and lethargic.

#10 – April was a great month for Hillary’s racism, as she also made a comment disparaging Native Americans. She said she had experience dealing with wild men when they “get off the reservation.” In essence she said Native Americans are savages who must be segregated from the rest of society.

As a bonus:

#11 – On a black radio show, Hillary pandered to black voters by claiming she always carries hot sauce in her purse. "
Why are blacks supporting her in sky-high numbers bro?


Promise of more free stuff?
Aren't the Dems making history tonight?....
And there is time to post here about Trump.....
This is your moment in the sun Libs.....

Why aren't you enjoying it????
Actually, I AM enjoying it.

It's a beautiful thing to behold.

Yes, last night they pandered to one of their largest contingents of supporters. The mothers of thugs and criminals killed by police. Then they paid tribute to their favorite alleged rapist and convicted felon, Bill Clinton.

Democrats are so proud of all their victims!
Parents of thugs huh?

Keep offending black people and see how that works out for you.

I think it is a damned shame that black people aren't offended by black thugs. White thugs piss me off.
Dude you pussies are offended at ANYTHING & EVERYTHING so fuck off with that. Keep your peeps in line bitch
What peeps?

Keep up the offense.

It's going to turn out splendid.

You'll see...
Is that a threat? You dumbfucks can't even figure out how to escape the ghetto or getting shot by police. You got PLENTY of problems and the Republican party isn't one of them.

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

Why are so many racists (and bigots) clinton supporters?
Gotta link?
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,"
Bill Clinton to Sen Ted Kennedy on Obama.

A light-skinned’ African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.
Harry Reid on Obama

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man." ~ Joe Biden
"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."~ Joe Biden
Yes, last night they pandered to one of their largest contingents of supporters. The mothers of thugs and criminals killed by police. Then they paid tribute to their favorite alleged rapist and convicted felon, Bill Clinton.

Democrats are so proud of all their victims!

Yep, the party of criminals alright.

Such a contrast to the RNC where they were honoring our police and military.

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