Are You Bored In Your Marriage....?

I know that you go on ad nauseum about how beautiful you are, to the point where one may reasonably infer a psychological pathology or expect to see a woman who puts to shame an Angelina Jole in her prime. Then, when you finally look at your pics you are like, "what the fuck? Is this a joke?"

I am not saying you are ugly. But you are most certainly not a top tier woman as far as looks go. Your personality is very lacking. Your intellect is borderline retarded.

So back to your insistence that you are gorgeous, it is very odd. Others have noticed and have told you so. They have also mentioned it to me in private. It is, honestly, creepy to hear you go on and on about your appearance.

Do you want to know why people like to talk to Bonzi? It is not because we want to fuck her. It is because she is pleasant and smart. Yeah, she is nuttier than a cat turd that eats out of the dumpster behind a Chinese restaurant. But it does not matter because she is a real person. It is her charm.

You, on the other hand, lack such charm. Your only charm is that you will blow a guy for cheeseburger.

I am not jealous of you. That is absorb. I have had far better looking women than you. I even married a beautiful woman; the dirty bitch who is now my ex. If there is any jealousy here it is apparently your jealousy over the fact that Bonzi gets more attention than you and it is without effort. Think about that, you loon.

I woman bragging about her looks is the female equivalent of a man bragging about his dick. Neither fools anyone with at least a modicum of discerning perception.

Hey, if they tell me I look old and ugly, I am going to defend myself because it's just not true. :D Do expect me to agree with them? Do you think I would date Iron Head? The man who starts threads about his venereal diseases? I mean, let's look at this logically.
Date Iron Head? Bitch, what makes you think that I would date you?

Good Lord, old man. Who do you think you are fooling. If you weren't lusting after me, my pictures would be of no concern to you. Again, Psychology 101. Now, if you don't want me to feel that way, perhaps you should stop making such a big deal about me? :D Logical thinking. Try it. It works.
Now you think I am lusting after you?

You are certifiably crazy.

If you weren't, you would just ignore me. Lol. Obviously I am very bothersome for you for some reason, and I think this is quite clear and transparent. :) Now, like I told you, run along now, amateur.
I remember a thread where you were talking about how beautiful you are (tee Hee!) and a nice fellow named Buzz Jenkins honestly guessed your age at 47 and then you TOTALLY freaked out.

You repulsed every woman on this site and really showed yourself to be a shit-ass. That was the start of this, moron.

Well, considering my mom is 56. That would mean she had me at what? 8, 9 years old. Hmm. I'm going to have to have a talk with her. :D

You look like you could be a grandmother, Chris. If you are 38, had a daughter at 17, the the daughter had a kid before 21.... Yep.

Are you a granny, Chris? "Mimaw Chris".

Well, thankfully for me, many, many men would disagree with you, and most of them are much younger than you are, so I would tend to believe them over you because you are a miserable lonely old man. :)
Men will stick their dicks into anything. It is not much of an accomplishment for a man to want to fuck you.

I'm sorry again, but regardless of what you say, I am not a slut, so yes it is quite an accomplishment. I am quite picky, and that is why I would never give you the time of day. Yes, sorry, I'm better than some diseased online weirdo stalker who starts threads about his diseased penis. :dunno: I cannot see any normal female thinking otherwise, sorry to say pal.
You do not have a clue on how normal females think, you ditzy dipshit.
Hey, if they tell me I look old and ugly, I am going to defend myself because it's just not true. :D Do expect me to agree with them? Do you think I would date Iron Head? The man who starts threads about his venereal diseases? I mean, let's look at this logically.
Date Iron Head? Bitch, what makes you think that I would date you?

Good Lord, old man. Who do you think you are fooling. If you weren't lusting after me, my pictures would be of no concern to you. Again, Psychology 101. Now, if you don't want me to feel that way, perhaps you should stop making such a big deal about me? :D Logical thinking. Try it. It works.

Do you really think digging yourself into a deeper hole is going to resolve this drama?

Talk about doubling down on Stooooopid.

But there is really no drama here. I'm just right. Obviously. I'm just letting sane people see what kind of insanity exists here. Sad really.

That is a lie. You are desperately feeding the topic in a sad bid for attention.

