Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

I asked YOU to show me. I`ll wait.
You can sit there and watch 6 hours of debates and report your findings here.

The Republican governor said the move to the mainland would be voluntary. Baker praised residents and officials on Martha’s Vineyard for taking care of the nearly 50 migrants after their unexpected arrival on Wednesday but said the island lacks the resources to house the migrants for the long-term.

At Joint Base Cape Cod, the migrants will be given dormitory-style housing, food and services, Baker said. Families will be given separate housing.

Migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard moving to military base

They honored their words.
And then shipped them out less than 24 hours later. There was no “voluntary” about it from elitist leftards. That is certainly NOT “honoring your word”. Hypocrisy and racism through and through. Not so much fun when you’re actually expected to live up to those obviously empty words....
The time will come when these immigrants become voters and they`ll remember which party treated them as human beings.
They will remember the party that didn't care whether they drowned in the Rio Grande

or were abused by drug traffickers and other thugs

they will remember the party that encouraged them to come, even though they really weren't welcome anywhere..

oh, wait... they were welcome in Martha's Vineyard... for a few hours..

ha ha... yeh, the dims are so compassionate, aren't they? Then there's how the dims love and protect the helpless children in the womb. Yep, lovely, lovely people.
All migrants illegally crossing the border should be herded on to large cargo planes and flown to China, as China has 75 million uninhabited skyscraper apartment buildings and no one to live in them and thus plan to demolition them.
In replying to my own post here, I should like to state a mistake, the figure should have reflected that there are enough empty apartments in China's skyscrapers to house 75 million people, not 75 million skyscrapers.
Sounds like they care more than you, since they raised money, found shelter and provide food.
Then kicked them out less than 24 hours later. Republicans sent these illegals to places that claimed they welcomed and wanted them. Then you showed your utter hypocrisy when forced to actually live up to your word. You’re fine with flooding small conservative areas with (in your side’s words) “garbage”, yet you cry and whine when you have to deal with 1/100th of the problem border towns deal without. Seems Republicans care more than you do.

Lawyers Say Martha’s Vineyard Migrant Flights a ‘Political Stunt,’

Needs Criminal Probe

18 Sep 2022 ~~ By Simon Kent

The Massachusetts attorney general and the federal government received letters Sunday alleging the transportation of “vulnerable” immigrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard was a “political stunt” demanding open criminal investigations.
Lawyers representing some of those involved claimed their clients “were induced to board airplanes and cross state lines under false pretenses,” including promises of working opportunities, schooling for their children and immigration assistance, by people working with and on behalf of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), the Washington Times reports.


“States like Massachusetts, New York and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden administration’s open border policies,” Fenske said.
Fenske also referenced the $12 million Florida’s legislature budgeted to remove illegal immigrants from the state.

When haven't Biden and his cronies lied?
Seems Maoist/DSA Democrats can't take their own medicine. While Joey Xi, Kamaltoe Harris and Baghdad Bob Mayorkas keep telling us the border is closed and ship these illegal aliens by night to various red ciities and states.
Neither has done a thing to stop the flow of narcotics (Fentanyl being number one).
All this is happening while they tell us the border is closed, when anyone above the IQ of 35 can tell you differently.
Just this weekend at Eagle Pass over 1,000 illegals crossed our borders, yet the AG of Massachusetts is scrambling to investigate 50 illegals shipped to Martha's Vineyard.
What a big crock of crap.
I suggest if there's an investigation first it should begin with President Biden, his Merry Moaist Democrat handlers and cronies like Mayorkas.
Regretfully, that will not happen because Biden has contaminated our Justice system by appointing Merrick Garland to the DoJ.
Sounds like they care more than you, since they raised money, found shelter and provide food.

Yeah, for a day and a half. Then they threw them on a plane to be shipped to a military base. Their hearts are so big, aren't they?

Oh, spare me your right wing talking points! First off, there is no such thing as an illegal person. And since I am a liberal, I am not suspect to your MAGA fear-mongering. Drugs are a medical issue, not a criminal one and as far as the terror watch list, I am more concerned about right wing militias.
Yeah, I can tell you're a liberal! No such thing as an illegal? Drugs are medical issue not a criminal one? Concerned about right wing militias and not terrorists? You're the reason that liberals are destroying this country. You live in a fantasy world and buy into the bullshit narratives that the Main Stream Media excretes every day!

I've got news for you, Billo! You're in far more danger from habitual criminals put back on the streets by Soros backed DA's and Fentanyl flooding across our border than you are from a few white supremacists hiding out in the woods!
You elected a man whose dementia is so bad he most certainly wears diapers and doesn't know where he is at any given moment.
Yes, that certainly is the rightwing narrative isn't it?

Worse, he destroyed the pull out from Afghanistan, ruined the economy and the housing market, and let 2 million illegals into the nation. Not to mention the crime wave sweeping America's cities.
Hmmm...let's see...the economy is better than the one Trump left office on, unemployment is much lower. Violent crime rose between 2016 and 2020, in 2020 it rose by 30%. It is now leveling off. Ya, Afghanistan was a debacle but some of that belongs at the feet of Trump who negotiated a deal and deadline with terrorists and excluded the legitimate government. inflation is bad but it is all over the world. Ukraine is not yet part of Russia, and Biden was able to strengthen our alliances and NATO which is a plus given his predecessor would have held the door open for Russia. All in all, given the mess his predecessor left, I'm ok with Biden.


Sore loser much?
How desperate are you?

Claiming *I* did this.

Great call, moderator. Sure.
Oh pull up your big girl panties and quit your duplicitous whining. A quick search of your own posting history is full of incidences of you claiming others think or do something without evidence. Your faux outrage would be rather funny if you weren't such a hypocrite.

This isn't the first time southern conservatives have abused people to attack northern liberal "elites".

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Then kicked them out less than 24 hours later. Republicans sent these illegals to places that claimed they welcomed and wanted them. Then you showed your utter hypocrisy when forced to actually live up to your word. You’re fine with flooding small conservative areas with (in your side’s words) “garbage”, yet you cry and whine when you have to deal with 1/100th of the problem border towns deal without. Seems Republicans care more than you do.
If you weren't such a reactive twit, you would realize I already stated the burden should be shared throughout the states or, as your side terms it, the "garbage" from "shithole" countries.
Oh pull up your big girl panties and quit your duplicitous whining. A quick search of your own posting history is full of incidences of you claiming others think or do something without evidence. Your faux outrage would be rather funny if you weren't such a hypocrite.

This isn't the first time southern conservatives have abused people to attack northern liberal "elites".

who’s being abused ?
Hmmm...let's see...the economy is better than the one Trump left office on, unemployment is much lower. Violent crime rose between 2016 and 2020, in 2020 it rose by 30%. It is now leveling off. Ya, Afghanistan was a debacle but some of that belongs at the feet of Trump who negotiated a deal and deadline with terrorists and excluded the legitimate government. inflation is bad but it is all over the world. Ukraine is not yet part of Russia, and Biden was able to strengthen our alliances and NATO which is a plus given his predecessor would have held the door open for Russia. All in all, given the mess his predecessor left, I'm ok with Biden.

When Trump left office he was still dealing with a serious pandemic. Violent crime rose in Democrat led (defund the police) cities led by Soros picked DA's and prosecutors. The world NOW has inflation problems because the world follows us, and us is led by Biden that created the highest inflation in 40 years. The border problem the worst in over 20 years, interest rates the worst in 14 years, the highest gasoline prices ever in the US. But you're just fine with that.

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