Are You Feeling Safe In The Skies Yet? Really??


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Flying is the way to go. The TSA is right on top of it. Is that why they just found a woman on a plane sitting in someone else's seat with no boarding pass, no ticket, no ID, and THEY HAVE NO IDEA where she came from or how she even got past the checkpoints?

They only had to re-screen everyone and check the whole plane for bombs and explosives. They discovered the woman only because someone else had the seat and when she got there to sit down, this woman was already there and refused to vacate it. Not even for the pilot.

Now another loon comes out of nowhere to somehow get to a plane, run ONTO the plane as folks are boarding shouting that it was HIS plane and that he was from the FBI!


Mind you, you have to DRIVE to the airport, park, walk into the terminal, go through the airport and a whole host of steps and procedures before even making it to a plane! It isn't like you just walk off the street and do this!

Authorities are investigating. The shit is coming unglued.

Woman boards Delta flight without ID or boarding pass

Passenger arrested after forcing himself onto American Airlines flight in Miami

I expect it will only grow worse as the fringe Leftist element completely falls to pieces over the upcoming year.
Are you saying the Billions spent on training ex Kinkos and Starbucks employees to be security guards and hasn't failed a single terrorist plot in 15 years might have been money not wisely spent?
Flying is the way to go. The TSA is right on top of it. Is that why they just found a woman on a plane sitting in someone else's seat with no boarding pass, no ticket, no ID, and THEY HAVE NO IDEA where she came from or how she even got past the checkpoints?

They only had to re-screen everyone and check the whole plane for bombs and explosives. They discovered the woman only because someone else had the seat and when she got there to sit down, this woman was already there and refused to vacate it. Not even for the pilot.

Personally I really prefer for the pilot to be sitting in the cockpit, not the cabin. Maybe that's just me.
On the other hand it is Delta, so you get what you pay for.

I was sure this was going to be some cockamamie attempt to bring politics into a plane story.

Now another loon comes out of nowhere to somehow get to a plane, run ONTO the plane as folks are boarding shouting that it was HIS plane and that he was from the FBI!


Mind you, you have to DRIVE to the airport, park, walk into the terminal, go through the airport and a whole host of steps and procedures before even making it to a plane! It isn't like you just walk off the street and do this!

Still nothing. Amazing.

Hm, congratulations may be in order. No attempt to twist it into the political? I'm impressed.

I expect it will only grow worse as the fringe Leftist element completely falls to pieces over the upcoming year.

THERE we go. Knew you wouldn't let me down.
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Yeah but they weren't in the sky. The FAA did the right thing and evacuated the plane while it was checked. It cost travelers about three hours but it was straightened out.
If the unticketed woman was wearing a burka, the woman whose seat was taken would be labeled islamophobe and removed from the plane.
Ha! How's that TSA working out for you! One of the people I reported on sneaking onto a plane without even a ticket, boarding pass or ID and they had no idea how she got there has now been arrested for doing it DOZENS of times! Amazing!

Serial stowaway arrested at Chicago airport again

Never mind she is either a crazy lady or trying to prove a point, the point is proven: this is not just ONE airport she is doing this at and ANYONE could be a terrorist, get past screening with a bomb, board a plane, leave it somewhere then get back off to avoid causing suspicion. The TSA is a joke and you fly at your own risk.
Ha! How's that TSA working out for you! One of the people I reported on sneaking onto a plane without even a ticket, boarding pass or ID and they had no idea how she got there has now been arrested for doing it DOZENS of times! Amazing!

Serial stowaway arrested at Chicago airport again

Never mind she is either a crazy lady or trying to prove a point, the point is proven: this is not just ONE airport she is doing this at and ANYONE could be a terrorist, get past screening with a bomb, board a plane, leave it somewhere then get back off to avoid causing suspicion. The TSA is a joke and you fly at your own risk.
I remember this lady in the news in the Twin Cities. Another one of her flights.
‘Serial stowaway,’ who sneaked onto plane at MSP, found fit to stand trial – Twin Cities
She gets around.

We had a 9 year old do it also.
Ha! How's that TSA working out for you! One of the people I reported on sneaking onto a plane without even a ticket, boarding pass or ID and they had no idea how she got there has now been arrested for doing it DOZENS of times! Amazing!

Serial stowaway arrested at Chicago airport again

Never mind she is either a crazy lady or trying to prove a point, the point is proven: this is not just ONE airport she is doing this at and ANYONE could be a terrorist, get past screening with a bomb, board a plane, leave it somewhere then get back off to avoid causing suspicion. The TSA is a joke and you fly at your own risk.
Serial stowaway busted again!!!!
'Serial stowaway' was arrested again for trying to board a flight in Chicago with no travel documents - CNN

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