Nope. I'm addressing their poor behavior. Defcon tags me in Flame Zone threads and always harasses me. I'm letting him know and the other people who seem to have some kind of mental problem, that I fight back. :D There is nothing wrong with that. That is how you handle bullies.
Well, considering my mom is 56. That would mean she had me at what? 8, 9 years old. Hmm. I'm going to have to have a talk with her. :D

You look like you could be a grandmother, Chris. If you are 38, had a daughter at 17, the the daughter had a kid before 21.... Yep.

Are you a granny, Chris? "Mimaw Chris".

Well, thankfully for me, many, many men would disagree with you, and most of them are much younger than you are, so I would tend to believe them over you because you are a miserable lonely old man. :)
Men will stick their dicks into anything. It is not much of an accomplishment for a man to want to fuck you.

I'm sorry again, but regardless of what you say, I am not a slut, so yes it is quite an accomplishment. I am quite picky, and that is why I would never give you the time of day. Yes, sorry, I'm better than some diseased online weirdo stalker who starts threads about his diseased penis. :dunno: I cannot see any normal female thinking otherwise, sorry to say pal.
You do not have a clue on how normal females think, you ditzy dipshit.

I know that no normal female, including myself, would ever be interested in a disgusting mess head case like yourself. Now, you need to deal with that.
I don't forget. I don't care what you think of me or my pictures. Get it? :D Hey, I am just defending myself against weirdo stalkers like you who go to my gallery, look at my pictures and then follow me around insulting me, tagging me in the flame zone, and just generally harassing me online. That is fucking weird. Can't you see that?
I joined the board to have fun and tagging you in the FZ is part of the fun because you are a narcissistic bitch who will melt down sooner or later and it is fun to watch. If you did not interject yourself to my conversation with Bonzi I would have left you to be. But your attention whoring brought me back to your playground. :badgrin:

I didn't even know who you were before you started harassing me, stalker weirdo. I had never even spoken to you before. Lol. :D
I don't forget. I don't care what you think of me or my pictures. Get it? :D Hey, I am just defending myself against weirdo stalkers like you who go to my gallery, look at my pictures and then follow me around insulting me, tagging me in the flame zone, and just generally harassing me online. That is fucking weird. Can't you see that?
I joined the board to have fun and tagging you in the FZ is part of the fun because you are a narcissistic bitch who will melt down sooner or later and it is fun to watch. If you did not interject yourself to my conversation with Bonzi I would have left you to be. But your attention whoring brought me back to your playground. :badgrin:

Again, I'm not the one starting threads about sex and personal hygiene issues like your friends. :D WEIRDO.
I woman bragging about her looks is the female equivalent of a man bragging about his dick. Neither fools anyone with at least a modicum of discerning perception.

Hey, if they tell me I look old and ugly, I am going to defend myself because it's just not true. :D Do expect me to agree with them? Do you think I would date Iron Head? The man who starts threads about his venereal diseases? I mean, let's look at this logically.
Date Iron Head? Bitch, what makes you think that I would date you?

Good Lord, old man. Who do you think you are fooling. If you weren't lusting after me, my pictures would be of no concern to you. Again, Psychology 101. Now, if you don't want me to feel that way, perhaps you should stop making such a big deal about me? :D Logical thinking. Try it. It works.
Now you think I am lusting after you?

You are certifiably crazy.

If you weren't, you would just ignore me. Lol. Obviously I am very bothersome for you for some reason, and I think this is quite clear and transparent. :) Now, like I told you, run along now, amateur.
Again, you are one dense fucker.

You stand out as a total whack job, like Delta and a handful of others. Do you REALLY still not see that? Are you so whacked out that you think this about a sexual attraction? To you? By me?

Defcon nailed it. You are a narcissist. I am not talking tendencies either. You could be clinically diagnosed as a full-on narcissist.
I didn't even know who you were before you started harassing me, stalker weirdo. I had never even spoken to you before. Lol. :D
You still don't. I could be a bull dyke stalking you as far as you know. But I am not stalking you moron. There is no such thing as stalking on an open message board you idiot.
Hey, if they tell me I look old and ugly, I am going to defend myself because it's just not true. :D Do expect me to agree with them? Do you think I would date Iron Head? The man who starts threads about his venereal diseases? I mean, let's look at this logically.
Date Iron Head? Bitch, what makes you think that I would date you?

Good Lord, old man. Who do you think you are fooling. If you weren't lusting after me, my pictures would be of no concern to you. Again, Psychology 101. Now, if you don't want me to feel that way, perhaps you should stop making such a big deal about me? :D Logical thinking. Try it. It works.

