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Are we headed to war? Iraq embassy being evacuated

Unlike the prior administration the current administration is resetting the chess board. The deployment of anti missile defense and naval forces to the Gulf and Mediterranean is the direct result of Iran’s actions. The prior administration utilized appeasement, demilitarization, and yes cash, to obtain a worthless nuclear arms treaty that Iran has no intention of abiding by. So back to ground zero.
Sorry to say mainstream media is now being used by Iran to foment fear in the attempt to force the US to demilitarize the area and let them do as they choose.
Why U.S. Just Ordered Non-Emergency Employees to Leave Iraq Embassy

Sure seems like a preamble.

Why does every single president get us into wars? The timing is very suspicious imo

Maybe Jimmy The Peanut should have thought-through his cowardly reaction when a former Ally, The Shah of Iran, was overthrown and persecuted by the Assahollahs in Iran.

Totally on that scumbag. Totally. May he rot in Hell for all eternity......

What dimocrap scum put the Shah through is an embarrassment to this Country.

But, dimocrap scum being the scum they are, will take the side of people (IRGC) who single out and target innocent young women like Neda who was just marching in the street in support of her fellow citizens.



You also might want to ask, "Where was the total scumbag and COWARD, obama, when we had the chance to help Iran's people overthrow a Totalitarian theocracy"?

Go ahead...... Ask.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
why is it our job to determine other countries form of government?
why is it our job to determine other countries form of government?

Maybe because when they open every single meeting of their Parliament with chants of "DEATH TO AMERICA!! DEATH TO AMERICA!!"

That should give you a clue.

Or not.
Why U.S. Just Ordered Non-Emergency Employees to Leave Iraq Embassy

Sure seems like a preamble.

Why does every single president get us into wars? The timing is very suspicious imo

Maybe Jimmy The Peanut should have thought-through his cowardly reaction when a former Ally, The Shah of Iran, was overthrown and persecuted by the Assahollahs in Iran.

Totally on that scumbag. Totally. May he rot in Hell for all eternity......

What dimocrap scum put the Shah through is an embarrassment to this Country.

But, dimocrap scum being the scum they are, will take the side of people (IRGC) who single out and target innocent young women like Neda who was just marching in the street in support of her fellow citizens.



You also might want to ask, "Where was the total scumbag and COWARD, obama, when we had the chance to help Iran's people overthrow a Totalitarian theocracy"?

Go ahead...... Ask.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth

We don't need a war of choice, we need to go to the streets for a good old fashion protest, and let the members of congress know we the people will not support Trump's Wag the Dog crisis.

Those who do not remember how the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution worked out - 58,000 American Troops died way to earlier - need to write their member of Congress and demand they control Trump's War by invoking The War Powers Act: The War Powers Resolution was passed in 1973 by both Houses of Congress, overriding the veto of President Nixon. It was passed to reassert Congressional authority over the decision to send American troops to war.

Another reason not to commit troops. Air power can do it from a distance. No commitment to a combat zone. The WPA would not apply.

Explain how the WP Resolution does not apply.

BTW, a very interesting read

From the LINK:

"The queen of the American fleet, and the centerpiece of the most powerful Navy the world has ever seen, the aircraft carrier, is in danger of becoming like the battleships it was originally designed to support: big, expensive, vulnerable – and surprisingly irrelevant to the conflicts of the time."

A book by a Navy Capt with a Ph.d who ought to be the Sect. of Defense, who takes a look at the cost-benfits and cost-deficits which the current DOD seems to ignore.
Last edited:
The GOP's Saudi masters have ordered Trump to war with Iran.

Just as they ordered G.W. Bush and G.H. Bush to war with Iraq.

Seems every time we get a GOP President, we go to war with the Saudi's enemies.
Why U.S. Just Ordered Non-Emergency Employees to Leave Iraq Embassy

Sure seems like a preamble.

Why does every single president get us into wars? The timing is very suspicious imo

Maybe Jimmy The Peanut should have thought-through his cowardly reaction when a former Ally, The Shah of Iran, was overthrown and persecuted by the Assahollahs in Iran.

Totally on that scumbag. Totally. May he rot in Hell for all eternity......

What dimocrap scum put the Shah through is an embarrassment to this Country.

But, dimocrap scum being the scum they are, will take the side of people (IRGC) who single out and target innocent young women like Neda who was just marching in the street in support of her fellow citizens.



You also might want to ask, "Where was the total scumbag and COWARD, obama, when we had the chance to help Iran's people overthrow a Totalitarian theocracy"?

Go ahead...... Ask.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
There is plenty of fault to go around on both sides
You just spewed the second sentence every LIB baby is taught.
The first sentence is of course: "What's the address of the nearest welfare office?"
How about YOU deal with what 'your side' does to fuck things up?
When you've accomplished that get back to us.
How about you learn the difference between a lib and a conservative. After that you can go fuck yourself.
Seriously, how do you expect to be taken seriously when you call someone a leftist who CLEARLY isn't.

