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Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago ??

R U better off than you were 4 years ago ??

  • yes

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • no

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • no change at all

    Votes: 4 13.8%

  • Total voters
Fuck your list. You have posted it several times already. It's all talking point fluff and it doesn't respond to the question. The question was about YOU.

Now you have answered the question and proven that you are a loser. Only a loser can say he is worse off today than he was 4 years ago given the economic reality.

you seem pretty hostile for someone who is better off than they were four years ago....

Hostile? Not really. Just putting a fool in his place.

You questioning my statement?
FOOL ??? --- Hey asshole, if anyone here is a fool, it's you. You're so damn far up Obama's ass that you can't see and understand what has happened to this once great nation. In addition, you're a long way from putting me in my place, or any place for that matter. Who is hell do you think you are? Hell yea, I question your statement. Friggin idiot.

Don't tell me you are upset! Not "Sunny" Sonny Clark! You are never upset. You are always happy. You don't take anything here seriously. You know that this is just a message board. Nothing bothers you. It's all for enjoyment.
You're 110% correct. I am NOT upset. Yes, I'm happy. Yes, this is just a message board. No, these conversations don't bother me. Yes, I do enjoy being here. Yes, I come here because I do enjoy it. Besides, it's educational for me. I learn a lot from reading different views and opinions here.

Of course. Who would ever think otherwise?
Sonny..........are YOU personally better off than you were 4 years ago?

Then you need to work harder.
Work harder at what? --- FYI - I'm retired. I worked my ass off for many years. Besides, there're no jobs for a 68 year old man with health issues. I've spent my time in the trenches working 7 days a week, sometimes months without a day off. I raised 5 kids, and took care of my obligations. I'm doing very well now. My years of sweat and grind are over. I've done my time.

FYI - Hard work does NOT produce a good life, prosperity, and a bright future. There are many hard working Americans that are barely keeping their proverbial heads above water. Contrary to popular belief, everyone in this country is NOT a slacker. Many workers are holding down more than one job. People like you need to wake up and smell the coffee.

You are retired and you are worse off financially than you were 4 years ago? Fuck, Sonny....you should have worked harder and made better choices when you were younger. You should be enjoying your golden years.

Poor guy. I never knew you had it so rough. You always tell us how much you enjoy life.

And.....I'm the populist between the two of us, weird guy. Try not to lecture me on income inequality, please.

So if you are not better off then it's because you have been irresponsible, but it's hateful for Republicans to claim that the poor got where they are by making poor choices.

Now there's the libturd hypocrisy we've all become familiar with.

Because things were so bad four years ago, I am better off now because there was really no where to go but up.
Unfortunately it's been a creep upwards instead of a rapid steep climb.

That's a good assessment.

Just a note. The numbers we have for growth and employment.......are better than that which Romney promised he would bring us during the campaign. Obama has overseen an economy that exceeds what conservatives voted for in 2012.
We had less than zero growth the first quarter of the year. How is that better?
anyone buying grocery's? prices through the roof. gas FINALLY came below 3-3.50 a gallon after SIX years of Obama in office. More people out of work, more people on welfare, more people moved into poverty

HELL no we aren't better off. things are worse than ever. now have people rioting, lootings, burning cites down. shooting police as if a game.
Below $3/gallon? Hell, I paid $2.38 a couple hours ago!
you seem pretty hostile for someone who is better off than they were four years ago....

Hostile? Not really. Just putting a fool in his place.

You questioning my statement?
FOOL ??? --- Hey asshole, if anyone here is a fool, it's you. You're so damn far up Obama's ass that you can't see and understand what has happened to this once great nation. In addition, you're a long way from putting me in my place, or any place for that matter. Who is hell do you think you are? Hell yea, I question your statement. Friggin idiot.

Don't tell me you are upset! Not "Sunny" Sonny Clark! You are never upset. You are always happy. You don't take anything here seriously. You know that this is just a message board. Nothing bothers you. It's all for enjoyment.
You're 110% correct. I am NOT upset. Yes, I'm happy. Yes, this is just a message board. No, these conversations don't bother me. Yes, I do enjoy being here. Yes, I come here because I do enjoy it. Besides, it's educational for me. I learn a lot from reading different views and opinions here.

