Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

"Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns agreed with CNN anchor John Berman Thursday that Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., relocating illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard followed similar themes of authoritarianism found in Nazi Germany."

Wonder how he feels about those illegal immigrants being relocated almost as soon as they arrived in those sanctuary cities?
Where were these sheep when xiden was flying them around Timbuktu
Oh pull up your big girl panties and quit your duplicitous whining. A quick search of your own posting history is full of incidences of you claiming others think or do something without evidence. Your faux outrage would be rather funny if you weren't such a hypocrite.

This isn't the first time southern conservatives have abused people to attack northern liberal "elites".

Remember those demofk southerners who created civil war with Lincoln?
Yes, that certainly is the rightwing narrative isn't it?

Hmmm...let's see...the economy is better than the one Trump left office on, unemployment is much lower. Violent crime rose between 2016 and 2020, in 2020 it rose by 30%. It is now leveling off. Ya, Afghanistan was a debacle but some of that belongs at the feet of Trump who negotiated a deal and deadline with terrorists and excluded the legitimate government. inflation is bad but it is all over the world. Ukraine is not yet part of Russia, and Biden was able to strengthen our alliances and NATO which is a plus given his predecessor would have held the door open for Russia. All in all, given the mess his predecessor left, I'm ok with Biden.

Sore loser much? about a "narrative", Coyote! That was the White House talking points for the last six months all rolled up into one paragraph! It's all bullshit of course but hey nobody calls the Biden Administration on it so I can see why you think YOU can get away with it!

We're in a recession! The economy sucks. You know it. I know it. The average American knows it!

Unemployment is lower because people don't want to work and aren't even trying to get a job so they're not counted as unemployed! We've got over 11 million unfilled jobs right now. That's not a win for Biden and the Democrats...that's a PROBLEM!

Crime isn't leveling off! It's reaching EPIDEMIC proportions! People are afraid to leave their homes to go to work! Car jackings. Assaults for no reason at all. Flash mobs ransacking stores. Gangs having shootouts on our streets. Fentanyl killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. All because of liberal politicians policies handcuffing the police and emboldening criminals.

Inflation is bad here because Joe Biden and his gang that can't shoot straight, don't understand basic Economic theory! You don't pump more money into an economy that's already suffering from shortages of product and shortages of services! If you DO then you're going to get inflation!

Biden strengthened NATO? When did that happen? It was Trump that held our NATO allies' feet to the fire and shamed them into spending the amounts that they were pledged to spend. Joe Biden didn't do that! Joe Biden was the idiot that all but INVITED Putin to invade Ukraine! Would you like me to provide Biden's quote where he did so? about a "narrative", Coyote! That was the White House talking points for the last six months all rolled up into one paragraph! It's all bullshit of course but hey nobody calls the Biden Administration on it so I can see why you think YOU can get away with it!
What a joke :lol:

We're in a recession! The economy sucks. You know it. I know it. The average American knows it!

Obama handed Trump a growing economy. Trump left behind a trashed economy. One reason he didn’t get reelected and tbe biggest issue Dems will face. :rolleyes:

The economy sucked in 2020. It sucks less now. More to the point, in both cases it sucked / sucks worldwide. It is amazing how you guys find a way to blame Biden for worldwide inflation too.

Unemployment is lower because people don't want to work and aren't even trying to get a job so they're not counted as unemployed! We've got over 11 million unfilled jobs right now. That's not a win for Biden and the Democrats...that's a PROBLEM!

2020. Unemployment rate of 14.7%, highest since we started recording that data. That’s what Biden started with. Unemployment rate of 4.7%. That is what Trump started with.


Crime isn't leveling off! It's reaching EPIDEMIC proportions! People are afraid to leave their homes to go to work! Car jackings. Assaults for no reason at all. Flash mobs ransacking stores. Gangs having shootouts on our streets. Fentanyl killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. All because of liberal politicians policies handcuffing the police and emboldening criminals.
Violent crime….
2020 Murders increased by 30%
2021 Murders increased by 6%

That’s leveling off. Not great, but look at where he started.

Inflation is bad here because Joe Biden and his gang that can't shoot straight, don't understand basic Economic theory! You don't pump more money into an economy that's already suffering from shortages of product and shortages of services! If you DO then you're going to get inflation!

So how does that explain the massive inflation in the rest of the world?

