Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

I'd be willing to bet that people are not drawn here for job openings on Martha's Island.
I am tired of them being next to me while others get a free pass for their promoted views. All lily white rich prog areas need to have massive amounts of illegals sent to them. Double down on them already affected also. San Fran needs tens of thousands more as well as L.A., Portland, and Seattle.
That's such a lie! How can you sit there and claim that? You on the left called Trump a racist BECAUSE he tightened border security! Then when Biden came in and on day one got rid of Trump's border policies you all cheered! If Republicans take back the House and Senate you'll see the border regain a sense of order again.
Libs like pknopp are mostly truthful when they accuse conservatives of racism

They are dedicated to an America where white people are a minority

And a mistreated minority at that to make amends for white racism in the form of slavery long ago

Its a belief that that never question
So you're in favor of enforcing SOME laws but not others? Why not both? Oh,'re a liberal! You only enforce the laws you like!

No, I'm for enforcing all or none. But again, you simply are not able to be honest.
And yet they said they were lied to. (links posted earlier)
The liberal media is pushing that story because they KNOW they're losing this PR battle! Those people wanted to get to the Northeast. They were given a flight there instead of a long bus ride. Which would YOU rather have?
I am tired of them being next to me while others get a free pass for their promoted views. All lily white rich prog areas need to have massive amounts of illegals sent to them. Double down on them already affected also. San Fran needs tens of thousands more as well as L.A., Portland, and Seattle.

Why spend $600,000 dollars to send 50 people that weren't even in your state elsewhere when you could pass actual laws and enforce those laws so that they do not want to come to your state to start with?
The liberal media is pushing that story because they KNOW they're losing this PR battle! Those people wanted to get to the Northeast. They were given a flight there instead of a long bus ride. Which would YOU rather have?
I do not live in your fantasy world.
You live in your own fantasy world! One where people would rather take a bus ride that lasts a week than take a plane flight that gets them there in one day! One where those people who DID fly were somehow "abused"!
Darn, you caught me.

That person was NOT here illegally. They were a DACA student who that got legal protections. I disagreed that Obama should have been able to do that but it was upheld.
You live in your own fantasy world! One where people would rather take a bus ride that lasts a week than take a plane flight that gets them there in one day! One where those people who DID fly were somehow "abused"!

Inane rambling.
Congress, needs to do THEIR JOBS and work through immigration reform.

Both sides of the aisle Representatives, are yellow belly cowards....

Our immigration woes do not come from the executive branch trying to deal with it on their own, it comes from Congress, in charge of immigration laws, not legally addressing our problems, and needs.
Trying to paint those illegals as somehow "abused" is all that the liberal media has left! They know that De Santis and Abbott are embarrassing Democrats with this and the melt downs by Mayors in Chicago, New York City and Washington DC are making average Americans shake their heads and chuckle!
That person was NOT here illegally. They were a DACA student who that got legal protections. I disagreed that Obama should have been able to do that but it was upheld.

DACA does not mean you are legal, it only means you can't get deported.
Congress, needs to do THEIR JOBS and work through immigration reform.

Both sides of the aisle Representatives, are yellow belly cowards....

Our immigration woes do not come from the executive branch trying to deal with it on their own, it comes from Congress, in charge of immigration laws, not legally addressing our problems, and needs.
So why didn't Barry do just that when Democrats controlled the House, Senate and White House, Care?
Trying to paint those illegals as somehow "abused" is all that the liberal media has left!

It was said they were lied to. I consider that abuse but I most certainly can understand why Trump supporters do not.

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