Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

No sonny you don't

Yes Sonny I do.

Wow, could you imagine if that were actually happening?

Towns don't have governors.

So everyone in those states voted for Biden? I bet you think that as well.

"Wow, could you imagine if that were actually happening?"

I've already given you links proving it's happening bitch and like the typical commie you're ignoring reality.

No one has ever opened the border wide open like this administration has, Pk! There are thousands of illegals pouring across every day because they KNOW that they will be released into the United States if they claim that they are asylum seekers! The Biden Administration deliberately created this crisis from the first day that they were in office and have done nothing to stop it since then! They did so for one reason and one reason alone...they think those illegals will vote for them eventually! That's the entire reason that you on the left are destroying our country with this! You're flooding the country with drugs that are killing hundreds of thousands of Americans because you think opening the border will let you win elections! Every single one of those deaths is on YO

How do you figure?

The problem is Dementia. The solution to the problem is getting people to turn against him and the Democrat party.
Dementia is what one has when they think that injecting Lysol and Clorox could stop Covid or George Washington controlled the airports at Valley Forge.
How do you know what Biden thinks? If you people would step away from the Klan mentality maybe the illegals will vote for you when they become legal citizens.

xiden doesn't have the capacity to think beyond rudimentary tasks. He goes where he's told to go and says what he's told to say. And can't even do those well.

The right is trying to stop illegals at the border, while the left doesnt think we should have borders because, they think that their party appeals to broke dick illegal scrubs and that these scrubs will one day vote for democrats. Thats the difference.
IMO, I think you are believing in a manufactured epistemology. The same folks that control the mass media, are the ones that have spun this narrative for you. Do you think I am not aware of this narrative? It is what comes out of TEE VEE channels like CNN and Fox News. :rolleyes: Those folks are part of the club, on both sides, that is orchestrating this whole thing.

OK, so, the DNC has control of DC now, and they could have codified a compromise on abortion, but? They chose not to.

And, when Trump was first elected, the GOP had complete control of congress.

Just as the DNC passed the omnibus spending bill with a simple majority, over the loud objections of the GOP, and did all of their green agenda nonsense for the global oligarchs, the GOP, likewise, could have taken care of this damn issue in the omnibus budget bill with a simple majority. But they didn't. Why? Because the global oligarchs only use, which ever party is more convenient, to push the global agenda. Stopping the flow of human capital around the globe? THAT, was defiantly NOT on the global agenda.

All the ostensible "representative rulers," are controlled by the same damn oligarchs. It is not in their interest to solve issues that they don't want a solution to. Folks that actually believe partisan politics are genuine, or that the various nation states are not controlled and moved around like pieces on a game board, by the folks that are really in control, for their interests, (probably not yours,) don't have a clue what is going on. Wars, outbreaks of disease, indeed, even things like earthquakes, forest fires, droughts, and weather manipulation, are all now possible. Even inflation is no accident. None of these things are accidents anymore, they are all created by a consortium of powerful people at think tanks we don't generally hear about.

So too, mass movements of people, shifts of human capital, are all planned. And in the end, the little people of the world, nor their governments, have little say over the matter.

government reality.png
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The law says that has to be done at a port of entry, the vast majority aren't coming in at ports of entry. So they're just plain old criminals.

Yeah, you saw everyone of them do it, and you also watched them being led back over the Mexican border. Funny how you bitchers never mention that.
Ron Desantis has sent a shipment of illegals to Martha's Vineyard, and the MSM and Democrats are once again suddenly horrified, just as they were when Abbot sent them to Chicago and NYC.

I say if you talk to talk, you should walk the walk. If people in NYC/DC/Elitist northern states are going to slander border states as "racist" and "xenophobic" for not taking in illegal immigrants while being exposed to none of the negative consequences, then they should lead by example and not only accept but actively harbor illegal immigrants to show how virtuous they are.

As we've seen, northern cities have cried afoul and declared states of emergency after mere dozens of illegals are shipped to their doorstep.

Does anyone here actually think it's wrong for Republicans to call out the Democrats here and merely involve them in the process?

100% fine with it. The border issue is everyone's issue, not just the border states. It's easy to sit in your posh home in Martha's Vineyard and virtue signal while someone else deals with the problem. Quite a different thing when that problem shows up in your town.
Here's where martha vineyard residents sent the illegals.

2nd. These MILLIONAIRES started a gofundme for the illegals which the illegals are probably not gonna get. Meanwhile...the Muthuh's vineyard community organization has a fund of 14 million. that's a prime example of the charity of the left.
Dementia is what one has when they think that injecting Lysol and Clorox could stop Covid or George Washington controlled the airports at Valley Forge.
It was joe that said "maybe you can inject some bleach in your arm" he's the only President I've ever heard say that.
Yeah, you saw everyone of them do it, and you also watched them being led back over the Mexican border. Funny how you bitchers never mention that.

What the hell are you smoking? I haven't see everyone of them do it. Wading across the river at Eagle Pass or other illegal entry points is NOT coming in at a port of entry. Perhaps you should learn the definition of "everyone".

I'm somewhat enheartened that there are like 3-400 thousand fewer MAGA maniacs running around out there because they believe the lies you guys spouted. I read one place where like 30-40 of the 1/6 insurrectionists have died from covid.... natural selection at its finest.
Ah there is the perfect example of today's Trump hater. Wishing death on Americans with different political views.
What the hell are you smoking? I haven't see everyone of them do it. Wading across the river at Eagle Pass or other illegal entry points is NOT coming in at a port of entry. Perhaps you should learn the definition of "everyone".

actually it s at a Port if Entry of within one year of arrival

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