Are you left wingers...

Republicans.......If only we had rounded up 10 million Mexicans, this girl wouldn't have been raped
It's just not gonna happen. Do you have any idea how long and how expensive it would be to process and deport 10+ million people. Any clue at all? You obviously don't
We would save tons of money if we got rid of illegals.
Yeah, you didn't address my question at all. I can only assume you have no clue about the operational cost and time it would realistically take to deport over 10 million people. Smarten up dude
Millions have been bused in throughout the country, and once they are here they eat up social services and cost a fortune.

Time and cost is minimal compared to the status quo(which gets worse every day).
Wrong. You just make shit up and don't really think through the things you say. To deport somebody they need to be found, detained, a hearing is scheduled, lawyers present the case and judges rule, then the deportees need to be received by whichever country they are being deported to. This times 10+ million equals how much time and money? Got any sort of a clue?
Would you care to do the math on amnesty and lax immigration laws?

You probably can't.
I'm well aware that the influx of illegal immigration over the past couple decades has resulted in a net loss for the American tax payers. I have no problem clamping down on business owners and the undocumented workers. Things should be done on record and above board. 3 things need to happen. 1. Better visa tracking and border security 2. Legalization and probation for hard working, law abiding undocumented workers, and their children who have been in this country for an extended period of time, bringing them out of the shadows. 3. Accountability for business owners who hire, underpay, and take advantage of undocumented workers in this country. And we continue to deport any violent criminals or legalized immigrants that break their probation.

This is a fair and realistic solution that has compromises from both the extreme right and left views. It really is just about the only pathway forward, unless you are happy spinning your wheels in pointless debates that only fuel division through partisan bickering and hate speech.

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