Are you afraid of death/dying?

I don't dwell on it because, what's the point? My plan is to live to be 100, just to see if I can. They could put me on the news, big deal and all, I'd get 15 minutes (give or take). Ooo, and cake. :D

15 minutes? That may be the rest of your life at 100.

I must say that when life is really crappy, it's reassuring to know we all share the same fate . . . eventually.

But you always hope the other ones go first. ;)
Er..KK, I've disemboweled animals.

I know. I'm not doubting what happens. I just find the obvious thought you've given it a little disturbing.
Depends, if they hit the spine or artery soon enough, you'd die pretty painlessly, but if a bullet pierces your stomach and nothing else, that is suppose to hurt worse than anything.

Yeah, if they shoot you in the belly, you gotta get up and charge them. You'll be hating it if you don't. You have to just know that you must keep going until they kill you. I think if you start out with that in mind, you'll do ok.

Not the belly, the actual stomach, because then bile is poured into your belly and the single bullet hole isn't enough to let much out, so you basically begin digesting yourself.

Peritonitis is a bitch. Yep. We sort of learned to steel ourselves to the likelihood of getting wounds that caused our intestines to spill out and stomachs to split open. Not to mention the opportunity of collecting the odd "sucking chest wound." We got to practice putting intestines back where they belong and bandaging sucking chest wounds. Combined with the real live stories of guys who have been there and done/seen that in Vietnam.

I can't say, luckily, that I've been the recipient of any of those. But, a lot of what happens to you after you are wounded is mental. The rolls of our heroic medals are replete with examples of what people can do after they have been heavily wounded.
Er..KK, I've disemboweled animals.

I know. I'm not doubting what happens. I just find the obvious thought you've given it a little disturbing.

Sorry, I am disturbing, one of the "true goths" as my friends call me. I know too much about death and dying, way too much. Read H.P.Lovecraft as a child, second book was the Call of Cthulhu collection of tales. Since then, every chance I that presented itself to learn about it I took, seen the museum of torture in several states, loved every single one of them. As I said, I fear pain, but even fear cannot stop or control me, I hate captivity of any sort. But it's a hard subject to study, since you can't just ask a dead person.
Yeah, if they shoot you in the belly, you gotta get up and charge them. You'll be hating it if you don't. You have to just know that you must keep going until they kill you. I think if you start out with that in mind, you'll do ok.

Not the belly, the actual stomach, because then bile is poured into your belly and the single bullet hole isn't enough to let much out, so you basically begin digesting yourself.

Peritonitis is a bitch. Yep. We sort of learned to steel ourselves to the likelihood of getting wounds that caused our intestines to spill out and stomachs to split open. Not to mention the opportunity of collecting the odd "sucking chest wound." We got to practice putting intestines back where they belong and bandaging sucking chest wounds. Combined with the real live stories of guys who have been there and done/seen that in Vietnam.

I can't say, luckily, that I've been the recipient of any of those. But, a lot of what happens to you after you are wounded is mental. The rolls of our heroic medals are replete with examples of what people can do after they have been heavily wounded.

*nod* Very much so, once you learn to switch into "thought only" mode you are very capable of surviving almost anything. Pain is after all mental, and our reactions can be trained.
How about being slowly crushed between a rock and a hard place?
I've always found the thought of having lead poured down one's throat to be pretty frightening.
How about being slowly crushed between a rock and a hard place?

Now that would be painful unless you had a big head, then chances are the skull would shatter and at least one fragment would scramble enough of your brain. However even in the other cases you would pass out from the pressure. But it would be very painful.

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