Biden strengthened NATO? When did that happen? It was Trump that held our NATO allies' feet to the fire and shamed them into spending the amounts that they were pledged to spend. Joe Biden didn't do that! Joe Biden was the idiot that all but INVITED Putin to invade Ukraine! Would you like me to provide Biden's quote where he did so?
Trump did little to strengthen NATO, he wanted the US out of it and Putin was counting on that in Trump’s second term. Trump also withheld critically needed and Congressionally approved military aid and money in an attempt to pressure Zelensky into announcing a fake investigation on his personal political rival.

Trump has consistently praised Putin and disparaged NATO and Ukraine. While president he wanted to invite Russia back into the G7 after Russia had been kicked out for invading and annexing Crimea

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”

Biden was able to pull together a powerful coalition that imposed draconian sanctions even at the cost of their own national energy and economic interests, that continues to hold and is damaging Russia. In doing this, NATO is both being strengthened and made more relevant, so much so two more countries are joining. Think Trump could have done that? Or wanted to? No, Trump wanted to pull out of NATO and that would have weakened it and allowed Russia to do as it pleased, in fact, Putin was counting on it. So, just as Biden deserves the blame for how it went in Afghanistan, he also deserves the credit here.
Reality. There were immigrants in Texas. DeSantis used Florida taxpayer funds to go get them and fly them to Florida to then fly them to M.V. If that is not a political stunt I do not know what is.

It has nothing to do with political stunts. It has to do with beating you at your own game and now you don't like it.
What a joke :lol:

Obama handed Trump a growing economy. Trump left behind a trashed economy. One reason he didn’t get reelected and tbe biggest issue Dems will face. :rolleyes:

The economy sucked in 2020. It sucks less now. More to the point, in both cases it sucked / sucks worldwide. It is amazing how you guys find a way to blame Biden for worldwide inflation too.

2020. Unemployment rate of 14.7%, highest since we started recording that data. That’s what Biden started with. Unemployment rate of 4.7%. That is what Trump started with.

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Violent crime….
2020 Murders increased by 30%
2021 Murders increased by 6%

That’s leveling off. Not great, but look at where he started.

So how does that explain the massive inflation in the rest of the world?

Trump did little to strengthen NATO, he wanted the US out of it and Putin was counting on that in Trump’s second term. Trump also withheld critically needed and Congressionally approved military aid and money in an attempt to pressure Zelensky into announcing a fake investigation on his personal political rival.

Trump has consistently praised Putin and disparaged NATO and Ukraine. While president he wanted to invite Russia back into the G7 after Russia had been kicked out for invading and annexing Crimea

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”

Biden was able to pull together a powerful coalition that imposed draconian sanctions even at the cost of their own national energy and economic interests, that continues to hold and is damaging Russia. In doing this, NATO is both being strengthened and made more relevant, so much so two more countries are joining. Think Trump could have done that? Or wanted to? No, Trump wanted to pull out of NATO and that would have weakened it and allowed Russia to do as it pleased, in fact, Putin was counting on it. So, just as Biden deserves the blame for how it went in Afghanistan, he also deserves the credit here.
Your ignorance knows no bounds, Coyote! The only question now is whether it's feigned...or you actually are that ignorant!

Trump did NOT leave behind a "trashed" economy! Everything was in place for the economy to come roaring back as Covid subsided. It would have done exactly that if Joe Biden hadn't sat his bony ass behind the desk in the Oval Office and started listening to people who are absolutely CLUELESS about Economics! There was pent up demand because people were cooped up at home during the pandemic and were just itching to get back out again and spend money! The problem was that because of the supply chain issues and a lack of workers there was a shortage of goods and services...which as any first year Econ student knows is one of the things that can lead to inflation. Those first year Econ students also know that when you have inflation one of the WORST things you can do is pump more Government spending into the economy! We have rampant inflation right now because not only did Biden do stupid things once...he kept right on doing them and still DOES want to do them!

As for unemployment? Why do you think unemployment was so high in 2020? Even someone as clueless as yourself must realize that happened because of the Covid lockdowns...not because of any weakness in our economy! That number was high because individual State Governors shut down the economies of their States. Not Donald Trump. He left that decision up to the States. He also left the decision on when to end lockdowns to the individual States. Some like Florida and Texas opened up again for business as soon as they could...despite criticism from liberals. Their economies have come roaring back! In fact the thing that was holding those States back more than anything was a lack of workers. Why did they have a lack of workers? Because the Biden Administration kept pumping out Trillions in Government money to people who could make more sitting on their couches than they could working an entry level job! Then they scratched their heads in bewilderment because there was an ongoing supply chain crisis and millions were choosing not to go back to work!

