Are you happy with the outcome of the Super Bowl?

Are you happy with the outcome of the Super Bowl?

  • YES, because I like the NFC

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I'm absolutely ecstatic that ONE POINT SIX MILLION Murkins watched a bunch of overpaid dirtbags run up and down a field to allow their attention to be raped from the REAL issues.
It makes me feel less bad about calling the country I once served an Idiocracy.
I was right. It is.:(
I'm absolutely ecstatic that ONE POINT SIX MILLION Murkins watched a bunch of overpaid dirtbags run up and down a field to allow their attention to be raped from the REAL issues.
It makes me feel less bad about calling the country I once served an Idiocracy.
I was right. It is.:(

Issues much?
I'm absolutely ecstatic that ONE POINT SIX MILLION Murkins watched a bunch of overpaid dirtbags run up and down a field to allow their attention to be raped from the REAL issues.
It makes me feel less bad about calling the country I once served an Idiocracy.
I was right. It is.:(

So you would rather discuss fashion, eh?
I'm absolutely ecstatic that ONE POINT SIX MILLION Murkins watched a bunch of overpaid dirtbags run up and down a field to allow their attention to be raped from the REAL issues.
It makes me feel less bad about calling the country I once served an Idiocracy.
I was right. It is.:(

You're an idiot.
I'm absolutely ecstatic that ONE POINT SIX MILLION Murkins watched a bunch of overpaid dirtbags run up and down a field to allow their attention to be raped from the REAL issues.
It makes me feel less bad about calling the country I once served an Idiocracy.
I was right. It is.:(

Issues much?

Well put my friend. However, you should refer to the "irtbags" as :mudpeople" for that is what they are - sub-human, poorly bred, drug users, etc. etc.
It was a generally well played game and one of the better ones I've seen over the years.

Real nice of Manning handing his dad's team a win with that interception, it was a gift any dad would appreciate.
I selected Indifferent because I am gay.... That was just too funny a choice to avoid. Three others too. LOL Fashion discussions would make my wife laugh!

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Every tenth man would give up sex if he never had to go to work again.Almost half of British men would give up sex for half a year in exchange for a 50-inch TV."
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I'm absolutely ecstatic that ONE POINT SIX MILLION Murkins watched a bunch of overpaid dirtbags run up and down a field to allow their attention to be raped from the REAL issues.
It makes me feel less bad about calling the country I once served an Idiocracy.
I was right. It is.:(

LOL - my wife and most of her teacher friends agree. In America our first church is money, Sport comes next in the worship line.
In definetly a happy camper.Hate Peyton Manning and am a fan of Drew Brees.Also the Chargers are my favorite team so since they didnt make it or win it,this is the next best thing for me to happen is having Drew Brees a former Charger I always liked and was the MVP, winning it more satisfying than seeing Peyton blow it for them as

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