Are we getting stupider? Why or why not? Evidence?

I have to agree. Not just on the streets, but in the schools. There's 2 realities in play.
The truth, and the non-truth. Government has it's own news stories separate from public news.
There's not much I can do about it. I am fortunate to be one of the lucky few to know several
government news stories. The Air Force has even disavowed my service. The reason is classified.
I know this sound stupid. I was not dishonorablly discharged. I served and when I left, they told me
"it was as if I was never in the Air Force" and not to tell anyone. That plan went out the window when
I was falsely imprisoned in 2008. I asked my lawyer to make sure I was given all the benefits of my
military service. I got a decent settlement.

As for the news stories:

1. Man never landed on Moon
2. Mars Rover's false landings
3. 2000 election rigged
4. Iraq's 1999 oil map
5. Dick Cheney's Spring 2001 Iraq Oil Map
6. Day 10 meeting in Oval Office
7. Large segment of population paranoid

1a. Classified NASA film "not intended for viewing by general public" mislabeled and found in Library of Congress. NASA disavows such film, but you can see it everywhere. Since then all NASA footage has been remastered and all originals destroyed. "From Earth to the Moon" is the official account.

2a. Problems understanding what the sky really looks like on Mars has created all shades of colors. The 20-30 minute delays are said to make landing impossible with current technologies.

3a. Voter frauds in Ohio and Florida rigged election to prepare for war.

4a. In 1999 Saddam drew up Iraq's oil field map and issue rights to exploration and drill to 30 countries. The USA was not granted any rights. The reason is easy the Gulf War. France was given the most prolific contracts for their food for oil programs that broke sanctions in place against Iraq.

5a. The Commerce Department was forced to release all information concerning an Iraqi Oil Field Map that Vice President Dick Cheney had drawn up for in case for war.

6a. On the 10th day of George W. Bush 1st term, January 31, 2001, there was a meeting in the Oval Office to discuss how to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. Before the meeting was adjourned, the President was said to have said, "Find Me A Way To Do This".
Bush Sought 'Way' To Invade Iraq? - CBS News

I'm not dropping any links. All you have to do is search for this information and you'll come up with most of it. I provided a link to #6a though as this story was made public on 60 minutes in 2009. Most of the other stuff is disavowed with the 2000 election a 2nd exception.


I know that science facts are first voted on by the religious and scientific community. Hence the Boson "God" Particle that "Holds Mass" and created "Atom"


April 10, 2010: This is the only place to get this information. I am the only one telling this story the last 2.5 years.

Asteroid 2010 GA6 close approach coincided with a volcano eruption in Iceland
and a fireball heading NNE from Nebraska to Wisconsin. All three happened
minutes apart.

I think actually knowing and understanding these stories is crucial to gaining information that the general public is unaware of. It's like being in the 1%.
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Hi, folks!

It's my personal belief that we as a nation are getting stupider by the day.

I don't mean that we make bad choices -- I mean that literally, our average intelligence is dropping with every new generation.

Stupid parents are having more babies than smart parents, and our well-developed civilization makes it easy for even the very stupid to survive and breed another generation.

Well, of course that's the case -- civilization is supposed to make it easy to survive. That's its whole reason for being!

... But civilizations fall; and one of the reasons they fall is that their populations eventually become too stupid to maintain them. In fact, every civilization before this one has fallen, and many of them lasted much longer than this one has.

Our world population has ballooned to 7 BILLION people. That's so many people that if you counted ten of them every second, it would take you almost 222 YEARS to count them all! That large a population places a huge strain on the environment and resources of our planet, and if we don't get a whole lot smarter very fast, our civilization will collapse under the weight of all those billions.

It's time to put our collective heads together and come up with solutions that will work.

So, first of all -- do you agree or not that people are becoming stupider? And what, if any, evidence can you present to support your opinion?

Secondly, if you DO agree that people are becoming stupider, what solutions can you propose to reverse that trend? What do you see as the root causes, and how would you propose to address those causes?

Thanks in advance to all who participate on the thread!

-- Paravani

The trouble is that we have made it too easy to survive. We have running water (remember how the pioneers had to find safe water), as well as iPhones (you can call someone if you're in trouble), and other things.

Trouble is.................we've been dumbed down by things like "American Idol" and "The Voice" as well as caring about what the slut known as Snooki (and yeah..........I hope the bitch tracks me down because of that comment), or what Paris Hilton or even what that spongy idiot known as Donald the Chump (and yeah.............he can come visit me too, and I'll kick his ass if he's on my property.........tell him if he's got the stones), because we think that if someone is on the tv, they're important.

Are the Kardashians that really much relevant?

The dumbing down of America is happening because of reality tv. I'd much rather watch the Discovery or History channels than watch whoever America thinks has talent for the next 6 months.
You do realize that what you say here goes for you as well, right?

Yes I do. That's why I try not to say irrational things as you have done.
Well if no one has ever called you out on doing such a thing, that doesn't mean that you never have. Those who think that you say irrational things may not have the time to explain to you the things that you say.

You're a great example of the thread topic.
Trouble is.................we've been dumbed down by things like "American Idol" and "The Voice" as well as caring about what the slut known as Snooki (and yeah..........I hope the bitch tracks me down because of that comment), or what Paris Hilton or even what that spongy idiot known as Donald the Chump (and yeah.............he can come visit me too, and I'll kick his ass if he's on my property.........tell him if he's got the stones),

You're really committed to this 'internet tough guy' thing aren't you, douchebag? Is this a project so you can graduate from Clown College?
Yes I do. That's why I try not to say irrational things as you have done.
Well if no one has ever called you out on doing such a thing, that doesn't mean that you never have. Those who think that you say irrational things may not have the time to explain to you the things that you say.
You're a great example of the thread topic.
And your message here is a great example of only just another opinion.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

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Hi, Foxfyre!

