Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

You aren't even aware just how stupid your response is. Again, the Northern Guvs and Mayors need to swear out warrants and have the two Governors that are doing this extradited, charged and tried for the crimes.

It's only a crime when it involves rich elitist liberals?
Does this Martha Vineyard's case give other jurisdictions like Pennsylvania or Mississippi the right to immediately, and without due process to expel illegals and have them confined to military bases?

It isn't like MV is the only place getting unwanted Illegals after all.

And since the Liberal Elite are supposed to be our role models, I like the idea of this being a binding legal precedent.
They were shipped to a place of great hope and opportunity and then denied. Shame on Martha and her Vineyard
Leftoid hypocrisy strikes again.

But dumping millions of illegals into working-class and middle-class areas is okay.


But a report from Fox News points out that only a year ago, Keith Chastinover, a progressive county commissioner for Dukes County, where Martha's Vineyard is located, said the highly exclusive area should be a haven for illegals.

In fact, he said he would "love" to see that happen.

"I would love Martha’s Vineyard to become a haven for new immigrants to this country, but Senator Cruz has no idea what he’s talking about regarding a 'border crisis,'" Chatinover said at the time.


Liberal hypocrisy, not leftist, but yes - Democrats are deranged scum.
Ron Desantis has sent a shipment of illegals to Martha's Vineyard, and the MSM and Democrats are once again suddenly horrified, just as they were when Abbot sent them to Chicago and NYC.

I say if you talk to talk, you should walk the walk. If people in NYC/DC/Elitist northern states are going to slander border states as "racist" and "xenophobic" for not taking in illegal immigrants while being exposed to none of the negative consequences, then they should lead by example and not only accept but actively harbor illegal immigrants to show how virtuous they are.

As we've seen, northern cities have cried afoul and declared states of emergency after mere dozens of illegals are shipped to their doorstep.

Does anyone here actually think it's wrong for Republicans to call out the Democrats here and merely involve them in the process?
Okay is not a strong enough word.

I'm LOVING it.

Seeing the Democrats exposed as the deranged Nazi scum they are is making my month. :)
The open border was always a plan to destroy red states, that’s why Biden administration was flying them to places like Florida in the first place. Now they scream when they get a taste of their own medicine….
That's one perceived benefit, yes, but destroying the middle and working classes was also a huge part of the agenda; starvation wages are assured by an endless flow of illegals into the country.

The Democrats - and the oligarchy at large - want the US population as poor as possible.

Barefoot and aborted.

"Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns agreed with CNN anchor John Berman Thursday that Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., relocating illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard followed similar themes of authoritarianism found in Nazi Germany."

Wonder how he feels about those illegal immigrants being relocated almost as soon as they arrived in those sanctuary cities?

Yeah….. didn’t hitler send his victims to luxury resort towns too? Oh….right…..that whole mass murder thing…..that’s what the socialists did..
I have no issue with it happening because it reveals something interesting to me. All this talk of accepting illegal immigration, and providing sanctuary for these people, and supporting open borders policies....was really just virtue signaling. The truth is these blue areas were not on the Southern border, knew they were insulated from the issue, and had the luxury to not care about it.

Now, they're getting illegal immigrants as well and they're freaking out....yet they're getting a fraction of what the areas of the Southern border are seeing. I think this campaign is very effective because it's points out the blue state hypocrisy, the NIMBY attitudes, and the lack of care for anything that goes outside of their sphere of power. You know what? The left made this bed and they can lay in it too. Even with this going on they're still not getting the lion share of the issue.
Liberal, not left, but yes.
Ben Shapiro Calls Out The Yard-Sign Hypocrisy Of Martha’s Vineyard

The long nightmare is finally over for the people of Martha’s Vineyard, who were forced to share their idyllic island enclave for more than a day with some 50 illegal immigrants . . . The illegal immigrants . . were shuttled off Friday morning to a Massachusetts military base after wealthy locals in the liberal playland balked at their presence. Shapiro, tongue firmly in cheek, explained that it isn’t always easy to live up to the values on your self-righteous yard signs.

“My heart goes out to the victimized people on Martha’s Vineyard who are having to deal with like, a few days of charitable meal giving. It’s really rough stuff happening here,” Shapiro said.

Ultimately, Democrats can’t claim open borders are a good thing, then whine when the policy affects them directly, Shapiro said.

“They can’t have it both ways,” he said. “On the one hand, they say illegal immigration is a wondrous good for the United States. It shows the sympathy of the United States, shows our open arms. It shows that the slogans on the Statue of Liberty are the real Constitution.

“And on the other hand, if you show up at our house, man, are we going to be pissed,” he added. “Let me tell you, then it’s an emergency.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of your own lawn sign.”

TheReaper: The utter hypocrisy of Open Borders Liberals who don't want the dirty brown people in their town now blazes for all to see.
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Never has the heartlessness of the right wing been on more vibrant display than during this sad chapter of gubenatorial publicity stunts. Everytime you guys try something like this it backfires.

Is that why the fifty sent to Martha's Vineyardwere rounded up byu the Nat;l Guard and the placed on a military base?
Hmm...., where do those illegfals coming across the border everyday go? Are they put on military bases too? IDTS.
You're a hypocrite by what you write and by your logic.
Shipping a few of these illegal aliens who chose to go voluntarily to D.C., NYC, Chicago and now fifty to Martha's Vineyard was symbolic of what is happening in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico.
Are you claiming that those midnight flights of illegals to Red States and Cities is also heartless of your allies of Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies?
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Never has the heartlessness of the right wing been on more vibrant display . . . .

Excuse me you dimwitted retard, but it is your leftwing liberals who booted the Hispanics out, not us.

Your beloved dementia president was shipping them around the country well before Desantis was. Holy hypocrisy

You are totally out of touch with reality.

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