Are you watching Trump lie in Florida about bringing jobs back?

His ignorant base is cheering him. Not a mention of automation.

Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do.

FUnny how automation has had so much LESS impact over there...
They have strong unions and Germany values it's workers. American corporations want to break our unions and have no respect for labor

I think I have to agree, if I understand you correctly.

Our unions are concerned primarily with the LIberal agenda, not representing our workers' interests.

Our trade policy is rooted in "Free Trade" which has not worked the way it was supposed to, to the detriment of our workers.

Trump's campaign was primarily about crafting policy to benefit American workers.

I fully support him in this, and really, really want to see great movement in that direction.
Can someone explain to me why Democrats have a problem with Trump brining decent paying jobs back to America and saving decent paying jobs from leaving in the first place? Seriously WTF you would think that would make Democrats happy.

Are Dem's so petty as to hope Trump fails and the people suffer so that they have a shot at winning in 2020 are they that low?

Because he's lying. The jobs aren't coming back because they were lost to automation. Coal is not coming back any more than are horses, carriages and buggy whips. Nor should it.

Instead of clinging to fossil fuels, there is far more money to be made in alternative energy forms. It is time to move from a "cowboy economy" to a "conserver economy" and has been for years, but Republicans don't want to do it, because Republicans have fought progress for years.

Christ the guy has only been on the job for 4 weeks. You Dem's should be cheering Trump for even trying to bring jobs back, instead you are pissing and moaning why?

Because Trump has done absolutely nothing in those 30 days except his immigration ban, and that's been blocked because the role out was a disaster which created chaos when it was implemented.

His head of the NSA should be indicted for lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia (a felony) and was fired, his pick for assistant NSA was pulled for allegation of plagerism, his pick for the Department of Labor pulled his name from nomination, he keeps announcing people for the NSA that he wants, but two of them have turned him down, because of the dysfunction at the White House.

By this time in his Administration, Obama had passed two significant pieces of legislation (the stimulus, and the Lily Leadbetter Fair Pay Act), was much further along at getting his team into place, and the "mess" he was left with was far more dire and urgent than that which Trump inherited.
Sweden is one of the worst examples of Eurabia. Odds are something terrible DID happen in Sweden last night, perhaps in one of the no go zones.

They are being so stupid they have no right to judge ANYONE on ANYTHING.
Swedish terrorist attack. Ignored by MSM ! Now home grown Swedish terrorists export their terror worldwide ! RT #SwedishIncident #Sweden

Trump's campaign was primarily about crafting policy to benefit American workers.
He could start by paying off workers he has "dead Beat"

At least 60 lawsuits, along with hundreds of liens, judgments, and other government filings reviewed by the USA TODAY NETWORK, document people who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them for their work. Among them: a dishwasher in Florida. A glass company in New Jersey. A carpet company.Jun 9, 2016
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn't pay ...
Trump's campaign was primarily about crafting policy to benefit American workers.
He could start by paying off workers he has "dead Beat"

At least 60 lawsuits, along with hundreds of liens, judgments, and other government filings reviewed by the USA TODAY NETWORK, document people who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them for their work. Among them: a dishwasher in Florida. A glass company in New Jersey. A carpet company.Jun 9, 2016
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn't pay ...

Wow. A negative new article? What a shock.

Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do.

FUnny how automation has had so much LESS impact over there...

Germany also has really strong unions and a higher unionization rate.
A strong social welfare system, including universal health care
Higher taxes on the rich
A very generous policy towards immigration (they are still apologizing for the whole Nazi thing)

Oh, yeah, Germany also invests heavily in education and scientific research.

Hmmmm... you know, all the stuff you guys don't want to do because you don't need you no dun-der gummit, Cleetus!

Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do.

FUnny how automation has had so much LESS impact over there...

Germany also has really strong unions and a higher unionization rate.
A strong social welfare system, including universal health care
Higher taxes on the rich
A very generous policy towards immigration (they are still apologizing for the whole Nazi thing)

Oh, yeah, Germany also invests heavily in education and scientific research.

Hmmmm... you know, all the stuff you guys don't want to do because you don't need you no dun-der gummit, Cleetus!

You failed to mention that Germany is about to implode and women can't even walk around freely for fear of getting raped by Muslims.
now their left wing HATES corporations maybe that's it. Oil, gas, coal, timber, mining, fishing.

The left doesn't "hate corporations". They don't believe that corporations have the same rights as people and that Citizens United was a very bad decision.

Right, when we caught Obama and Hillary on camera vowing to destroy the coal industry we just imagined it? Obama banning oil exploration on vast tracks of public lands, imagined? I lived through the Clintons attack on the timber industry, trust me they HATE timber. They destroyed countless small towns that relied on timber, it was devastating to the middle class.