No dear Paravani, I'm not making it up as I go along, though I did previously misspeak. I meant to say UBC-LIKE products. But you are correct. I am not a bio-chemist though I doubt you have any idea what my training or expertise is.

My point is that we really don't know what might be developed; and considering that biotechnology is moving ahead by leaps and bounds, the ideal solution for UCB might be discovered tomorrow.

(I want to start a thread about the Nobel Prizes, which were awarded last week. Last Monday, the prize in medicine went to two biologists who jointly discovered how to make mature cells revert back to "stem cells", the "baby" cells that can differentiate into any kind of mature cell. This discovery was so revolutionary that "textbooks have been rewritten", according to the announcement; and it is probably the first step towards a true "eternal youth" therapy.)

Here are Wal-mart's water prices for what people would likely be carrying around. Grocery: Beverages: Water

And I'm pretty sure Wal-mart's prices are about as cheap as people can buy anywhere. But if we go with what you say you have priced out, it is still darn inconvenient to have to haul sufficient water around with you everywhere you go. Otherwise you're stuck with buying expensive bottled water which is okay in the short term.

Walmart only lists online prices for those things that might be mail-ordered. Nobody is going to ship gallon containers of water. Grocery stores also sell "refill" gallons of water very cheaply.

Yes, it's inconvenient -- that's the point. Babies are inconvenient, too; parents who really want to make a baby will put up with the inconvenience. (I know I would have, if it had been necessary to make my daughter.)

Again, that it have ZERO effects on children or anyone else must be a requirement. It's not optional that it be otherwise completely benign.

2. It forces the responsible to be subjected to a substance in their water to address the irresponsibility of others.

Um, is this the same lady who has been complaining about the size of the welfare rolls?

News flash: the responsible people are ALREADY subsidizing the irresponsibility of others. UBC will be a MUCH less expensive subsidy.

3. It opens the door for government to introduce any substance for any purpose it wants into our water supply.

Fluoride already did that.

Okay, any more questions, comments, objections?

-- Paravani

Im not objecting to the thought of UBC necessarily, but I do think it brings up some ethical issues. And like I have said before, there is no feasible way to carry out the type of UBC you are looking for, since fertility and pregnancy is so heavily dependent on hormones. If you want to distribute UBC by pharmacological means as opposed to mechanical means, you would have to do so through hormone therapy. Using this widespread hormonal therapy, there would be no way to ensure the two most important factors factors of and efficacy.
Well if no one has ever called you out on doing such a thing, that doesn't mean that you never have. Those who think that you say irrational things may not have the time to explain to you the things that you say.
You're a great example of the thread topic.
And your message here is a great example of only just another opinion.

If you ever manage to gain the slightest understanding of logic and reason you might start to understand what I was trying to tell you. Until then, enjoy your ignorance.
^^^ When the final decision is not yours, sure it does, you precious thing you. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

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^^^ Well its getting pretty obvious that you aren't. As for me, sure. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Hi, folks!

It's my personal belief that we as a nation are getting stupider by the day.

I don't mean that we make bad choices -- I mean that literally, our average intelligence is dropping with every new generation.

Stupid parents are having more babies than smart parents, and our well-developed civilization makes it easy for even the very stupid to survive and breed another generation.

Well, of course that's the case -- civilization is supposed to make it easy to survive. That's its whole reason for being!

... But civilizations fall; and one of the reasons they fall is that their populations eventually become too stupid to maintain them. In fact, every civilization before this one has fallen, and many of them lasted much longer than this one has.

Our world population has ballooned to 7 BILLION people. That's so many people that if you counted ten of them every second, it would take you almost 222 YEARS to count them all! That large a population places a huge strain on the environment and resources of our planet, and if we don't get a whole lot smarter very fast, our civilization will collapse under the weight of all those billions.

It's time to put our collective heads together and come up with solutions that will work.

So, first of all -- do you agree or not that people are becoming stupider? And what, if any, evidence can you present to support your opinion?

Secondly, if you DO agree that people are becoming stupider, what solutions can you propose to reverse that trend? What do you see as the root causes, and how would you propose to address those causes?

Thanks in advance to all who participate on the thread!

-- Paravani
When I heard today about a city a few hours away from me going bankrupt, I thought of what you say here about fallen civilizations.

And to me the reason why intelligence falls more with every generation is because each one does not do enough to get the next one ready for its place in the world which of course is just another example of how lazy this world has become. No one cares anymore about the example that they set or the legacy that they leave behind for others to remember. Sadly I have several family members who are like that. :( :( :(

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

To me, this is one of the best songs that Alabama ever released. :) :) :)

[ame=]Alabama's "Pass It On Down"[/ame]

God bless you and this wonderful band always!!! :) :) :)

Wanna know why the IQ of the country is going down?

Survivor....................The Voice...............American Idol............America's Got Talent...........the Kardashians.................Jersey Shore...................etc.

If we want to get "smarter", we've gotta quit watching crap.
^^^ Amen to that!!!

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If you don't mind, I am adding soap operas to your list.

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