Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

Its always sad to see that a girl is such a moronic asshole.

Building the wall and deporting all illegals solves the problem.

Assholes like you CAUSED the problem, so shuttup

I have hoped for a moratorium on all immigration for 25 years. Expand E Verify and fine employers who hire illegals.
Its always sad to see that a girl is such a moronic asshole.

Building the wall and deporting all illegals solves the problem.

Assholes like you CAUSED the problem, so shuttup
Yeah, too bad that his Republican majority in the House, and Republican majority in the Senate, for his first two years that trump was in office, did NOT approve and pass, any funding to complete his wall!

Do you care about the hundred thousand people who will die of Fentanyl this year, Pk?
Do you care about thousands of illegals that have died while trying to make it to our border?
Do you care about the 50 that baked to death in the back of a semi?
Do you care about the women and children who were raped by Coyotes during their journey?

You claim to "care" about people's lives, Pk but if you REALLY cared you would have stopped this insanity months ago!

Wow, who knew I had that kind of power.

The open border that liberals like yourself have given us is destroying people's lives...but you're so caught up in your end game agenda that you don't care!

Again, I'm the one who want our laws enforced and somehow that makes me a liberal. If so, what does that make those who are conservatives?
Dementia made it a game, not us. He reversed all of Trump's successful border policies that made it damn near impossible to enter the country unless they sneaked in.

Wow, they quit coming outside of how they have always been coming. Imagine that.

Even then they had to be 50 miles from the border to not be returned back over.

The truth and Ray have never been seen in the same neighborhood.

Like I said, you could give a shit less about any of these people. What you're pissed about is your people created this game, and we used your rules to beat you at it. It wasn't supposed to end this way. We were supposed to sit here helplessly until 2025 when we take the White House again to do something about it, and we put a huge dent in your plans. By then we were supposed to have tens of thousands of illegals in this country that would make it damn near impossible to get rid of. But we turned the tables on you. Now your people and Independents are pissed when they have to address this problem face to face. It's bad enough you are losing support from your own people already, especially Hispanics, but now this?

You may see it as a game, but we don't. We see this as fighting fire with fire.

I have no "people". No one wants to enforce our laws.
But then why do that? Why make a bad situation worse AND screw up the immigration courts further?

Oh yea. Politics

That is kind of the point. The problem needs to be fixed. Secure the border. They should be staying in Mexico. Is it not realistic to simply allow everyone in the world to walk across our border and start getting government assistance. Biden doesn’t care because he thinks it will be new votes. They have let in the population of a small state already. It is ridiculous, but Democrats don’t care.
No. I'm against illegal immigration, and have a specific, independent and original plan for dealing with it, leveraging American capitalism. That same plan also allows us to tell China to go fuck themselves on trade.

It really is amazing, how completely wrong you people love to be about my opinions. And amusing.

Yeah, seems like all the actual polcies you post are the anti-thesis of the Democratic Party, but your hatred of Trump is all that matters. The fact that his policies were more inline with your own thinking doesn’t matter to you. You are the very definition of TDS.
Martha's Vineyard Musical Response to BBIs (Bused Brown Illegals), sung to the tune of 'Rawhide':

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'
Keep Them Illegals Rollin'
Martha's Vineyard Butts Are Swollen
'No Room'...

They wanted Open Borders
Thems was Biden's Orders
But they Guard their beach like hoarders
'No Room'....

Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
No Room...

Cut 'em out, ride 'em on,
Ride 'em on, cut 'em out,
Cut 'em out, ride 'em on
No Room....

The illegals we do not fear
But they simply can not stay here
We must make them all dis-appear
'NO Room'....

We think illegals are so nifty
In our neighborhood is 'iffy'
Cause we got no room for 50
'No Room'...

Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
'No Room'...

Cut 'em out, ride 'em on,
Ride 'em on, cut 'em out,
Cut 'em out, ride 'em on
'No Roooooooooo!


That is kind of the point. The problem needs to be fixed. Secure the border. They should be staying in Mexico. Is it not realistic to simply allow everyone in the world to walk across our border and start getting government assistance. Biden doesn’t care because he thinks it will be new votes. They have let in the population of a small state already. It is ridiculous, but Democrats don’t care.
How do you know what Biden thinks? If you people would step away from the Klan mentality maybe the illegals will vote for you when they become legal citizens.
How do you know what Biden thinks? If you people would step away from the Klan mentality maybe the illegals will vote for you when they become legal citizens.

Ok, they why is he not securing the border? You tell me.
Excuse me asshole: If you are going to say that it is okay for Biden to violate federal law and let illegal aliens illegally pour into border towns, then it is just as okay for those town's governors to move those people to the states that voted for Biden's policy. You voted for it? You get them!
Biden is not breaking immigration law the law allows people to come here and claim asylum.
You guys keep throwing the term would be helpful if you knew what you were talking about for once.

A sanctuary city is a city that will allow undocumented persons to contact the police without fear of being deported themselves.
Thats not the whole story

The democrat mayor of Oakland publicly warned illegal aliens of an INS scheduled weekend raid

Other cities refuse to turn illegal alien criminals over to INS after holding them in local jails
That's up to the DOJ to collect, and determine. What we have are the asylum seekers telling us, what they were promised by DeSantis and Abbott handlers.
Why is it Aboot and DeSantis fault that hte libs in MA didn't live up to their prior statements about being welcoming....and instead used the military to round them up and lock them up on a base?

Should they of just assumed the libs were lying?

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