Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

You're god-damn right it is made up! The last thing I fear, is someone making MINIMUM WAGE!
So millions of illegals haven't crossed the border this year? Do you fear the drugs that are killing a couple hundred thousand Americans this year? Do you have concerns over the narco gangs that now run our border? Do you worry about all of the people on the terror watch list that we HAVE caught coming across the border and all of the ones we HAVEN'T?

You're not very bright, Billo! Just saying...
So millions of illegals haven't crossed the border this year? Do you fear the drugs that are killing a couple hundred thousand Americans this year? Do you have concerns over the narco gangs that now run our border? Do you worry about all of the people on the terror watch list that we HAVE caught coming across the border and all of the ones we HAVEN'T?

You're not very bright, Billo! Just saying...
Oh, spare me your right wing talking points! First off, there is no such thing as an illegal person. And since I am a liberal, I am not suspect to your MAGA fear-mongering. Drugs are a medical issue, not a criminal one and as far as the terror watch list, I am more concerned about right wing militias.
Democrats DON’T claim open borders are a good thing.

Stop lying and fuck off

You commie are such liars.

What a lot of Republican politicians fail to understand is that not everyone shares their zero-sum, scarcity mindset.

Many of us understand that immigrants and refugees are a blessing. They have so much to offer our country, & much of our growth as a nation is because of them.??

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 16, 2022

They didn’t “get so upset”. They did their best to deal with the situation.

Many of them has court dates in Texas and that wasn’t gonna happen on MV.

They also didn’t have the medical facilities to deal with the issues some had.

All those concerns could better be dealt with at the military base they went to.

They could get back to TX for their court dats just as easily from MA as the could from FL.

I know you don't care about these people. You're a trump supporter so it's a given that you have to be this disgusting, nasty, half-human scumbag that you've relished becoming most of your miserable life. If you don't agree with my assessment, I get that. But what is this penchant you have for causing misery and anguish to folks who have not harmed you in any way shape or form?

It's you Communists who don't care about people. When you put a welcome mat at our borders, it will entice people to come. When they do they will be smuggling drugs, dying along the way, 12 year old girls getting raped along the way, and why? Because of leftist political expediency.
We had an election. The right wing lost the White House. Ever since then, they have been in "burn it all down" mode. I didn't put them there. Biden didn't put them there. Nobody put them there from the is an internal suicide pact they have formed with themselves. As you stated...sometimes you have to find a bottom. I may be optimistic but the sub-human scumbags who are cheering for this type of exploitation may be a bridge too far for what few thinking persons are still in the GOP. Either they will get with the program or they won't. The nation is moving forward with or without them.

Well we've seen how the nation is moving forward without us: record high inflation, worst border problem in over 20 years, highest interest rates in 14 years, highest gasoline prices ever in this country, so you bet we don't want any part of what you call "moving forward."

But let's be honest what this is really about: Your dementia patient made the rules of the game, and now you're losing the game even with your own rules. You can't stand it. It's destroying your life. We've exposed the leftist hypocrisy while at the same time showing how uncaring you people actually are. Oh, and right before midterms to boot.

You leftists are so generous with other peoples money and land, just as long as nobody touches yours. And if they do, throw their dirty asses on a plane and ship them off to a military base somewhere, and don't forget to disinfect the areas where they roamed.
At some point, the GOP nominee in 2024 will be asked about these sick, disgusting actions by GOP governors. Moderates will be paying attention to the answer. Either you "betray" the rabid-dog faction of the GOP party whose numbers are growing or you have to side with them which will help cost them the election. Politically, this is a win/win for the Democrats. Much like when you guys shut down the government.
And his or her simple answer will be, the democrats invited the illegals by declaring sanctuary. We were just helping them to where they wanted to do.

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