Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

Don't be stupid. You can solve the problem in a year if you expand E Verify and fine employers who hire illegals.

Is that the only response you have? You keep bringing it up as if it's a solution. Now we've had this discussion before, so I'll reiterate:

To convict an employer, the government needs evidence that the employer knowingly hired illegals which is damn near impossible to do.
The courts ruled that illegals can sue employers for not hiring them because they are illegals.
E-Verify is not flawless, it's full of flaws.
Today between the drug lords and the internet, fake ID's are as easy to get as a yo-yo.
People come here for more than just jobs. They come here to drop anchor babies so when the parent(s) get returned home, the kids grows up and can summon those parents into the states.

Any other questions?
he’s referring to your party and it’s presidential nominees promising to give them all free things like healthcare

Again, when unable to honestly discuss something, start lying. It's quite sad.
Why wouldn't I be ok with it?

Better question is, why wouldn't they be ok with it?

If the liberals, progressives and Democrats champion for illegals to be brought into the country and publicly pay themselves on the back for wanting them to come in shouldn't they be ok with taking responsibility for them?
A non profit, PAC business association from the northwest coast of the USA, formed a segment in Martha's Vinyard and is trying to get businesses on the island to support this group's cause.

It is NOT Martha's Vinyard local government, silly one! Nor all the people of Martha's Vinyard Island towns.

It is another BIG FAT LIE that Martha's Vinyard was ever a govt sanctioned, sanctuary city or island.

There is no welcoming sign for immigrants or refugees or LGBT or for trannies the govt.

that was made up, trumper, bull try to cover for DeSantis sending them there, (to Obama's home), in Martha's Vinyard, and without any notice given to the island non profits, charities, and govt officials.
Those illegals are being sent to Martha's Vineyard because that's where rich, entitled liberals vacation while the policies they spend their money to promote turn the rest of the country into a sewer. They're being sent there to EMBARRASS a bunch of Limo Liberals!
Those illegals are being sent to Martha's Vineyard because that's where rich, entitled liberals vacation while the policies they spend their money to promote turn the rest of the country into a sewer. They're being sent there to EMBARRASS a bunch of Limo Liberals!

I'd be willing to bet that people are not drawn here for job openings on Martha's Island.
The reason they come is because they know the border is wide open! Duh?
I DO support stopping that! Why don't you?

The border is wide open the other way also. Why aren't people going that way?

It's always been wide open. It will always be wide open.
I'd be willing to bet that people are not drawn here for job openings on Martha's Island.
Those illegals could care less about Martha's Vineyard, Pk...they were just taking a flight to the Northeast part of the US. Now they're on Cape Cod. In a few days they'll be where they wanted to be all along. While that's happening they're fed and given a place to sleep. Hell, they've been treated better than the average American who's flight was cancelled! We end up sleeping on the floor of an airport terminal!
Those illegals could care less about Martha's Vineyard, Pk...they were just taking a flight to the Northeast part of the US.

They said they were told to get on the plane as they were going to go where the jobs were. Or in more precise language, they were lied to.

Now they're on Cape Cod. In a few days they'll be where they wanted to be all along. While that's happening they're fed and given a place to sleep. Hell, they've been treated better than the average American who's flight was cancelled! We end up sleeping on the floor of an airport terminal!

Yes, they want to be where the jobs are. But to note, those sent to M.V. are not here illegally.
The border is wide open the other way also. Why aren't people going that way?

It's always been wide open. It will always be wide open.
That's such a lie! How can you sit there and claim that? You on the left called Trump a racist BECAUSE he tightened border security! Then when Biden came in and on day one got rid of Trump's border policies you all cheered! If Republicans take back the House and Senate you'll see the border regain a sense of order again.
That's such a lie! How can you sit there and claim that? You on the left

I ask this over and over and over but there is never an answer. (we know why).

I am one of the few supporting the idea of enforcing our employment laws so people are not attracted to come here in the first place. You consider that "left"? If so, what does that say about the "right"?
They said they were told to get on the plane as they were going to go where the jobs were. Or in more precise language, they were lied to.

Yes, they want to be where the jobs are. But to note, those sent to M.V. are not here illegally.
Gee, Pk...they spent an entire DAY in Martha's Vineyard before ending up on the mainland and they didn't have to take a long bus ride to get there! If you were to ask any of those illegals I'm pretty sure they'd tell they don't have a problem with that!
Gee, Pk...they spent an entire DAY in Martha's Vineyard before ending up on the mainland and they didn't have to take a long bus ride to get there! If you were to ask any of those illegals I'm pretty sure they'd tell they don't have a problem with that!

And yet they said they were lied to. (links posted earlier)
They said they were told to get on the plane as they were going to go where the jobs were. Or in more precise language, they were lied to.

So let's see those forms they had to sign. Oh, that's right, there are none. Just some lying leftist claim by a commie outlet somewhere.
I ask this over and over and over but there is never an answer. (we know why).

I am one of the few supporting the idea of enforcing our employment laws so people are not attracted to come here in the first place. You consider that "left"? If so, what does that say about the "right"?
So you're in favor of enforcing SOME laws but not others? Why not both? Oh,'re a liberal! You only enforce the laws you like!

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