Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

It's far easier to come by boat just like many Cuban's have.
It's easier to find a boat to transport you when you're dirt poor than to simple walk across a porous border? Did you really just claim that, Pk? Come can do better than that silly shit!
We can't even put it all the way across the southern border. Then there is going under it, over it. Through it.

You know that as long as the jobs are here, they will get here but you just can't bring yourself to support addressing that.
why can’t we? yes it will make it more difficult for them to illegally cross…that’s the point of walls

yes we have jobs, and usually a better economy. What’s your point? i don’t want people to stop coming…but i want them to come legally
It's easier to find a boat to transport you when you're dirt poor than to simple walk across a porous border? Did you really just claim that, Pk? Come can do better than that silly shit!

No harder than getting drove across. Poor Cubans certainly found a way.
why can’t we? yes it will make it more difficult for them to illegally cross…that’s the point of walls

yes we have jobs, and usually a better economy. What’s your point? i don’t want people to stop coming…but i want them to come legally

Businesses do not. That means legal wages and taxes.
MV is covered in blow back... Is it egg or crap?
Let's be fair.

We all know that the good liberals of Martha's Vineyard really believe in equality for all.

They really do.

But they understandably do not want poor people living in their upscale community.

For example, President Obama and his wealthy neighbors in Chicago truly believe in equality for all Americans. But they, too, do not want poor people living in their community, either.

Here in Los Angeles, for example, the City Council has ordered officials to find a way to force upscale communities to include low-cost housing. No doubt most of those current residents love people of every kind and have friends of every kind, but they are probably shocked by the movement to include low-cost housing, fearing that their property values will plummet, not to mention that crime will rear its ugly head, too.
No harder than getting drove across. Poor Cubans certainly found a way.
Cubans have been drowning making that journey from Cuba to Florida for sixty years, Pk! Trust me...if they had a choice of WALKING or getting on an overloaded boat to cross shark infested waters...they're walking every time!
Cubans have been drowning making that journey from Cuba to Florida for sixty years, Pk! Trust me...if they had a choice of WALKING or getting on an overloaded boat to cross shark infested waters...they're walking every time!

Maybe so but it does not stop them. You simply want to "make it harder" as opposed to stopping the reason they come.
of course businesses want to hire legal residents

what businesses do you use that don’t? and why do you use those businesses?

Some do, others do not. I have no idea the status of a businesses employee. The government should.
It's MILLIONS, Pk...the reason we don't know how many is that so many are coming across right now that it's impossible to count the "get a ways"! Are you claiming the numbers are exaggerated?

I'm claiming exactly what I said. We have no clue.
Maybe so but it does not stop them. You simply want to "make it harder" as opposed to stopping the reason they come.
Of course I want to make it harder! I want a secure border! I want to keep out the gang members...the drugs...the people on the terror watch list! My question is WHY DON'T YOU?
Maybe so but it does not stop them. You simply want to "make it harder" as opposed to stopping the reason they come.
haha yeah nobody wants to make the US less attractive…what a fucking idiotic way of thinking

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