Are You Tired of Being the Only Adult in the Room?

The Republicans now want to un-sequester the 600 billion in defense cuts due to occur.

How will that impact the budget?
The Republicans now want to un-sequester the 600 billion in defense cuts due to occur.

How will that impact the budget?

Don't we need a budget before we can determine the impact?

No. 600 billion is 600 billion. Or whatever the exact number is. If you pay 600 billion for something,

it doesn't matter what else you buy or don't buy.

Whose taxes get raised, or what gets cut, in order to offset the cost of restoring 600 billion in defense spending?

Go plague some other board, fucking troll.

Seriously, I have seen posts by Truthmatters and Jakematters that have some semblance of relevance to topic.

But you, you've NEVER posted anything that was on topic or relevant. You are purely a troll. Go over to Democratic Underground or Stormfront - you'll fit right in.
They'll still blame someone else. that is generally what children do.

Seriously, let them have their tax increases. it's the only thing they've been bitching about and it solve less than nothing. But they need to see it for themselves...even if they are fuckign with peoples lives. Let them have it.

They will blame Bush or Romney anyway.

Obama Strategy in a Song........

[ame=]Sammy Davis Jnr The Candy Man - YouTube[/ame]
Sammy Davis Jnr The Candy Man
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Now that the Dems have won reelection by promising candy to their childish supporters, they are turning to the GOP to bail them out of their idiotic campaign promises. Why not let them reap what they have sown? Let them pass their version of fiscal/tax reform and let them take credit for the results. Since we will NEVER pay off the National Debt, what's a few trillion dollars more? Maybe when inflation and interest rates hit 10% the voters will wake up, but not before then. Why not just sit back and watch the show?

Lame. What party is in charge of the House of Representatives?

Congress of the United States

Responsibilities of Congress

The most important responsibility of Congress is that of making the laws of the United States. In both houses the work of preparing and considering legislation is done by standing committees, and in addition there are special committees in each house as well as joint committees with bicameral membership. The two houses have an equal voice in legislation, but revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives. Bills, after having been passed by each house separately, must be signed by the president of the United States within 10 days of their submission, or they become law automatically, unless Congress is not in session. If vetoed by the president, a bill may become law only by its repassage by a two-thirds majority in each house.

Read more: Congress of the United States: Responsibilities of Congress — Congress of the United States: Responsibilities of Congress —

Thanks for the laugh! :lol:
They'll still blame someone else. that is generally what children do.

Seriously, let them have their tax increases. it's the only thing they've been bitching about and it solve less than nothing. But they need to see it for themselves...even if they are fuckign with peoples lives. Let them have it.

They will blame Bush or Romney anyway.

Moabama admitted that a tax increase will bring in less revenue, he is more concerned about installing his ideology than doing what's good for the country, he wants his vision of fairness, without regard to the damage it will do.
I'm stockpiling beans and rice, water and ammo. Regardless of what the idiot liberals do, me and mine will eat, drink and be protected from their insanity.

Looks like Ayn Rand was a prophet, just like George Orwell.

The redistributionists and the 'more equal' animals are running the asylum now, the show is going to get 'interesting', to say the least.

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