Do you really think digging yourself into a deeper hole is going to resolve this drama?

Talk about doubling down on Stooooopid.

But there is really no drama here. I'm just right. Obviously. I'm just letting sane people see what kind of insanity exists here. Sad really.

That is a lie. You are desperately feeding the topic in a sad bid for attention.
She is a total nut. I am starting to feel sorry for her. She apparently has no concept of reality.
She is a total nut. I am starting to feel sorry for her. She apparently has no concept of reality.
She is good game though. She started the meltdown already and left... fuck! I could have watched football if I knew.
There was once a good chap here called Buzz Jenkins who actually expressly told Chris that he was going to troll her and expressly told her how he was going to do it and how she was going to react. He then proceeded to troll her, successfully, and she reacted as predicted. Witnesses we aghast at her stupidity, and even expressed their shock to her publicly. It was spectacular!
Date Iron Head? Bitch, what makes you think that I would date you?

Good Lord, old man. Who do you think you are fooling. If you weren't lusting after me, my pictures would be of no concern to you. Again, Psychology 101. Now, if you don't want me to feel that way, perhaps you should stop making such a big deal about me? :D Logical thinking. Try it. It works.

Do you really think digging yourself into a deeper hole is going to resolve this drama?

Talk about doubling down on Stooooopid.

But there is really no drama here. I'm just right. Obviously. I'm just letting sane people see what kind of insanity exists here. Sad really.

That is a lie. You are desperately feeding the topic in a sad bid for attention.

Nope. I'm addressing their poor behavior. Defcon tags me in Flame Zone threads and always harasses me. I'm letting him know and the other people who seem to have some kind of mental problem, that I fight back. :D There is nothing wrong with that. That is how you handle bullies.
"Fighting back"? What a Baffoon!
Alright, time for the money shot! Chris, on your knees. Defcon, you administer a facial. I will then administer a follow up facial. Go.
... or is it as exciting as the day you first met?
... or is it just different?

Do you think people confuse infatuation with love, get married, and when (IF!) the infatuation wears off they think they are no longer in love?
Funny, was just discussing this in another thread

Dante has always observed 'Do not kiss and tell' that policy got me in with more than a few people who were in committed relationships :D

this was well know among some people in relationships

Dante belies he's saved relationships by allowing one partner to get it out of their system. A win win for all involved as long as "Do not kiss and tell' was strictly observed
Date Iron Head? Bitch, what makes you think that I would date you?

Good Lord, old man. Who do you think you are fooling. If you weren't lusting after me, my pictures would be of no concern to you. Again, Psychology 101. Now, if you don't want me to feel that way, perhaps you should stop making such a big deal about me? :D Logical thinking. Try it. It works.

Do you really think digging yourself into a deeper hole is going to resolve this drama?

Talk about doubling down on Stooooopid.

But there is really no drama here. I'm just right. Obviously. I'm just letting sane people see what kind of insanity exists here. Sad really.

That is a lie. You are desperately feeding the topic in a sad bid for attention.
She is a total nut. I am starting to feel sorry for her. She apparently has no concept of reality.

Lol. Got a few minutes to spare before my friend shows up, so I thought I'd come by and see if you were still posting about me after I was even logged off. Yup. :D

Look, little old man. You can see serious posters from the trollies by checking a profile and areas, Mr. Health and Lifestyle. :D The one who starts threads about his disgusting personal hygiene issues. Now, that is the sure sign of a nut. Lol.

Also, did you say "tee-hee" earlier? Lol. :lmao: What kind of a man says "tee-hee?" Are you trying to sound like a little girl or something? Is that what this is about? Your jealous because I'm a petite cute girl and you're an ugly old ass man?

My god, you are a weirdo. Tee-hee! :lol:
There was once a good chap here called Buzz Jenkins who actually expressly told Chris that he was going to troll her and expressly told her how he was going to do it and how she was going to react. He then proceeded to troll her, successfully, and she reacted as predicted. Witnesses we aghast at her stupidity, and even expressed their shock to her publicly. It was spectacular!

Who's Buzz Jenkins? Doesn't ring a bell. :)
She is a total nut. I am starting to feel sorry for her. She apparently has no concept of reality.
She is good game though. She started the meltdown already and left... fuck! I could have watched football if I knew.

Yeah, if this was real life I probably would have called the police on you a long time ago, little creepy dude. :D You stick to online stalking, eh?

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