Are you a left wing progressive ? Democratic socialist?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Chances are not only are you an idiot youre also nuts ...and for the most part not in a good way

Those of us stable geniuses on the right already knew so right wingers you can this one under
no shit Sherlock

IT’S OFFICIAL (AGAIN): Leftists, Particularly Leftist Women, Are Nuts

Lance Welton

“Young White Leftist Females Are Nuts.” I reported this finding in April, based on an analysis of Pew Research Center data which had found almost half of self-reported “White Liberals” (and the majority of White Liberal females) aged 18 to 29 had been diagnosed with a mental illness. Moderates were more mentally stable than Liberals but less so than Conservatives. This is only one analysis, and of course there is a replication crisis in social science. But a new study by Danish social scientist Emil Kirkegaard (right) has replicated the Pew Research findings with a vengeance, revealing that, in a huge dataset and on multiple different measures, being Left-wing predicts being mentally ill while being Right-wing is associated with sound mental health [Mental Illness and the Left, by Emil Kirkegaard, Mankind Quarterly, 2020].

Kirkegaard begins by showing that many studies have found that self-identified liberals are more likely to have poor mental health than are self-identified conservatives and also that traditional religiousness, which strongly crosses over with conservatism, correlates

keep reading @


Nice track marks ....marx

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