Are we visitors to Earth?

Many times .
Probably five based on geological evidence .

Last one (ca. 12000 BC ) led to the creation of Cult Religion with the Abrahamists all now unwitting Space Alien Worshippers .

Quick .Beam me up Mum .
Are we space travelers? Are we a more recent addition to Earth? We date back thousands of years, but were there others here first on Earth? Check out this video showing it might be true.

Why is this epic stupidity in the education forum?
Are we space travelers? Are we a more recent addition to Earth? We date back thousands of years, but were there others here first on Earth? Check out this video showing it might be true.

The late great Stanton Friedman hypothesized that homo sapiens my well be a quarantined race, based upon our predilection to be too easily duped into tribal warfare.

There's certainly more than enough evidence to support the proposition, that civilized life has existed on the planet for far more than the 2,000-odd years that we've been told about.

The late great Stanton Friedman hypothesized that homo sapiens my well be a quarantined race, based upon our predilection to be too easily duped into tribal warfare.

There's certainly more than enough evidence to support the proposition, that civilized life has existed on the planet for far more than the 2,000-odd years that we've been told about.

Evidence... The walls in the video are evidence. But of just what? Some bozo wants to know why this is in the education section. Because of bozos like him.


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