Are you watching Trump lie in Florida about bringing jobs back?

His ignorant base is cheering him. Not a mention of automation.
GFY Derp...nothing not to like in Trumps speech. Makes Obabble look like a kindergarten fag.
You're delusional.

Did you notice as he left, the music was "You can't always get what you want"? His secret message about jobs.

You lost the election. Go curl up in a ball and gently weep.
Why is Trump still in campaign mode? Doesn't he know that he's now an illegitimate President????

Only in your tiny mind.
His ignorant base is cheering him. Not a mention of automation.
GFY Derp...nothing not to like in Trumps speech. Makes Obabble look like a kindergarten fag.
You're delusional.

Did you notice as he left, the music was "You can't always get what you want"? His secret message about jobs.

You lost the election. Go curl up in a ball and gently weep.
Weep? That shaking is me laughing. I can't wait to do the dance:

But you hate Trump and the Republicans. In your feeble brain we are destroying America. So why are you laughing? Because you hate America?

There is nothing wrong with laughing at Red State Retarded America.
Can someone explain to me why Democrats have a problem with Trump brining decent paying jobs back to America and saving decent paying jobs from leaving in the first place? Seriously WTF you would think that would make Democrats happy.

Are Dem's so petty as to hope Trump fails and the people suffer so that they have a shot at winning in 2020 are they that low?
GFY Derp...nothing not to like in Trumps speech. Makes Obabble look like a kindergarten fag.
You're delusional.

Did you notice as he left, the music was "You can't always get what you want"? His secret message about jobs.

You lost the election. Go curl up in a ball and gently weep.
Weep? That shaking is me laughing. I can't wait to do the dance:

But you hate Trump and the Republicans. In your feeble brain we are destroying America. So why are you laughing? Because you hate America?

There is nothing wrong with laughing at Red State Retarded America.

Says the man that an hour ago was attacking Trump for being divisive.
Can someone explain to me why Democrats have a problem with Trump brining decent paying jobs back to America and saving decent paying jobs from leaving in the first place? Seriously WTF you would think that would make Democrats happy.

They are offended by the idea of America winning.
I don't like all of the lies he told.
I don't like his attack on the judicial system, which undermines the judiciary and the pillars of democracy.

yeah - fuck them, the justices that create laws - fuck them

the decision by the 9th was CLEARLY illegal - they deserve to be attacked, they actually deserve to be impeached

but fuck them

They made a sound decision. It's not that Trump doesn't have the power to restrict immigration, it's that the EO was poorly written, wasn't vetted by the Justice Department, Homeland Security or anyone else to see if it was legal and would stand scrutiny, and was poorly implemented. THIS is why it was held up by the Court, and rightfully so.
Can someone explain to me why Democrats have a problem with Trump brining decent paying jobs back to America and saving decent paying jobs from leaving in the first place? Seriously WTF you would think that would make Democrats happy.

They are offended by the idea of America winning.

I know their left wing HATES corporations maybe that's it. Oil, gas, coal, timber, mining, fishing.
Can someone explain to me why Democrats have a problem with Trump brining decent paying jobs back to America and saving decent paying jobs from leaving in the first place? Seriously WTF you would think that would make Democrats happy.

Are Dem's so petty as to hope Trump fails and the people suffer so that they have a shot at winning in 2020 are they that low?

Because he's lying. The jobs aren't coming back because they were lost to automation. Coal is not coming back any more than are horses, carriages and buggy whips. Nor should it.

Instead of clinging to fossil fuels, there is far more money to be made in alternative energy forms. It is time to move from a "cowboy economy" to a "conserver economy" and has been for years, but Republicans don't want to do it, because Republicans have fought progress for years.
Can someone explain to me why Democrats have a problem with Trump brining decent paying jobs back to America and saving decent paying jobs from leaving in the first place? Seriously WTF you would think that would make Democrats happy.

Are Dem's so petty as to hope Trump fails and the people suffer so that they have a shot at winning in 2020 are they that low?

Actually, you're describing RWNJs and Repubs the last eight years.

For myself, I object to his never ending lies. From day one to today, all he does is lie. Problem is that a certain segment of society is unable/unwilling to think for themselves.

In point of fact, the only jobs drumpf has actually said he is "bringing back" are the lowest of the low. That's what Repubs want as well and apparently, so do the gullible fools who STILL believe drumpf's manure.

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Can someone explain to me why Democrats have a problem with Trump brining decent paying jobs back to America and saving decent paying jobs from leaving in the first place? Seriously WTF you would think that would make Democrats happy.

Are Dem's so petty as to hope Trump fails and the people suffer so that they have a shot at winning in 2020 are they that low?

Because he's lying. The jobs aren't coming back because they were lost to automation. Coal is not coming back any more than are horses, carriages and buggy whips. Nor should it.

Instead of clinging to fossil fuels, there is far more money to be made in alternative energy forms. It is time to move from a "cowboy economy" to a "conserver economy" and has been for years, but Republicans don't want to do it, because Republicans have fought progress for years.

Christ the guy has only been on the job for 4 weeks. You Dem's should be cheering Trump for even trying to bring jobs back, instead you are pissing and moaning why?
now their left wing HATES corporations maybe that's it. Oil, gas, coal, timber, mining, fishing.

