Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

Oh pull up your big girl panties and quit your duplicitous whining. A quick search of your own posting history is full of incidences of you claiming others think or do something without evidence. Your faux outrage would be rather funny if you weren't such a hypocrite.

This isn't the first time southern conservatives have abused people to attack northern liberal "elites".

And it's not even true. You're thinking of Obama.
Yes, that certainly is the rightwing narrative isn't it?

Hmmm...let's see...the economy is better than the one Trump left office on, unemployment is much lower. Violent crime rose between 2016 and 2020, in 2020 it rose by 30%. It is now leveling off. Ya, Afghanistan was a debacle but some of that belongs at the feet of Trump who negotiated a deal and deadline with terrorists and excluded the legitimate government. inflation is bad but it is all over the world. Ukraine is not yet part of Russia, and Biden was able to strengthen our alliances and NATO which is a plus given his predecessor would have held the door open for Russia. All in all, given the mess his predecessor left, I'm ok with Biden.

Sore loser much?
Indeed, for Joey Xi Bai Dung, Hunter and the Cartels


That sign is FAKE!

I've vacationed there on Martha's Vineyard a gazillion times, there is no such sign!!!!

I'm sorry to have to inform you that some liar on your side of the aisle created the sign, out of whole cloth! :(

The poster they claim to have adapted it from is definitely real. It's on the Main Street Alliance web site. So you're terribly out of touch or just a liar.

Sick and disgusting is sending people to another city and abandoning them without any sort of support system in place.


So you're saying the migrants could not have made it all the way from El Salvador or Venezuela without a support system?
I'm glad you left the "ignorant bitch" bit on's been proven yet again with her.

Yes they broke the law (possibly---one would think they'd be in jail if they had but since they aren' you really know that they did?).... it's cruel to take them somewhere and drop them off without any support system and to one of the most affluent areas in the nation without any money.

The bottom line is that you guys get off on this sort of thirst for it. You enjoy causing pain and misery whenever and where ever you can. This is why the blob supporters are seen as such pariahs nationwide....

A real leftard idiot. ^^^

Fool, WTF are you talking about?

You're all over the map with this drivel.
The responsibility for border security rests with the federal govt, and their failure to provide adequate control of the border should mean that they pay for the care and sustenance of the resulting illegals rather than the bordering states. There ought to be locations where the illegals can be sheltered at the expense of the US Gov't, along with the transportation costs to get them there.
Only problem with this is that it's we national taxpayers whom are footing that bill, those costs.
Now if there was a way to take out of the pockets of the Democrats and other guv'mint sorts whom support the illegal alien invasion, we might have something leading to a solution.

The only real and workable solution is to deny any and all illegal aliens any presence or time spent inside the USA, ship them out immediately. Back to their nation of origin at the least.

If their homeland won't accept them, then dump them in Antarctica. Once word of that solution gets out you can expect illegal border crossings will drop off significantly.
Only problem with this is that it's we national taxpayers whom are footing that bill, those costs.
Now if there was a way to take out of the pockets of the Democrats and other guv'mint sorts whom support the illegal alien invasion, we might have something leading to a solution.

The only real and workable solution is to deny any and all illegal aliens any presence or time spent inside the USA, ship them out immediately. Back to their nation of origin at the least.

If their homeland won't accept them, then dump them in Antarctica. Once word of that solution gets out you can expect illegal border crossings will drop off significantly.

Well yes.........if it were only legal. But once they are here, they are entitled to a day in court before we can deport them. It's the same problem Trump ran into otherwise most of them would be gone by the end of his term.
Ron Desantis has sent a shipment of illegals to Martha's Vineyard, and the MSM and Democrats are once again suddenly horrified, just as they were when Abbot sent them to Chicago and NYC.

I say if you talk to talk, you should walk the walk. If people in NYC/DC/Elitist northern states are going to slander border states as "racist" and "xenophobic" for not taking in illegal immigrants while being exposed to none of the negative consequences, then they should lead by example and not only accept but actively harbor illegal immigrants to show how virtuous they are.

As we've seen, northern cities have cried afoul and declared states of emergency after mere dozens of illegals are shipped to their doorstep.

Does anyone here actually think it's wrong for Republicans to call out the Democrats here and merely involve them in the process?
Let's try to figure it out. We will keep the figures low as to not wanting to inflate numbers. Keeping the numbers low we will say Joe has sponsored 1.5 million illegals even though it's more like 2 million plus. We have their plane and bus tickets. Anyone able to average that out? When they get to where they are going they will need housing, food, medical care, schooling, and the older ones rest homes. Since 99% are uneducated they will need job training before even thinking about employment, which none of them are.

Cost of plane or bus ticket. A one time cost of $200 X 1.5 million = $300 million.
Monthly Rent $600 x 1.5 million = $900 million
Food $400 x 1.5 million = $600 million
Medical Emergency Treatment because it's the only kind they get $300 x 1.5 million = $450 million
Wow that's billions a month. So does anyone know where Joe is getting that money? Ukraine? China?
As noted earlier, the federal government provides funding and has medical and legal facilities on the border to deal with these people.

Those legal and medical facilities and funds are NOT on Martha’s Vineyard.

This is a stunt pure and simple and everyone knows that
Of course it was a stunt. But so was the sanctuary city bullshit. And this stunt just proved how much of a stunt that stunt was.

Now say that three times real fast.

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