These are fantasies of your fevered imagination. Fracking killed coal, not regulation. No one is using coal, just like no one is using buggy whips anymore. Clean energy is replacing fossil fuels, but no fossil fuel is more dangerous than coal.

The United States became energy self-sufficient under the Obama Administration. The price of gas went from $5 a gallon under W to $2 a gallon, because of the reduced dependency on fossil fuels. The environment is cleaner and fewer people are dying due to pollution because of it.

But let's ignore facts and go with right wing talking points.

Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do.

FUnny how automation has had so much LESS impact over there...

Germany also has really strong unions and a higher unionization rate.
A strong social welfare system, including universal health care
Higher taxes on the rich
A very generous policy towards immigration (they are still apologizing for the whole Nazi thing)

Oh, yeah, Germany also invests heavily in education and scientific research.

Hmmmm... you know, all the stuff you guys don't want to do because you don't need you no dun-der gummit, Cleetus!

1. Seely already made the point about their unions.

2. And higher taxes encourage manufacturing jobs, how?

3. Your odd belief system that BENEFITS are the primary or even major reason is unsupported.

4. We both have very generous immigration policies. So, there is no reason to believe THAT is the reason their manufacturing sector is so much larger.

5. We invest heavily in education and scientific research too.

6. Your racism has been long established, but thanks for the reminder that you are a racist asshole.
now their left wing HATES corporations maybe that's it. Oil, gas, coal, timber, mining, fishing.

The left doesn't "hate corporations". They don't believe that corporations have the same rights as people and that Citizens United was a very bad decision.

Right, when we caught Obama and Hillary on camera vowing to destroy the coal industry we just imagined it? Obama banning oil exploration on vast tracks of public lands, imagined? I lived through the Clintons attack on the timber industry, trust me they HATE timber. They destroyed countless small towns that relied on timber, it was devastating to the middle class.

These are fantasies of your fevered imagination. Fracking killed coal, not regulation. No one is using coal, just like no one is using buggy whips anymore. Clean energy is replacing fossil fuels, but no fossil fuel is more dangerous than coal.

The United States became energy self-sufficient under the Obama Administration. The price of gas went from $5 a gallon under W to $2 a gallon, because of the reduced dependency on fossil fuels. The environment is cleaner and fewer people are dying due to pollution because of it.

But let's ignore facts and go with right wing talking points.

Coal is still 39% of our electricity production.

YOur claim that coal is dead is completely delusional.

You failed to mention that Germany is about to implode and women can't even walk around freely for fear of getting raped by Muslims.

Yes, I don't mention right wing fantasies about how dem-der foreigners have it worse than us.

I also didn't mention their unicorn plague. I hear the unicorns are really bad this year.
1. So, you admit that total manufacturing jobs can "pick up". Thank you. That is very reasonable of you. Such a result would result is millions of better jobs for millions of American families with good secondary effects rippling though society greatly.

2. How do you conclude that "gone jobs" won't be the ones coming back?

A few may come back, but most are gone for good for multiple reasons. First, the market adjusts prices to reflect government policy. Trump wants to slap on a 20% tariff on goods from Mexico because he wants to raise the cost of production in Mexico. Since Trump was elected, the Mexican peso has fallen 10%, meaning the cost of production in Mexico has already fallen 10%. If Trump gets his wish, the peso will fall even further, and the tariff will wind up not having much of an effect. All that will happen is that the government will get more tax money and the consumers will have less. A tariff is merely a tax on consumption.

Second, even in areas where there has been investment in manufacturing, it has been in high-end manufacturing, often with few or no jobs. That's technology displacing labor. Those are never coming back. I was on a tree farm last year, watching trees being cut down and hauled out. I don't think there were 10 people on the site. 30 years ago, 200 people would have been working. Those jobs are never coming back. Manufacturing is no different.

But that's not a surprise. In 1900, nearly half of all jobs in the US were in agriculture. Today, it's 3%. But we produce 50x more agricultural products than we did back then. That's because of technology. We're transitioning away from a manufacturing economy like we did an agricultural economy for the same reason. It sucked if your livelihood was dependent upon being a farmhand, but it's hard to argue that cheaper, more abundant food was a bad thing for America.

If Trump goes ahead and strips away many regulations - which I fully support - we could see a surge in job creation, and that would include some manufacturing jobs. But most jobs will be created in the services economy.

The ironic thing is that if Trump's deregulation leads to an acceleration in the economy, it will likely mean a surge in inflation, interest rates, and the dollar, making American manufacturing even more uncompetitive. Wages were already beginning to accelerate. Trump's policies will likely fuel that.

You failed to mention that Germany is about to implode and women can't even walk around freely for fear of getting raped by Muslims.

Yes, I don't mention right wing fantasies about how dem-der foreigners have it worse than us.