The left doesn't "hate corporations". They don't believe that corporations have the same rights as people and that Citizens United was a very bad decision.

Right, when we caught Obama and Hillary on camera vowing to destroy the coal industry we just imagined it? Obama banning oil exploration on vast tracks of public lands, imagined? I lived through the Clintons attack on the timber industry, trust me they HATE timber. They destroyed countless small towns that relied on timber, it was devastating to the middle class.
Can someone explain to me why Democrats have a problem with Trump brining decent paying jobs back to America and saving decent paying jobs from leaving in the first place? Seriously WTF you would think that would make Democrats happy.

Are Dem's so petty as to hope Trump fails and the people suffer so that they have a shot at winning in 2020 are they that low?

Actually, you're describing RWNJs and Repubs the last eight years.

For myself, I object to his never ending lies. From day one to today, all he does is lie. Problem is that a certain segment of society is unable/unwilling to think for themselves.

In point of fact, the only jobs drumpf has actually said he is "bringing back" are the lowest of the low. That's what Repubs want as well and apparently, so do the gullible fools who STILL believe drumpf's manure.

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We get it, you hate Trump. Now answer the question why are Dem's not cheering Trump on when it comes to saving jobs and bringing jobs back? A rational answer or I must assume its just politics. They would rather Trump fail and people suffer just to score some points.
It is great that the leftwingnuts are actually, apparently watching President Trump. That in itself means he is winning.

They made a sound decision. It's not that Trump doesn't have the power to restrict immigration, it's that the EO was poorly written, wasn't vetted by the Justice Department, Homeland Security or anyone else to see if it was legal and would stand scrutiny, and was poorly implemented. THIS is why it was held up by the Court, and rightfully so.

Wow, Dragonlady, your comment is frighteningly stupid.
Christ the guy has only been on the job for 4 weeks. You Dem's should be cheering Trump for even trying to bring jobs back, instead you are pissing and moaning why?

4 weeks - by which time Obama had passed the stimulus bill which created or saved 1.6 million jobs. What has Trump actually accomplished in job creation.

Right shovel ready jobs Obama later admitted did not exist so the states spent the money avoiding laying off state employees for 2 years until the money ran out. Poof $800 billion gone with nothing to show for it.

I'll be honest you are so poorly informed on so many topics it would be best if you avoided voting, seriously.
Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do.

FUnny how automation has had so much LESS impact over there...

That's a wee bit of an exaggeration.

German manufacturing employment as a percentage of GDP has fallen 2x compared to about 2.5x in the US.

Percent of Employment in Manufacturing in the United States (DISCONTINUED)
Percent of Employment in Manufacturing in Germany (DISCONTINUED)

Germany is no different.

Your own links show germany at approximately 20% and us at approximately 10%.

There are millions of jobs to be had with better trade policy.

And Germany was at 40% while we were at 27%.

Germany has lost jobs in manufacturing, too. Our jobs declined by a third while theirs declined by a fifth.

And both Germany and the US are in the same trade deals with China.

Germany also had to deal with low cost jurisdictions such as Spain and Portugal. In fact, Germany is more politically integrated with Spain and Portugal than the US is with Mexico.

I am not arguing that manufacturing is not, long term a shrinking component.

But in the "short term" there are millions of jobs that can come back.

Germany has TWICE the percentage of such jobs as we do.

They had nearly twice - OK, 1.5x - the percentage of such jobs 40 years ago too. They've always had a significantly higher percentage of manufacturing jobs than us, at least since WWII.

The jobs that have gone overseas are not going to come back.

If total manufacturing employment continues to pick up - and it very well may - it won't be in jobs that have already gone. It will most likely be in companies that are either already here, or in newer companies that don't yet exist. And it will almost certainly be in higher-skilled areas of labor.
It is great that the leftwingnuts are actually, apparently watching President Trump. That in itself means he is winning.

They made a sound decision. It's not that Trump doesn't have the power to restrict immigration, it's that the EO was poorly written, wasn't vetted by the Justice Department, Homeland Security or anyone else to see if it was legal and would stand scrutiny, and was poorly implemented. THIS is why it was held up by the Court, and rightfully so.

Wow, Dragonlady, your comment is frighteningly stupid.

What's stupid about it? Trump admitted to day that they used "plain language". They also didn't have a proper implementation strategy and they caused chaos at points of entry because of it.

People with green cards were denied entry. Immigrants and students returning home from abroad were denied entry. Why? Because of that "plain wording", DHS didn't have any idea who was barred and who could get in. There's a reason why laws are written in legalese - to be clear and precise in their interpretation.

Trump is having a new order prepared and says he's doing things properly this time. I hope he does it properly. He certainly couldn't fuck it worse than he did last time.
Christ the guy has only been on the job for 4 weeks. You Dem's should be cheering Trump for even trying to bring jobs back, instead you are pissing and moaning why?

4 weeks - by which time Obama had passed the stimulus bill which created or saved 1.6 million jobs. What has Trump actually accomplished in job creation.

Right shovel ready jobs Obama later admitted did not exist so the states spent the money avoiding laying off state employees for 2 years until the money ran out. Poof $800 billion gone with nothing to show for it.

I'll be honest you are so poorly informed on so many topics it would be best if you avoided voting, seriously.

That's why I posted the link doofus. I know you have all of the talking points memorized, but haven't bothered to read the facts.

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