Are you bees or flies. Can you see whats happening or not?

Yep. The two party shitshow is killing us.
Actually it's more about the democrats ane globalists who include RINOS who use negros and every other minority as political pawns and cannon fodder to destroy this country and too many negros are WAAAAY to willing to play the victim role and so remain enslaved to their tactics and that's why the hoods all across this land and around the globe either get worse or don't improve one bit. Despite billions of revenue being raised and supposedly going to these "innercities." Yet blowhards like you continue to point 👉 your filthy crud covered fingers at those that your massas tell you to point. That, in spite of those same massas being in control of those cities for many decades. Since 1931 in Chicago.

Chump. Don't you have a pile of shit to go slurp?

Slurp slurp
... blowhards like you continue to point 👉 your filthy crud covered fingers at those that your massas tell you to point. That, in spite of those same massas being in control of those cities for many decades. Since 1931 in Chicago.
I don't know what the fuck you're going on about, but you clearly don't know me. I'm not a Democrat, nor do I defend their idiocy. The sad fact is, Republicans are no better. We badly need a sane alternative to the identity politics and "free shit" of the left. But the current clusterfuck of the Republican party ain't it.
I don't know what the fuck you're going on about, but you clearly don't know me. I'm not a Democrat, nor do I defend their idiocy. The sad fact is, Republicans are no better. We badly need a sane alternative to the identity politics and "free shit" of the left. But the current clusterfuck of the Republican party ain't it.
So, you walk like a duck, talk like a duck, and you claim you are a tiger when you walk and talk like a duck?
It takes the stem cells from a dozen aborted fetuses a day to keep Biden's brain responsive. The worst President in history. Giving away the store and burning up any items left in it.
Another Q-tard heard from.

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