Are You Ready to be Forcibly Injected with Whatever, Regularly? Central Digital ID


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Very important you understand this now. Not later. Central database digital ID will mean a government controlled single key to everything in your life. Your bank accounts. Your doctor appointments. Your government benefits or tax refunds. Your Ability to get student loans, travel, buy food and gas. It is very convenient. It also means this same convenience can be shut off in a heartbeat.

Remember Biden was willing to force companies to fire you for not taking the clot-shot by making it part of OSHA regulations, much to the regret of millions of people who paid with their health or even their lives, around 17 million lives around the world according to University of Ottawa Prof. Denis Rancourt, and many other doctors and scientists. So far.

So what will you do when your central ID goes off because it shows your "vaccinations" are not up to date? These people thought nothing of recommending these untested, fiendish mRNA substances for 6-month-olds. Do you think they would hesitate?

Just another way to get all your personal data, face mapping, iris scans, health records, whatever right? Gubmint gonna gubmint. But have you thought it all the way through? Before you shrug and say so what's new?

Why would the elites do all this? They will need billions of guinea pigs for all the medical experiments the elites have planned, for extending their lives to 200 years. Only the billionaire .001% will be able to afford it. Many experiments are bound to go horribly wrong.

Stop this now check in at Stop Digital ID STOP DIGITAL ID

EU Passes Digital ID Which Will Be Voluntary, Until It Isn't - March 11, 2024
EU Says Digital ID Will Be Voluntary, So Did India Before Agencies Mandated It

The European Union parliament says that the digital identity wallet will be voluntary, which is what India said about its own digital ID scheme before government agencies began mandating it for certain services....

Ex- Bush Official Catherine Fitts: With Central Digital ID and CBDC They Can Force Vax You & Take Your Kids. Fitts was Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD,) and the first woman managing director at Dillon, Read & Co., who managed a $500 billion portfolio for HUD.

Full interview: Does BIS Owe Us $21 Trillion ($65,000 per Person)?

Best documentary on coming enslavement of humanity - State of Control

On the digital prison:


Tulsi Gabbard

Silicon Valley Engineer Explains Our Coming Face Recognition, Digital Prison

Stop Central Global Database Digital ID Petitions

Rebel News

CitizenGo CitizenGO


For Brits (debate by Parliament becomes bindig at 100K signatures, Brits only) Petition: Legislate against any form of Digital ID
Everyone should just refuse to comply.

If we refuse, as we all did with the last scamdemic, they will eventually have to give up again.

We've already been through this. It is unAmerican. They can't do this if we don't let them.

The masses have the high-ground, they just need to understand this.


. .. the globalist best not. . .

Episode 457 – How To Save The World!​

by Corbett | May 9, 2024 | Podcasts, Videos | 38 comments
"You know what the most powerful weapon in the world is, don’t you? And you know how to use that weapon to change the course of human history, right? If not, don’t fret! James is here to tell you all about it. Don’t miss this short, simple, to-the-point presentation on How To Save The World in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast. "

This Is What The Globalists REALLY Fear​


How To Save The World​

Very important you understand this now. Not later. Central database digital ID will mean a government controlled single key to everything in your life. Your bank accounts. Your doctor appointments. Your government benefits or tax refunds. Your Ability to get student loans, travel, buy food and gas. It is very convenient. It also means this same convenience can be shut off in a heartbeat.

Remember Biden was willing to force companies to fire you for not taking the clot-shot by making it part of OSHA regulations, much to the regret of millions of people who paid with their health or even their lives, around 17 million lives around the world according to University of Ottawa Prof. Denis Rancourt, and many other doctors and scientists. So far.

So what will you do when your central ID goes off because it shows your "vaccinations" are not up to date? These people thought nothing of recommending these untested, fiendish mRNA substances for 6-month-olds. Do you think they would hesitate?

Just another way to get all your personal data, face mapping, iris scans, health records, whatever right? Gubmint gonna gubmint. But have you thought it all the way through? Before you shrug and say so what's new?

Why would the elites do all this? They will need billions of guinea pigs for all the medical experiments the elites have planned, for extending their lives to 200 years. Only the billionaire .001% will be able to afford it. Many experiments are bound to go horribly wrong.

Stop this now check in at Stop Digital ID STOP DIGITAL ID

EU Passes Digital ID Which Will Be Voluntary, Until It Isn't - March 11, 2024

Ex- Bush Official Catherine Fitts: With Central Digital ID and CBDC They Can Force Vax You & Take Your Kids. Fitts was Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD,) and the first woman managing director at Dillon, Read & Co., who managed a $500 billion portfolio for HUD.

Full interview: Does BIS Owe Us $21 Trillion ($65,000 per Person)?

