Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

Yeah, too bad that his Republican majority in the House, and Republican majority in the Senate, for his first two years that trump was in office, did NOT approve and pass, any funding to complete his wall!


Cool story bro. Go ahead and post the votes for both so we can see how everyone voted.
wow i thought you wanted to have an adult convo about this…now you just sound like a 12 year old

What did I say that was wrong? You can't actually address the things I say so you have to lash out. You consider that an example of thinking?
asking the military to show up with guns and round the up and take them to a military base isn’t caring

and nobody buys there are no amenities in one of the richest places in the united states…just typical selfish dems making that claim…they don’t want to share their million dollar homes with brown people
That's just another satanic lie given to you, by the evil entity possessing you! :beer:
What did I say that was wrong? You can't actually address the things I say so you have to lash out. You consider that an example of thinking?
haha i literally did a address it, then you came back with “take it up with them” and i said i was when i addressed yoj the. you came back with a. personal attack
Of course they are supposed to have them. That's why they come. Do you not want to make sure they know the traffic laws as they drive to work?

No, I want them to not get licenses or drive. But the Communists want to give them incentives to come here.
IN the view of the elites that rule over us? Yeah, that is pretty much how they view the population anyway. They view all of the lower classes as, "human resources." I.E. capitol to be exploited. Legal, illegal, a distinction w/o much of a difference.

I have yet to hear, from someone either on the right or the left, why progressives are upset by this, when Biden's administration has done the same thing.

I am totally at a loss, why the left is outraged at GOP governors for doing this, when the administration in DC does the same thing. . . No one wants to explain that to me.

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From where I am standing? I honestly don't see a whole hell of a lot of difference between the right and the left on this. . .

The right is trying to stop illegals at the border, while the left doesnt think we should have borders because, they think that their party appeals to broke dick illegal scrubs and that these scrubs will one day vote for democrats. Thats the difference.
haha i literally did a address it, then you came back with “take it up with them” and i said i was when i addressed yoj the. you came back with a. personal attack

You decided your only response was to lie about me. Typical.
Hood Christian’s don’t want people. Drowning in the river, baked to death in trucks , starving in the desert and getting raped and murdered. You sick bastards allow all of that just to get votes.
I have no power to do either that is just you lashing out because you failed your fellow human.
Early on I asked where the false ideas that M.V. was a Sanctuary City came from. I guess I have found at least one source.

Florida governor sends migrants to Martha's Vineyard as part of program 'to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations'​


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