Your claim that Trump took it easy on Russia belies the facts. He forced our NATO allies to spend more on defense! How does THAT help Putin? (Duh!) Putin invaded Crimea when Obama was in office. He invaded Ukraine when Biden was in office. He didn't invade ANYONE while Trump was in office!

As for your claim that the sanctions imposed on Russia have hurt Putin? That's moronic! Those sanctions drove the price of oil and natural gas up. Putin sold his fossil fuels to other nations like China and he ended up making MORE money than before the sanctions!

Is there ANYTHING you're in the know about?
It has nothing to do with political stunts. It has to do with beating you at your own game and now you don't like it.'s not my game but sadly that is how you see it. This is people's lives, not a game for you to win or lose.'s not my game but sadly that is how you see it. This is people's lives, not a game for you to win or lose.
Do you care about the hundred thousand people who will die of Fentanyl this year, Pk?
Do you care about thousands of illegals that have died while trying to make it to our border?
Do you care about the 50 that baked to death in the back of a semi?
Do you care about the women and children who were raped by Coyotes during their journey?

You claim to "care" about people's lives, Pk but if you REALLY cared you would have stopped this insanity months ago! The open border that liberals like yourself have given us is destroying people's lives...but you're so caught up in your end game agenda that you don't care!
we never wanted them here in the first place. so how we the hypocrites?
I live in Florida and we don’t have a state income tax. We might need one to take care of all the illegal aliens who want to come here.

I say send them all to the blue states who can raise their state income taxes to take real good care of these poor illegal aliens.

Now I happen to like legal immigrants and so does Florida. I have worked with a couple legal immigrants. They were very intelligent and well educated and willing to work hard. One was an engineer from Scotland and the other a tech who was born in China and lived and worked in Hong Kong before immigrating to the states. I also have worked with a number of people whose parents legally immigrated to our nation.
Should have made a bet that you Trumpists would find excuses for Trump and a way to blame Biden for all the world's problems :lol:

Inflation has been climbing in the US nearly since the day he took office. Do you know what inflation is? It's when things cost more than they did before.

In March of last year when we started getting cocid under control, Dementia signed a bill that provided federal unemployment on top of state unemployment, meaning that a lot of people made more money staying home than returning to work. With employers needing people industry had to compete with the federal government for workers. Labor is the largest expenditure of any business, especially small businesses.

His attack on our fuel production also contributed heavily. When gasoline goes up, all fuel goes up including diesel which trucks need to transport goods across the United States. You seen your natural gas or propane bill last year. Imaging trying to heat a large business for your employees to work.

Unnecessary spending which is the only spending that took place since the Communists gained complete control over the federal government. Printing phony money makes the US dollar weaker and it takes more dollars to buy goods.

So when you combine

*Much higher labor costs
*Much higher utility costs
*Much higher transportation costs
*Printing phony money

You have all the makings for out of control inflation, and the world is mot responsible for that, the Communist party is.
I don't have any particular love for the wealthy elites in MV, but in your reactive rage you miss some key issues that determine where people end up placed whether refugees or migrants. Availability of resources to assist them, public transportation, presence of family members or fellow countrymen. MV lacks any of the infrastructure needed for anything but short term assistance unlike an urban area like Boston(where they were told they were going. MV is an island. That iswhy tbis in the end is nothing more than a cruel political stunt using peopleto get back at their perceived political enemies. Well done, I'm sure it makes you happy. :)

So where is this evidence they were "told" they were going somewhere else? To my knowledge they have to sign a form in their language explaining exactly where they are going. And while on the subject, where are the forms where they were told they were leaving MV and going to a military base?'s not my game but sadly that is how you see it. This is people's lives, not a game for you to win or lose.

Dementia made it a game, not us. He reversed all of Trump's successful border policies that made it damn near impossible to enter the country unless they sneaked in. Even then they had to be 50 miles from the border to not be returned back over.

Like I said, you could give a shit less about any of these people. What you're pissed about is your people created this game, and we used your rules to beat you at it. It wasn't supposed to end this way. We were supposed to sit here helplessly until 2025 when we take the White House again to do something about it, and we put a huge dent in your plans. By then we were supposed to have tens of thousands of illegals in this country that would make it damn near impossible to get rid of. But we turned the tables on you. Now your people and Independents are pissed when they have to address this problem face to face. It's bad enough you are losing support from your own people already, especially Hispanics, but now this?