I also didn't mention their unicorn plague. I hear the unicorns are really bad this year.

Cologne New Year Sex Attacks: Germany's Women Are Angry, Scared-and Getting Tired of Excuses - American Renaissance

GERMANY – Deutsche Bank About To Implode And Decimate The Global Economy

You were saying?
now their left wing HATES corporations maybe that's it. Oil, gas, coal, timber, mining, fishing.

The left doesn't "hate corporations". They don't believe that corporations have the same rights as people and that Citizens United was a very bad decision.

Right, when we caught Obama and Hillary on camera vowing to destroy the coal industry we just imagined it? Obama banning oil exploration on vast tracks of public lands, imagined? I lived through the Clintons attack on the timber industry, trust me they HATE timber. They destroyed countless small towns that relied on timber, it was devastating to the middle class.

These are fantasies of your fevered imagination. Fracking killed coal, not regulation. No one is using coal, just like no one is using buggy whips anymore. Clean energy is replacing fossil fuels, but no fossil fuel is more dangerous than coal.

The United States became energy self-sufficient under the Obama Administration. The price of gas went from $5 a gallon under W to $2 a gallon, because of the reduced dependency on fossil fuels. The environment is cleaner and fewer people are dying due to pollution because of it.

But let's ignore facts and go with right wing talking points.

Coal is still 39% of our electricity production.

YOur claim that coal is dead is completely delusional.

Then that is a problem because coal is inefficient and highly polluting. Even the Chinese have stopped using it because it kills people, including the miners.

1. Seely already made the point about their unions.

2. And higher taxes encourage manufacturing jobs, how?

Keeps the rich from getting too greedy. No point in screwing over working folks if the government won't let you keep it.

3. Your odd belief system that BENEFITS are the primary or even major reason is unsupported.

Of course it is. Let's take the simple one. Universal health care. Since they only spent 10% of their GDP on health care and because it isn't added as an expense onto every product made because the employers aren't running it, they can invest more into the actual quality of the product.

4. We both have very generous immigration policies. So, there is no reason to believe THAT is the reason their manufacturing sector is so much larger.

Of course it is. Because at the end of the day, they have a labor pool to do the scrub work that white people just don't want to do.

5. We invest heavily in education and scientific research too.

No, we don't. Not nearly enough.

6. Your racism has been long established, but thanks for the reminder that you are a racist asshole.

Yawn, guy, you aren't a 'race', you're a culture. A culture that has been dumb and mean for 200 years.
1. So, you admit that total manufacturing jobs can "pick up". Thank you. That is very reasonable of you. Such a result would result is millions of better jobs for millions of American families with good secondary effects rippling though society greatly.

2. How do you conclude that "gone jobs" won't be the ones coming back?

A few may come back, but most are gone for good for multiple reasons. First, the market adjusts prices to reflect government policy. Trump wants to slap on a 20% tariff on goods from Mexico because he wants to raise the cost of production in Mexico. Since Trump was elected, the Mexican peso has fallen 10%, meaning the cost of production in Mexico has already fallen 10%. If Trump gets his wish, the peso will fall even further, and the tariff will wind up not having much of an effect. All that will happen is that the government will get more tax money and the consumers will have less. A tariff is merely a tax on consumption.

Second, even in areas where there has been investment in manufacturing, it has been in high-end manufacturing, often with few or no jobs. That's technology displacing labor. Those are never coming back. I was on a tree farm last year, watching trees being cut down and hauled out. I don't think there were 10 people on the site. 30 years ago, 200 people would have been working. Those jobs are never coming back. Manufacturing is no different.

But that's not a surprise. In 1900, nearly half of all jobs in the US were in agriculture. Today, it's 3%. But we produce 50x more agricultural products than we did back then. That's because of technology. We're transitioning away from a manufacturing economy like we did an agricultural economy for the same reason. It sucked if your livelihood was dependent upon being a farmhand, but it's hard to argue that cheaper, more abundant food was a bad thing for America.

If Trump goes ahead and strips away many regulations - which I fully support - we could see a surge in job creation, and that would include some manufacturing jobs. But most jobs will be created in the services economy.

The ironic thing is that if Trump's deregulation leads to an acceleration in the economy, it will likely mean a surge in inflation, interest rates, and the dollar, making American manufacturing even more uncompetitive. Wages were already beginning to accelerate. Trump's policies will likely fuel that.

All well said, but that does leave us with a problem- where do we employ all these people who don't have college degrees or technical skills?
Nice attempt at deflection and delegitimization. No I didn't read the fine print on those. Real stories, they are not good sites, though.

Dude, you cited "American Renaissance", a known hate group site.

So of course, their bread and butter is running stories about 'The Darkies are after your women". Because, frankly, nothing plays better with white insecurities than that.

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