Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

Ron Desantis has sent a shipment of illegals to Martha's Vineyard, and the MSM and Democrats are once again suddenly horrified, just as they were when Abbot sent them to Chicago and NYC.

I say if you talk to talk, you should walk the walk. If people in NYC/DC/Elitist northern states are going to slander border states as "racist" and "xenophobic" for not taking in illegal immigrants while being exposed to none of the negative consequences, then they should lead by example and not only accept but actively harbor illegal immigrants to show how virtuous they are.

As we've seen, northern cities have cried afoul and declared states of emergency after mere dozens of illegals are shipped to their doorstep.

Does anyone here actually think it's wrong for Republicans to call out the Democrats here and merely involve them in the process?
Human beings aren’t cattle.
Ron Desantis has sent a shipment of illegals to Martha's Vineyard, and the MSM and Democrats are once again suddenly horrified, just as they were when Abbot sent them to Chicago and NYC.

I say if you talk to talk, you should walk the walk. If people in NYC/DC/Elitist northern states are going to slander border states as "racist" and "xenophobic" for not taking in illegal immigrants while being exposed to none of the negative consequences, then they should lead by example and not only accept but actively harbor illegal immigrants to show how virtuous they are.

As we've seen, northern cities have cried afoul and declared states of emergency after mere dozens of illegals are shipped to their doorstep.

Does anyone here actually think it's wrong for Republicans to call out the Democrats here and merely involve them in the process?

I'd rather see these damned hypocrites solve the problem than fight with each other for another 20 years.
With the illegals being played like pawns by the two sides, there is a danger that may be left unmentioned:

These illegals might to feel kind of unwelcome. 😮
Human beings aren’t cattle.
IN the view of the elites that rule over us? Yeah, that is pretty much how they view the population anyway. They view all of the lower classes as, "human resources." I.E. capitol to be exploited. Legal, illegal, a distinction w/o much of a difference.

I have yet to hear, from someone either on the right or the left, why progressives are upset by this, when Biden's administration has done the same thing.

I am totally at a loss, why the left is outraged at GOP governors for doing this, when the administration in DC does the same thing. . . No one wants to explain that to me.



From where I am standing? I honestly don't see a whole hell of a lot of difference between the right and the left on this. . .

I'm wondering whether these Illegals have grounds to sue here. Even though they weren't criminal aliens, they were deported immediately from MV without any kind of due process. Sounds like a violation of the civil rights laws, if these Illegals were part of the Kennedy clan would they have been treated differently?
To begin with, non-citizens are not afforded all the same rights as citizens. Secondly, entering the country illegally is, by definition, a crime. Third, criminals are moved all the time to different prisons or trial venues. They have no say whatsoever in where we put them.

Don’t be an idiot. I said they don’t get a say in where we put them. This does not in any way translate to cops having the right to beat them.

Grow up.

I never suggested removing any rights. I said they don’t get a say in where we put them. Which means - given their crime of entering the country illegally - the right to go anywhere in the country they wish is a right they never had in the first place.

There were no jobs, food or housing for them in Florida or Texas either. So?

Democrats asked for this shit when governors and mayors defied immigration law to offer sanctuary to these people.

You aren't even aware just how stupid your response is. Again, the Northern Guvs and Mayors need to swear out warrants and have the two Governors that are doing this extradited, charged and tried for the crimes.
So the "Not my president" movement by Democrats under Trump and calling him an illegitimate president is just so accepting. LOL

There will always be a small group that will pull that crap. Rump wasn't my pick (neither was hillary) but he got elected regardless so he was the lawful president. I was NEVER part of the "Not My President" group. But you keep mistaking the "Never Trumpers" as part of that movement and I was part of the early ones of the Never Trumpers which makes up the majority of the Lincoln Project. And we are almost all Republicans and Conservatives. But as of Jan 21, 2022, Rump became "Not My President" because he worked so hard to become that. Funny, all he had to do is to behave himself for the last year of his office and he would have been reelected. But no, he couldn't do that. He did everything he could to lose. Now he's in the "Not My President" list and I hope he goes to the "Never going to be my President Again" list.
People just need to realize that virtue signaling only counts when it is theoretical.

When it becomes real, all bets are off.
Wrong? Wrong> How about illegal as hell. It's called kidnapping bordering on human trafficing. What the Norther Guvs and Mayors need to do is to find at least one person that was treated this way that didn't wish it to happen and then bring charges on the Texas and Florida Governors. This is another case of you and your bunch of criminals committing felonies. and you think it's a good thing as long as it happens to the other side.
Triggered. ^^^

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