Fucking moron
"There's plenty of blame to go around" is as stupid as telling grieving parents: "Our thoughts and prayers are with you".
Whatever your politics are. SO FUCKING WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both statements are as useful as tits on a boar.
The GOP's Saudi masters have ordered Trump to war with Iran.

Just as they ordered G.W. Bush and G.H. Bush to war with Iraq.

Seems every time we get a GOP President, we go to war with the Saudi's enemies.
The Saudis are the ones we should have "wiped off the map" 50-60 years ago.
Ya want to steal natural resources, get it right man.
Why U.S. Just Ordered Non-Emergency Employees to Leave Iraq Embassy

Sure seems like a preamble.

Why does every single president get us into wars? The timing is very suspicious imo

Maybe Jimmy The Peanut should have thought-through his cowardly reaction when a former Ally, The Shah of Iran, was overthrown and persecuted by the Assahollahs in Iran.

Totally on that scumbag. Totally. May he rot in Hell for all eternity......

What dimocrap scum put the Shah through is an embarrassment to this Country.

But, dimocrap scum being the scum they are, will take the side of people (IRGC) who single out and target innocent young women like Neda who was just marching in the street in support of her fellow citizens.



You also might want to ask, "Where was the total scumbag and COWARD, obama, when we had the chance to help Iran's people overthrow a Totalitarian theocracy"?

Go ahead...... Ask.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
There is plenty of fault to go around on both sides
You just spewed the second sentence every LIB baby is taught.
The first sentence is of course: "What's the address of the nearest welfare office?"
How about YOU deal with what 'your side' does to fuck things up?
When you've accomplished that get back to us.
How about you learn the difference between a lib and a conservative. After that you can go fuck yourself.
Seriously, how do you expect to be taken seriously when you call someone a leftist who CLEARLY isn't.

Fucking moron
"There's plenty of blame to go around" is as stupid as telling grieving parents: "Our thoughts and prayers are with you".
Whatever your politics are. SO FUCKING WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both statements are as useful as tits on a boar.
Neither statement has anything to do with political party affiliation.

Christ some of you are stupid
US Troops won't be committed to Iraq. They have their own Army.

If anything drones, A10's or C-130's will be used along with fighters. Or nothing will be used.

I prefer nothing. Let Iraq fight its own wars.
Why U.S. Just Ordered Non-Emergency Employees to Leave Iraq Embassy

Sure seems like a preamble.

Why does every single president get us into wars? The timing is very suspicious imo

Trump campaigned on one (of many) slogan; "Drain the Swamp"

As much as some brain dead idiots might believe otherwise, Trump is NO different than any other politician.

Trump has John Bolton on board as NSA & Bolton is a life long war monger from the DC swamp.

Bolton has been chomping at the bit for a war on Iran since he was an infant.

British & other European intelligence sources are disagreeing with Trump saying there is NO current increased threat from Iran.

I look at it this way: If Trump believes he is gonna waltz into Iran, start a war, and suffer no consequences, he is the same fucking idiot I always thought he is.
Trump will be dealing with the Chinese, the Russians, and a war in Iran would tank the economy.

Go ahead Trump; do it big boi.
Some of these comments are about stupid as a boar with teats.
Negation through strength has a far superior record than that of appeasement.
Peace is only achieved through strength. Lessons learned but easily forgotten.
As much as some brain dead idiots might believe otherwise, Trump is NO different than any other politician.

If you really believe that, then why all the hand-wringing hysterics about your precious neoliberal establishment politician lady not winning the election?
Some of these comments are about stupid as a boar with teats.
Negation through strength has a far superior record than that of appeasement.
Peace is only achieved through strength. Lessons learned but easily forgotten.

Thanks for letting US know you're pro Iran US war.

Did you also approve of the 2003 Bush Iraq clusterfuck that?
Bush's war in Iraq was a direct response to the attacks of 9/11, although Iraq had not a damn thing to do with 9/11.
Also, I'm curious what happened to the WMDs in Iraq that Bolton himself & others claimed were there?
Those WMDs are STILL non existant to this day. LOFL

LOL, you would support a pig standing up on his two hind legs pissing in a urinal; wouldn't you?

Bolton has been called a "war hawk" and is an advocate for regime change in Iran, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba, Yemen and North Korea and repeatedly called for the termination of the Iran nuclear deal.[18][19] He was an early supporter of the Iraq War and continues to back this position.[20] He has continuously supported military action and regime change in Syria, Libya, and Iran.

You want war? Go volunteer; you do get a pay check .............

LOFL ................ Let's go to war, just because a couple of fat assholes tell US it's a good thing, right?
FYI when Bolton was a kid Iran was run by the CIA’s puppet the Sha. I believe if not mistaken the Carter administration changed all that.
why is it our job to determine other countries form of government?

Maybe because when they open every single meeting of their Parliament with chants of "DEATH TO AMERICA!! DEATH TO AMERICA!!"

That should give you a clue.

Or not.
Of course they do that because we have always been minding our own business.............forever.

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