Best documentary on coming enslavement of humanity - State of Control

On the digital prison:


Tulsi Gabbard

Silicon Valley Engineer Explains Our Coming Face Recognition, Digital Prison

Stop Central Global Database Digital ID Petitions

Rebel News

CitizenGo CitizenGO


For Brits (debate by Parliament becomes bindig at 100K signatures, Brits only) Petition: Legislate against any form of Digital ID

Catherine Austin Fitts should be on everybodies Favourites list . Extremely shrewd and clever lady .
imho .
She was in line to be a director of the Federal Reserve. But she had a problem with too much telling the truth.
Very important you understand this now. Not later. Central database digital ID will mean a government controlled single key to everything in your life. Your bank accounts. Your doctor appointments. Your government benefits or tax refunds. Your Ability to get student loans, travel, buy food and gas. It is very convenient. It also means this same convenience can be shut off in a heartbeat.

Remember Biden was willing to force companies to fire you for not taking the clot-shot by making it part of OSHA regulations, much to the regret of millions of people who paid with their health or even their lives, around 17 million lives around the world according to University of Ottawa Prof. Denis Rancourt, and many other doctors and scientists. So far.

So what will you do when your central ID goes off because it shows your "vaccinations" are not up to date? These people thought nothing of recommending these untested, fiendish mRNA substances for 6-month-olds. Do you think they would hesitate?

Just another way to get all your personal data, face mapping, iris scans, health records, whatever right? Gubmint gonna gubmint. But have you thought it all the way through? Before you shrug and say so what's new?

Why would the elites do all this? They will need billions of guinea pigs for all the medical experiments the elites have planned, for extending their lives to 200 years. Only the billionaire .001% will be able to afford it. Many experiments are bound to go horribly wrong.

Stop this now check in at Stop Digital ID STOP DIGITAL ID

EU Passes Digital ID Which Will Be Voluntary, Until It Isn't - March 11, 2024

Ex- Bush Official Catherine Fitts: With Central Digital ID and CBDC They Can Force Vax You & Take Your Kids. Fitts was Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD,) and the first woman managing director at Dillon, Read & Co., who managed a $500 billion portfolio for HUD.

Full interview: Does BIS Owe Us $21 Trillion ($65,000 per Person)?

Best documentary on coming enslavement of humanity - State of Control

On the digital prison:


Tulsi Gabbard

Silicon Valley Engineer Explains Our Coming Face Recognition, Digital Prison

Stop Central Global Database Digital ID Petitions

Rebel News

CitizenGo CitizenGO


For Brits (debate by Parliament becomes bindig at 100K signatures, Brits only) Petition: Legislate against any form of Digital ID

Not ready but expect Repubs to push this eventually. Eventually giving billions to big pharma and voter IDs won't be enough.

Just wait.

And Trump supporters will cheer.
Not ready but expect Repubs to push this eventually. Eventually giving billions to big pharma and voter IDs won't be enough.

Just wait.

And Trump supporters will cheer.
If it includes a bio-metric smart ID, that will track & trace, who is an American and who is an illegal?

Count on it.
Real ID has been given so many extensions that it may as well not exist.

I guess it was just something about being IDed by a star that people did not care for. ;)

The right will claimer for a digital ID if they think it will solve illegal immigration. It is the Hegelian Dialectic.

The only presidential candidate that I know is against force digital ID is RFKjr. He understands the implications of this tech.



Very important you understand this now. Not later. Central database digital ID will mean a government controlled single key to everything in your life. Your bank accounts. Your doctor appointments. Your government benefits or tax refunds. Your Ability to get student loans, travel, buy food and gas. It is very convenient. It also means this same convenience can be shut off in a heartbeat.

Remember Biden was willing to force companies to fire you for not taking the clot-shot by making it part of OSHA regulations, much to the regret of millions of people who paid with their health or even their lives, around 17 million lives around the world according to University of Ottawa Prof. Denis Rancourt, and many other doctors and scientists. So far.

So what will you do when your central ID goes off because it shows your "vaccinations" are not up to date? These people thought nothing of recommending these untested, fiendish mRNA substances for 6-month-olds. Do you think they would hesitate?

Just another way to get all your personal data, face mapping, iris scans, health records, whatever right? Gubmint gonna gubmint. But have you thought it all the way through? Before you shrug and say so what's new?

Why would the elites do all this? They will need billions of guinea pigs for all the medical experiments the elites have planned, for extending their lives to 200 years. Only the billionaire .001% will be able to afford it. Many experiments are bound to go horribly wrong.

Stop this now check in at Stop Digital ID STOP DIGITAL ID

EU Passes Digital ID Which Will Be Voluntary, Until It Isn't - March 11, 2024

Ex- Bush Official Catherine Fitts: With Central Digital ID and CBDC They Can Force Vax You & Take Your Kids. Fitts was Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD,) and the first woman managing director at Dillon, Read & Co., who managed a $500 billion portfolio for HUD.

Full interview: Does BIS Owe Us $21 Trillion ($65,000 per Person)?

Best documentary on coming enslavement of humanity - State of Control

On the digital prison:


Tulsi Gabbard

Silicon Valley Engineer Explains Our Coming Face Recognition, Digital Prison

Stop Central Global Database Digital ID Petitions

Rebel News

CitizenGo CitizenGO


For Brits (debate by Parliament becomes bindig at 100K signatures, Brits only) Petition: Legislate against any form of Digital ID

Hey! Voter ID!

Just what you wanted!

What are you complaining about?

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