Zone1 Are White Actors and Actresses Not Allowed to Act Anymore?

Exactly thank you it would be exactly the same thing if you changed Sleeping Beauty into a boy. It just doesn't make sense to change somebody's race if they were written to be either black or white.
Well, again, I think race is less of an issue then gender. My view is, just enjoy it or…don’t :)
Hans Christian Andersen, who wrote "The Little Mermaid", was Danish and lived from 1805 to 1875. I'm betting that all the mermaids in Denmark in the seventeenth century were blonde and blue eyed.

But hey, historic perspective is not important any more, right?
Many cultures had mermaids…including (brace yourself!) African cultures. I understand that is a hard concept to grasp :rolleyes:

I'm talking about Annie the movie and Broadway story not the comic strip. I don't even know the comic strip plotline.
The original was a poem from the 1800s and Gray adapted it to a comic strip in the early twentieth century. That is where the red hair came about---also no pupils.
If you want our "former white world" where there is no WOKE BS then you need to watch Andy Griffith show and I often do when I get overwhelmed at the WOKE BS that Liberals have allowed to stink up this country like a overflowing cess-pool sewer.
What “woke bs” is that? The audacious idea that blacks can be something other than a comic side kick? That LGBTQ people are regular people who can be featured in TV and movies!
What “woke bs” is that? The audacious idea that blacks can be something other than a comic side kick? That LGBTQ people are regular people who can be featured in TV and movies!

Nobody ever said that, but they can always write their own movies if the storyline doesn't fit with what they want to put in it.
Nobody ever said that, but they can always write their own movies if the storyline doesn't fit with what they want to put in it.
Why should they have to write their own movies just to get a decent role? The fact is, the majority of directors, producers, and writers by far are white. This doesn’t seem to be an issue with the Brits who not only cast minorities but also ordinary looking people.
Why should they have to write their own movies just to get a decent role?


1. LGBT stuff doesn't belong in kid's movies. The majority of couples are straight so it would be really confusing to them.

2. It just doesn't belong in kid's movies period.

As for the race part, already explained it many times in this thread.
Why should they have to write their own movies just to get a decent role? The fact is, the majority of directors, producers, and writers by far are white. This doesn’t seem to be an issue with the Brits who not only cast minorities but also ordinary looking people.
Coyote , it's racism w/these people, b/c when organizations like BET and NAACP have to be created due to the racism of the dominant society, these same people complain that blacks are being racist.

It's just racism Coyote. It should be crystal clear to see.
What “woke bs” is that? The audacious idea that blacks can be something other than a comic side kick? That LGBTQ people are regular people who can be featured in TV and movies!
Better question is what exactly is "woke?"

Would you happen to know the answer to that base question?
Coyote , it's racism w/these people, b/c when organizations like BET and NAACP have to be created due to the racism of the dominant society, these same people complain that blacks are being racist.

It's just racism Coyote. It should be crystal clear to see.

Better question is what exactly is "woke?"

Would you happen to know the answer to that base question?
I haven’t figured that one out beyond the vague feeling I feel when my alarm clock goes off :dunno:
What is an "ordinary looking" person? People with all appendages? People without acne? I'm not being facetious. I really don't know what would qualify a person as being ordinary looking.
People with crooked teeth, flat chests, pot bellies…people we can identify with.
I haven’t figured that one out beyond the vague feeling I feel when my alarm clock goes off :dunno:
But you just used it, so what did you meant by it when you asked FJB "what's woke about it?"

Words do have meaning you know.
People with crooked teeth, flat chests, pot bellies…people we can identify with.
People like Jim Nabors, Arthur Godfrey, Oliver Hardy, Chris Rock, Mia Farrow, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg and Jay Leno? I think you are so used to seeing it here that you just notice it more in British offerings. I don't think it is a new thing.

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