You may see it as a game, but we don't. We see this as fighting fire with fire.
Reagan had a deal with Tip O'Neal decades ago to secure the border in return for a path to citizenship for illegals. Reagan lived up to his end of the bargain. The Democrats did not!

Be honest, Pk...the Democrats haven't wanted to secure the border because they view millions of illegals as millions of future votes that will keep them in power. They could have addressed immigration when they controlled the House, Senate and White House and they didn't touch it. They're happy with what's been happening.
What a crock of shit.

20 years of Republican Administrations in that time junior. Many of them years with GOP control of Congress.
I guess you have this veil of ignorance you're wearing proudly.

“veil of ignorance”? Geez, my biblical reference was just a metaphor; I had no idea you were actually thinking in those terms.

But anyway, are you saying that these people were, in fact, tormented? If so, I’d sure like to know how so I’ll know you’re not expressing faux outrage.
Do you think that any of these folks who were shipped up to Martha's Vineyard spoke English very well?
Okay...are you aware that the areas they came from were likely heavily bilingual (English/Spanish)?

There are literally Hispanics who barely speak English in every state in this country. Why is this significant?
So there is this language barrier from the get-go. What do you think that does to someone to not be able to communicate?

Compels them to learn the language, you know, just like all the other non-English-speakers who came here?
Then there is the economics of it. I would imagine that they are not affluent. Martha's Vineyard is one of the most expensive places in the nation.
What do you think that does to someone who cannot afford to buy a meal and has no friends or family for support?

They couldn’t afford it in Florida or Texas either, so?
I know you don't care about these people.

The only thing I said about these people was that they were not tormented. Do not presume to tell me how I feel about them.

Besides, I don’t think you care any more about them than I do. I think these people are mere props in your morality play.
You're a trump supporter

What does Trump have to do with this?
so it's a given that you have to be this disgusting, nasty, half-human scumbag that you've relished becoming most of your miserable life.

Jesus Christ, all this just because I said “torment” was a bit much?

I said they were not tormented or tortured in any way. Is anything I said not true?
If you don't agree with my assessment, I get that. But what is this penchant you have for causing misery and anguish to folks who have not harmed you in any way shape or form?

Are you saying I caused these people “misery” and “anguish” (which they have not experienced anyway)?
The responsibility for border security rests with the federal govt, and their failure to provide adequate control of the border should mean that they pay for the care and sustenance of the resulting illegals rather than the bordering states. There ought to be locations where the illegals can be sheltered at the expense of the US Gov't, along with the transportation costs to get them there.
I (and probably all of us) know the point they're trying to make here. I do get it. I agree with parts of it. But sometimes we have to find a bottom to our behaviors. Sometimes we need to just not do something because we want to be better than that. There is no "we tried everything". That's lazy-minded bullshit.

Since we know that the folks on this board are more and more representative of the base of the party, and we regularly see these tragically desperate brown people referred to here as things like subhuman and cockroaches (examples would not be hard to find), we know that the base has just lost its fundamental humanity.

They feel that they have "lost their country" and now are willing to "fight" until we're rubble. What they don't want to face is the possibility that the reason they've "lost" (not true) is that they failed to convince. Why? Because they have been reduced to incurious, manipulated, angry souls who only know to spout shallow talk radio platitudes rather than communicate effectively.

We all lose when a wheel falls off the bike. All of us.
Are you aware of the fact that cc’s diatribe was directed at me and only because I said that the word “Torment” that the guy used in the tweet he cited was a bit much?
Yes, that certainly is the rightwing narrative isn't it?

Hmmm...let's see...the economy is better than the one Trump left office on, unemployment is much lower. Violent crime rose between 2016 and 2020, in 2020 it rose by 30%. It is now leveling off. Ya, Afghanistan was a debacle but some of that belongs at the feet of Trump who negotiated a deal and deadline with terrorists and excluded the legitimate government. inflation is bad but it is all over the world. Ukraine is not yet part of Russia, and Biden was able to strengthen our alliances and NATO which is a plus given his predecessor would have held the door open for Russia. All in all, given the mess his predecessor left, I'm ok with Biden.

Sore loser much?

If you believe all this it's delusional

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