Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

The time will come when these immigrants become voters and they`ll remember which party treated them as human beings.
The time will come when those trespassers will remember how shitty you Libs treated them and how little you paid them.
Yeah, despite that puff-piece article that was a short paragraph, the “welcoming communities” sent the national guard to arrest the ”refugees” and send them to an improvised internment camp on a military base Well away from their multi-million dollar mansions and unspoiled beaches. If I remember correctly, the same people also got an offshore wind farm banned because it would spoil their views.

Nobody is more hypocritical than a Limousine Liberal.

Why didn't The Worthless Negro put them up in his mega mansion?
Shipping illegals to Martha's vineyard is wasteful and vindictive. Desantis and Abbott should get behind E Verify and fining employers who hire illegals.

It is despicable and illegal to allow the shitheads to come into the country in the first place.

Trump had the border secure but one the very first things that Potatohead did was undo everything Trump did and told the shitheads to flood across the border.

He should be impeached for that. He destroyed the sovereignty of the United States.
They are escaping violent drug cartels and persecution same as European Jews were escaping political violence and persecution.
haha no they aren’t…they literally are going to tv cartels to have them trafficked here

they are coming here for the promises of free healthcare and govt housing the dems promised
They are escaping violent drug cartels and persecution same as European Jews were escaping political violence and persecution.
You are confused Moon Bat.

They are coming here for the goddamn welfare. You know, the free shit that the Democrats give away.

They need to stay in their own country and fight for their country but instead the Democrat filth makes it easy for them to illegally come here and sign up for welfare. We Americans wind up paying for it.

Democrats are the scum of the US.
haha no they aren’t…they literally are going to tv cartels to have them trafficked here

they are coming here for the promises of free healthcare and govt housing the dems promised
The dems promised them these things when? Let`s see what you got?
You are confused Moon Bat.

They are coming here for the goddamn welfare. You know, the free shit that the Democrats give away.

They need to stay in their own country and fight for their country but instead the Democrat filth makes it easy for them to illegally come here and sign up for welfare. We Americans wind up paying for it.

Democrats are the scum of the US.
They`ll have to fight the GOP`s base for the welfare. They`re getting the bulk of it.
They`ll have to fight the GOP`s base for the welfare. They`re getting the bulk of it.

that spin again?

Much of that 'Federal aid" is military funding, and red states get the bulk, because the majority of military bases are in red states.

(and, no doubt, you will deny, or spin that)
They`ll have to fight the GOP`s base for the welfare. They`re getting the bulk of it.

You dumbass.

I have explained this to you several times before.

There is no such thing as Red States and Blue States. That is a term made up by USA Today.

It is America and the Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

You know like Texas with Houston, Dallas and El Paso. Like Louisiana with New Orleans. Like Tennessee with that shithole of Memphis or Georgia with Atlanta.

That is where all the filthy ass welfare money goes in those states.

Pull your head out of your Libtard ass. You just embarrassed yourself when you post your lies.
SHIP THE INVADERS HOME. Then keep their asses out. We need a Congress full of people who will work to do this.

It's not so simple to get rid of "asylum seekers".

If you go back to the late 90's the border patrol started encountering something new. In the past illegals would swarm in and simply try to hide, etc. But, all of a sudden 20-25 years ago, the border patrol started noticing that when they came across these people, most of them would claim asylum. It was then, our government concluded that the word apparently had got out south of our border, that if a person claimed they were escaping government oppression, tyranny, hostility etc, they would be treated more like we have treated Cuban refugees once the Communist took over. It's been a huge problem and unless we change our laws and policies, this country is finished. We will be nothing more than what we see south of our borders, where crime and poverty are the norm.
You're right. And I understand that.

That's why I said, in my first paragraph, that the border should completely shut down (to illegal entry) UNTIL our government can establish a rational immigration policy

I realize these assholes are being "coached" to say they are "seeking asylum." But it's OUR border - and our government has to do its job and devise policies that benefit the U.S. Not a bunch of assholes who are running away from their problems.

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