Of course. Who would ever think otherwise?
They shouldn't think otherwise. No need to get upset here. These are just conversations. And, they're conversations with people that really don't know each other. It's just people bouncing opinions and views off each other. There're over 7 Billion people on this Earth, and at least that many different opinions on just about any topic one can bring up. That's what makes this board and others so educational. We get to see issues from many different angles, see what we haven't seen or thought of before, and by doing so, we further our understanding.
anyone buying grocery's? prices through the roof. gas FINALLY came below 3-3.50 a gallon after SIX years of Obama in office. More people out of work, more people on welfare, more people moved into poverty

HELL no we aren't better off. things are worse than ever. now have people rioting, lootings, burning cites down. shooting police as if a game.
Below $3/gallon? Hell, I paid $2.38 a couple hours ago!
can you read?
I have grown even richer during the past 7 years :eusa_dance: fortunately the GOP kept the money grubbing left from raising my taxes.

So you enjoy driving on broken down streets and not having police. wow.

good grief, YOUR state taxes pays for the POLICE. Do you know anything about our Governments? . the Federal gas tax is suppose to help STATES with Infrastructure.
America as a whole is worse off than it was 4 years ago, 2 years ago, and 1 week ago. We've done absolutely nothing to correct the many wrongs that have been a work in progress for the past 50 plus years.

(1) The injustices in our judicial system
(2) A poor and dependent citizenry
(3) Decades of government corruption
(4) Astronomical and rising national debt
(5) Our growing dependency on cheap foreign imports
(6) Illegal immigration issues
(7) Growing racism and prejudice
(8) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(9) Loss of the Middle class
(10) Our rundown infrastructure
(11) The growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(12) The rising cost of proper health care
(13) Less home ownership
(14) The rising cost of higher education
(15) The continuing off-shore out-sourcing of American jobs and the importing of labor
(16) An inadequate number of living wage jobs to meet the demand of our growing work force
(17) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(18) Senseless deadly costly wars
(19) Deteriorating relationships with our foreign allies
(20) The failed war on illegal drugs
(21) Street crimes and violence
(22) The largest prison population in the world
(23) Millions forced into poverty and homelessness
(24) The poorest health care per dollar spent than any other nation
(25) An education system that lags behind many industrialized nations
(26) Loss of privacy
(27) Eminent Domain corruption
(28) Seizure of property without proof of guilt
(29) The real threat of terroristic attacks on American soil
(30) Unsecured borders and ports
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Unfair, unequal, and unjust tax laws and tax codes
(33) Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Yes, we're doing great. Showing great progress. Getting wealthier by the day. Allowing the voice of the people to determine the direction of this nation. A pro-America government seated in Washington. Opportunity on every street corner. Prosperity abounds from border to border, and from shore to shore. Things couldn't be better. The future looks bright and promising. The American people are living the good life, and experiencing the fruits of their labor.

The question was 4 years ago, not are you better off in 2004 than you were in 2000.
Food prices have double.
Power bill has gone up about a third.
One month of water cost as much as three months did before Obama.
Health care higher cost higher.
Gas has finally has come down though.

lol, 'before Obama' is 7 years ago, not 4. Borrow some fingers and learn to count.
America as a whole is worse off than it was 4 years ago, 2 years ago, and 1 week ago. We've done absolutely nothing to correct the many wrongs that have been a work in progress for the past 50 plus years.

(1) The injustices in our judicial system
(2) A poor and dependent citizenry
(3) Decades of government corruption
(4) Astronomical and rising national debt
(5) Our growing dependency on cheap foreign imports
(6) Illegal immigration issues
(7) Growing racism and prejudice
(8) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(9) Loss of the Middle class
(10) Our rundown infrastructure
(11) The growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(12) The rising cost of proper health care
(13) Less home ownership
(14) The rising cost of higher education
(15) The continuing off-shore out-sourcing of American jobs and the importing of labor
(16) An inadequate number of living wage jobs to meet the demand of our growing work force
(17) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(18) Senseless deadly costly wars
(19) Deteriorating relationships with our foreign allies
(20) The failed war on illegal drugs
(21) Street crimes and violence
(22) The largest prison population in the world
(23) Millions forced into poverty and homelessness
(24) The poorest health care per dollar spent than any other nation
(25) An education system that lags behind many industrialized nations
(26) Loss of privacy
(27) Eminent Domain corruption
(28) Seizure of property without proof of guilt
(29) The real threat of terroristic attacks on American soil
(30) Unsecured borders and ports
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Unfair, unequal, and unjust tax laws and tax codes
(33) Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Yes, we're doing great. Showing great progress. Getting wealthier by the day. Allowing the voice of the people to determine the direction of this nation. A pro-America government seated in Washington. Opportunity on every street corner. Prosperity abounds from border to border, and from shore to shore. Things couldn't be better. The future looks bright and promising. The American people are living the good life, and experiencing the fruits of their labor.

