Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

Then kicked them out less than 24 hours later. Republicans sent these illegals to places that claimed they welcomed and wanted them. Then you showed your utter hypocrisy when forced to actually live up to your word. You’re fine with flooding small conservative areas with (in your side’s words) “garbage”, yet you cry and whine when you have to deal with 1/100th of the problem border towns deal without. Seems Republicans care more than you do.
We tried to give them a better life but lib loons won’t allow that
When Trump left office he was still dealing with a serious pandemic. Violent crime rose in Democrat led (defund the police) cities led by Soros picked DA's and prosecutors. The world NOW has inflation problems because the world follows us, and us is led by Biden that created the highest inflation in 40 years. The border problem the worst in over 20 years, interest rates the worst in 14 years, the highest gasoline prices ever in the US. But you're just fine with that.
dembots are ok with it, cause they are at war with the working class
If there was a link stating that, I either missed it, or it is a site I don't trust.

He had to take them to Florida first. The money the legislature approved was only to be used to remove immigrants from Florida, not Texas.
MV is a sanctuary island. Why did they ship people off rather than making sure they had the resources available--or getting them?

You know how terrible this looks, and so do I.

And again, that's why the Leftists rage.
I don't have any particular love for the wealthy elites in MV, but in your reactive rage you miss some key issues that determine where people end up placed whether refugees or migrants. Availability of resources to assist them, public transportation, presence of family members or fellow countrymen. MV lacks any of the infrastructure needed for anything but short term assistance unlike an urban area like Boston(where they were told they were going. MV is an island. That iswhy tbis in the end is nothing more than a cruel political stunt using peopleto get back at their perceived political enemies. Well done, I'm sure it makes you happy. :)
When Trump left office he was still dealing with a serious pandemic. Violent crime rose in Democrat led (defund the police) cities led by Soros picked DA's and prosecutors. The world NOW has inflation problems because the world follows us, and us is led by Biden that created the highest inflation in 40 years. The border problem the worst in over 20 years, interest rates the worst in 14 years, the highest gasoline prices ever in the US. But you're just fine with that.
Should have made a bet that you Trumpists would find excuses for Trump and a way to blame Biden for all the world's problems :lol:
He had to take them to Florida first. The money the legislature approved was only to be used to remove immigrants from Florida, not Texas.
Well, I see links of Biden sending immigrants to Florida

none that Desantis sent them there.
Anyone throwing around the term 'political stunt' isn't interested in the reality of the situation. It's why they throw the term around so arbitrarily. To turn it into political theater. To trivialize what's going on in scope and to avoid responsibility for their own policies.

Intellectual dishonesty is dishonest. And about as deep as a mud puddle.
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Well, I see links of Biden sending immigrants to Florida

none that Desantis sent them there.

He did. Now find my earlier link that noted DeSantis did also.
Anyone throwing around the term 'political stunt' isn't interested in the reality of the situation. It's why they throw the term around so arbitrarily. To turn it political. To avoid responsibility for their own policies.

Intellectual dishonesty is dishonest. And about as deep as a mud puddle.

Reality. There were immigrants in Texas. DeSantis used Florida taxpayer funds to go get them and fly them to Florida to then fly them to M.V. If that is not a political stunt I do not know what is.
Sounds like they care more than you, since they raised money, found shelter and provide food.

Yeah, they cared just long enough to deport them off the island. The commie mantra is let them in and make them someone else's problem.

Reality. There were immigrants in Texas.

No. They were an illegal, planned consequence of the Biden administration's human trafficking partnership with the Cartels. They're clearly functioning in synergy.

American sovereignty is blatantly being placed on the chopping block from behind the cloak of some ''right to migrate'' nonsense and for the purpose of eventually establishing regional government between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico to deal with the predictable and equally planned consequences of the manufactured 'crisis.'

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

And America is the proving ground for the rest of the world in this regard.
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how many pages back is it?

Are you not even curious enough to look up and read a few sites on your own?

DeSantis’ office confirmed that the state chartered two planes Wednesday to take about 50 Venezuelan and Colombian undocumented migrants that included children from San Antonio, Texas, to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. No other details were released.

Critics blast DeSantis for flying Texas migrants to Martha’s Vineyard

DeSantis stated that Florida has not seen “any major movements of people into Florida.” The governor said that the migrants on those flights were in Texas prior to arriving in Martha’s Vineyard, though they did land in Florida briefly.

“They went from Texas to Florida, to Martha’s Vineyard, he said. “And with the flight, there’s also going to be buses, and there will likely be more flights.”

DeSantis addresses Florida funds used to fly migrants from Texas to New England. Here’s what he had to say
If you weren't such a reactive twit, you would realize I already stated the burden should be shared throughout the states or, as your side terms it, the "garbage" from "shithole" countries.

If xiden was doing his fucking job there wouldn't be a "burden" that would need sharing.

If you weren't such a reactive twit, you would realize I already stated the burden should be shared throughout the states or, as your side terms it, the "garbage" from "shithole" countries.
More lies and bullshit. News flash proven liar. That reference to those people as “garbage” came from NBC. YOUR SIDE. Hey asshole, YOU were crying about Republican governors doing this, while you cheered Xiden doing the same thing you ignorant idiot. Keep flailing loser. You only want conservative areas to “share the burden” while elitist leftards like you keep them far away from your areas. Cry harder.
Are you not even curious enough to look up and read a few sites on your own?

DeSantis’ office confirmed that the state chartered two planes Wednesday to take about 50 Venezuelan and Colombian undocumented migrants that included children from San Antonio, Texas, to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. No other details were released.

Critics blast DeSantis for flying Texas migrants to Martha’s Vineyard

DeSantis stated that Florida has not seen “any major movements of people into Florida.” The governor said that the migrants on those flights were in Texas prior to arriving in Martha’s Vineyard, though they did land in Florida briefly.

“They went from Texas to Florida, to Martha’s Vineyard, he said. “And with the flight, there’s also going to be buses, and there will likely be more flights.”

DeSantis addresses Florida funds used to fly migrants from Texas to New England. Here’s what he had to say
nice to see the people of FL stepping up to help their fellow Americans in Texas
Yes, that certainly is the rightwing narrative isn't it?

Hmmm...let's see...the economy is better than the one Trump left office on, unemployment is much lower. Violent crime rose between 2016 and 2020, in 2020 it rose by 30%. It is now leveling off. Ya, Afghanistan was a debacle but some of that belongs at the feet of Trump who negotiated a deal and deadline with terrorists and excluded the legitimate government. inflation is bad but it is all over the world. Ukraine is not yet part of Russia, and Biden was able to strengthen our alliances and NATO which is a plus given his predecessor would have held the door open for Russia. All in all, given the mess his predecessor left, I'm ok with Biden.

Sore loser much?
Such utter bullshit. Better economy? Talk about a total disconnect and utter refusal to accept reality that your man is a complete failure. So much so that the new British PM won’t even meet with him.

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