Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

The refugees are being well treated as the Martha Vineyard communities welcome them. I`m sure the immigrants are happy to put the Ku Kluxxers in their rear view mirrors.
Yeah, despite that puff-piece article that was a short paragraph, the “welcoming communities” sent the national guard to arrest the ”refugees” and send them to an improvised internment camp on a military base Well away from their multi-million dollar mansions and unspoiled beaches. If I remember correctly, the same people also got an offshore wind farm banned because it would spoil their views.

"Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns agreed with CNN anchor John Berman Thursday that Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., relocating illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard followed similar themes of authoritarianism found in Nazi Germany."

Wonder how he feels about those illegal immigrants being relocated almost as soon as they arrived in those sanctuary cities?
How about the El Paso Dem Mayor who has been sending illegals to NYC for awhile now....over 2500 of them.
That is 100% pure bullshit right there....

Wrong. They`re being taken to a facility that`s equipped to fill their needs.
You mean a military base that is designed to house trained and disciplined troops? The “refugees” are third world residents who are not used to modern facilities. They are the same types that put feces covered toilet paper into restroom garbage cans rather than flushing it.
Yeah, despite that puff-piece article that was a short paragraph, the “welcoming communities” sent the national guard to arrest the ”refugees” and send them to an improvised internment camp on a military base Well away from their multi-million dollar mansions and unspoiled beaches. If I remember correctly, the same people also got an offshore wind farm banned because it would spoil their views.

Shipping illegals to Martha's vineyard is wasteful and vindictive. Desantis and Abbott should get behind E Verify and fining employers who hire illegals.
Shipping illegals to Martha's vineyard is wasteful and vindictive. Desantis and Abbott should get behind E Verify and fining employers who hire illegals.
they don’t get to enforce federal laws…that’s your Dear Leader Joey Xiden job…that he is failing at

what vindictive about a trip to MV?
they don’t get to enforce federal laws…that’s your Dear Leader Joey Xiden job…that he is failing at

what vindictive about a trip to MV?

They certainly could expand E Verify in Texas and Florida and fine employers who hire illegals.
The time will come when these immigrants become voters and they`ll remember which party treated them as human beings.

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