The question was 4 years ago, not are you better off in 2004 than you were in 2000.
Go back and read the title of the thread. The title says 4 years ago. I know exactly what it said. I replied to exactly what it said. I did NOT mention 2004, nor 2000. So, your point is?
Fuck your list. You have posted it several times already. It's all talking point fluff and it doesn't respond to the question. The question was about YOU.

Now you have answered the question and proven that you are a loser. Only a loser can say he is worse off today than he was 4 years ago given the economic reality.
Getting more welfare benefits isn't doing any better. Get a job.

Look. It's the nutter fantasy that liberals are all on welfare. How cool.
No, just the ones that think all the things Obama is doing to destroy business is a good thing.

Talking points.

My business is doing much better.

American businesses are more profitable than ever....and are paying lower taxes than ever.

You won't be able to tie a single Obama policy to a decline in or detriment to business. He's a pro business moderate Democrat.
I don't recall mentioning Obama's name. Why bring him into the conversation? Oh, I'm glad that your business is doing great. Be thankful and count your blessings. You're doing better than most.

No, I'm NOT paying less in taxes. No, my taxes are NOT lower. Maybe yours are, which is great. Yes, some businesses are more profitable. And, many are NOT.

What tax rates went up for you and why in the last 4 years?
Getting more welfare benefits isn't doing any better. Get a job.

Look. It's the nutter fantasy that liberals are all on welfare. How cool.
No, just the ones that think all the things Obama is doing to destroy business is a good thing.

Talking points.

My business is doing much better.

American businesses are more profitable than ever....and are paying lower taxes than ever.

You won't be able to tie a single Obama policy to a decline in or detriment to business. He's a pro business moderate Democrat.
I don't recall mentioning Obama's name. Why bring him into the conversation? Oh, I'm glad that your business is doing great. Be thankful and count your blessings. You're doing better than most.

No, I'm NOT paying less in taxes. No, my taxes are NOT lower. Maybe yours are, which is great. Yes, some businesses are more profitable. And, many are NOT.

What tax rates went up for you and why in the last 4 years?
Property tax for one. Why?
America as a whole is worse off than it was 4 years ago, 2 years ago, and 1 week ago. We've done absolutely nothing to correct the many wrongs that have been a work in progress for the past 50 plus years.

(1) The injustices in our judicial system
(2) A poor and dependent citizenry
(3) Decades of government corruption
(4) Astronomical and rising national debt
(5) Our growing dependency on cheap foreign imports
(6) Illegal immigration issues
(7) Growing racism and prejudice
(8) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(9) Loss of the Middle class
(10) Our rundown infrastructure
(11) The growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(12) The rising cost of proper health care
(13) Less home ownership
(14) The rising cost of higher education
(15) The continuing off-shore out-sourcing of American jobs and the importing of labor
(16) An inadequate number of living wage jobs to meet the demand of our growing work force
(17) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(18) Senseless deadly costly wars
(19) Deteriorating relationships with our foreign allies
(20) The failed war on illegal drugs
(21) Street crimes and violence
(22) The largest prison population in the world
(23) Millions forced into poverty and homelessness
(24) The poorest health care per dollar spent than any other nation
(25) An education system that lags behind many industrialized nations
(26) Loss of privacy
(27) Eminent Domain corruption
(28) Seizure of property without proof of guilt
(29) The real threat of terroristic attacks on American soil
(30) Unsecured borders and ports
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Unfair, unequal, and unjust tax laws and tax codes
(33) Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Yes, we're doing great. Showing great progress. Getting wealthier by the day. Allowing the voice of the people to determine the direction of this nation. A pro-America government seated in Washington. Opportunity on every street corner. Prosperity abounds from border to border, and from shore to shore. Things couldn't be better. The future looks bright and promising. The American people are living the good life, and experiencing the fruits of their labor.

The question was 4 years ago, not are you better off in 2004 than you were in 2000.
Go back and read the title of the thread. The title says 4 years ago. I know exactly what it said. I replied to exactly what it said. I did NOT mention 2004, nor 2000. So, your point is?

You replied to a post I didn't make to you.
Look. It's the nutter fantasy that liberals are all on welfare. How cool.
No, just the ones that think all the things Obama is doing to destroy business is a good thing.

Talking points.

My business is doing much better.

American businesses are more profitable than ever....and are paying lower taxes than ever.

You won't be able to tie a single Obama policy to a decline in or detriment to business. He's a pro business moderate Democrat.
I don't recall mentioning Obama's name. Why bring him into the conversation? Oh, I'm glad that your business is doing great. Be thankful and count your blessings. You're doing better than most.

