Are you locked and loaded for our no win situation?

Yes, We Are Headed for Violent Civil War

On October 1st, with little fanfare, Politico published an extraordinary opinion piece that may be the most important thing I’ve read all year. Titled “Americans Increasingly Believe Violence is Justified if the Other Side Wins,” the essay was penned by three “senior fellows” at the Hoover Institution, New America, and the Hudson Institute, as well as a professor of “political communication” at Louisiana State University and a professor of government at the University of Maryland (that’s five authors, in case you lost count).

The major takeaway is presented in the graph that appears below:

A snippet from the comments section

The “civil war” in the 1860s was not a civil war, it was an attack by the central govt in the North against States which refused to acquiesce to its abnegation of the federalist Constitutional system.
Until now the federal govt hasn’t yet exercised all the power it had acquired 150 years ago, which it has continued to accrue since then, and much of which is not restricted to employees or contractors of the federal govt, or even residents in the US.
There’s a virtually unlimited supply of people from other countries who would be happy to come to the US and work for the federal govt to quash any resistance. If this isn’t obvious to everybody now, it will be soon after somebody tries to resist the exercise of central power.
Although this isn’t to say the corporate media won’t portray the elimination of any resistance as a “civil war’, just like they’re happy to say that any actions taken by NATO and its affiliates to overthrow elected governments are “civil war”.

It's obvious that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left will upon losing the November election will increase their violence and attacks.
We have no other choice than to protect our families and ourselves against these comminist terrorists. Pesronally, I've begun once again to carry my sidearm, in fact I recently purchased a Sig Sauer 365....

Sig Sauer....WHEN IT COUNTS.

Good choice!

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