No, I'm NOT paying less in taxes. No, my taxes are NOT lower. Maybe yours are, which is great. Yes, some businesses are more profitable. And, many are NOT.

What tax rates went up for you and why in the last 4 years?
Property tax for one. Why?

You pay federal property tax?
America as a whole is worse off than it was 4 years ago, 2 years ago, and 1 week ago. We've done absolutely nothing to correct the many wrongs that have been a work in progress for the past 50 plus years.

(1) The injustices in our judicial system
(2) A poor and dependent citizenry
(3) Decades of government corruption
(4) Astronomical and rising national debt
(5) Our growing dependency on cheap foreign imports
(6) Illegal immigration issues
(7) Growing racism and prejudice
(8) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(9) Loss of the Middle class
(10) Our rundown infrastructure
(11) The growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(12) The rising cost of proper health care
(13) Less home ownership
(14) The rising cost of higher education
(15) The continuing off-shore out-sourcing of American jobs and the importing of labor
(16) An inadequate number of living wage jobs to meet the demand of our growing work force
(17) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(18) Senseless deadly costly wars
(19) Deteriorating relationships with our foreign allies
(20) The failed war on illegal drugs
(21) Street crimes and violence
(22) The largest prison population in the world
(23) Millions forced into poverty and homelessness
(24) The poorest health care per dollar spent than any other nation
(25) An education system that lags behind many industrialized nations
(26) Loss of privacy
(27) Eminent Domain corruption
(28) Seizure of property without proof of guilt
(29) The real threat of terroristic attacks on American soil
(30) Unsecured borders and ports
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Unfair, unequal, and unjust tax laws and tax codes
(33) Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Yes, we're doing great. Showing great progress. Getting wealthier by the day. Allowing the voice of the people to determine the direction of this nation. A pro-America government seated in Washington. Opportunity on every street corner. Prosperity abounds from border to border, and from shore to shore. Things couldn't be better. The future looks bright and promising. The American people are living the good life, and experiencing the fruits of their labor.

The question was 4 years ago, not are you better off in 2004 than you were in 2000.
Go back and read the title of the thread. The title says 4 years ago. I know exactly what it said. I replied to exactly what it said. I did NOT mention 2004, nor 2000. So, your point is?

You replied to a post I didn't make to you.
N one said you did.
America as a whole is worse off than it was 4 years ago, 2 years ago, and 1 week ago. We've done absolutely nothing to correct the many wrongs that have been a work in progress for the past 50 plus years.

(1) The injustices in our judicial system
(2) A poor and dependent citizenry
(3) Decades of government corruption
(4) Astronomical and rising national debt
(5) Our growing dependency on cheap foreign imports
(6) Illegal immigration issues
(7) Growing racism and prejudice
(8) The growing gap between the rich and the poor
(9) Loss of the Middle class
(10) Our rundown infrastructure
(11) The growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
(12) The rising cost of proper health care
(13) Less home ownership
(14) The rising cost of higher education
(15) The continuing off-shore out-sourcing of American jobs and the importing of labor
(16) An inadequate number of living wage jobs to meet the demand of our growing work force
(17) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(18) Senseless deadly costly wars
(19) Deteriorating relationships with our foreign allies
(20) The failed war on illegal drugs
(21) Street crimes and violence
(22) The largest prison population in the world
(23) Millions forced into poverty and homelessness
(24) The poorest health care per dollar spent than any other nation
(25) An education system that lags behind many industrialized nations
(26) Loss of privacy
(27) Eminent Domain corruption
(28) Seizure of property without proof of guilt
(29) The real threat of terroristic attacks on American soil
(30) Unsecured borders and ports
(31) Legislation and policy bought and sold on the floors of Congress
(32) Unfair, unequal, and unjust tax laws and tax codes
(33) Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Yes, we're doing great. Showing great progress. Getting wealthier by the day. Allowing the voice of the people to determine the direction of this nation. A pro-America government seated in Washington. Opportunity on every street corner. Prosperity abounds from border to border, and from shore to shore. Things couldn't be better. The future looks bright and promising. The American people are living the good life, and experiencing the fruits of their labor.

The question was 4 years ago, not are you better off in 2004 than you were in 2000.
Go back and read the title of the thread. The title says 4 years ago. I know exactly what it said. I replied to exactly what it said. I did NOT mention 2004, nor 2000. So, your point is?

You replied to a post I didn't make to you.
N one said you did.

Your post implies that all your gloomy points happened in the last 4 years. Why else would you put them in a thread about the last 4 years.

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