Zone1 Are You Willing to Do Anything God Asks of You?

it is you I don't know about. You could be God himself (herself?) how would I know for sure if you claimed you were?
Well, speaking about you and God, I automatically trust that you know whether or not God has ever spoken to you. I take it you are of the mind that if God has not spoken to you, He hasn't spoken (or it is very unlikely) He hasn't spoken to anyone else, either.

Other than, "There is no God," have you ever considered that there is, so why hasn't He spoken to you? Or did you arrive at the simplest conclusion of, "If God exists, there is no reason He wouldn't speak to me."
Similarly, I could be God testing your faith or Satan trying to make you disbelieve, how would you know?
Conduct your own tests, just like you would if you saw someone on the street you thought you might know.
Listen closely. Is it a Godly voice with a Godly request, or a Satanic voice with an evil request.

It would likely be a godly voice since it would be God. The request. It could be either one depending on one’s interpretation of what is godly and what is evil.
Some people will do whatever the voices in their heads tell them to do, and damn the consequences.

I would do something that God told me to do with the understanding that it could be a hallucination or mental illness. Think about the odds. If it wasn’t God then whether I obey or disobey will be irrelevant 100 years from now. If it was God then I could do a great service to the most powerful being in existence. I’d take that risk. If I was convinced it was actually God then I would roll with it.
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Well, speaking about you and God, I automatically trust that you know whether or not God has ever spoken to you. I take it you are of the mind that if God has not spoken to you, He hasn't spoken (or it is very unlikely) He hasn't spoken to anyone else, either.
If he has spoken to me I wasn't aware. You're right, I do think if He hasn't spoken to me He probably hasn't spoken to anyone else, either. After all, who needs to hear from him more someone who already believes or someone who doesn't.

Other than, "There is no God," have you ever considered that there is, so why hasn't He spoken to you? Or did you arrive at the simplest conclusion of, "If God exists, there is no reason He wouldn't speak to me."
People are very resourceful and can usually discover whatever they look for: God, Satan, angels, ghosts, aliens, Bigfoot, Elvis, etc.
If he has spoken to me I wasn't aware. You're right, I do think if He hasn't spoken to me He probably hasn't spoken to anyone else, either. After all, who needs to hear from him more someone who already believes or someone who doesn't.
Is the only reason you want God to speak to you is to prove Himself to you? If God should speak to you, would you have a second test for Him, or is speaking to you once enough? If once is enough, how would that change you?
Is the only reason you want God to speak to you is to prove Himself to you? If God should speak to you, would you have a second test for Him, or is speaking to you once enough? If once is enough, how would that change you?
You're right again, I'd have a follow up question: Which is his religion, laws, ethics, etc. Seems silly to find out there is a God and not know what he wants from us. I would of course do as he says without question.
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They are two different beings. These differences should be enough to identify each.
How's that? If I meet two strangers, I can see they are different but I can't see if one is a serial killer. They usually lie about those things.
If he has spoken to me I wasn't aware. You're right, I do think if He hasn't spoken to me He probably hasn't spoken to anyone else, either. After all, who needs to hear from him more someone who already believes or someone who doesn't.
Perhaps those who wish to do for Him instead of wanting Him to do for them?
If you find something that looks like gold, how do you know if it is not iron pyrite (fool's gold)?
I think you're supposed to hit it with a hammer. Iron pyrite shatters, gold flattens.

Or not.
Perhaps those who wish to do for Him instead of wanting Him to do for them?
So He only talks to those that already believe in Him. Sounds like a terrible plan to me. Did he talk to the 9/11 hijackers? They believed and gave their lives for Him.
So He only talks to those that already believe in Him. Sounds like a terrible plan to me. Did he talk to the 9/11 hijackers? They believed and gave their lives for Him.
I am not talking to anyone else or about anyone else, but to you. Admittedly, you are talking theoretically and I am talking about what I have observed. People want God to come to them.

The Bible suggests, "Seek and you will find", but then People seek God in all the wrong places for all the wrong reasons.

Some say they don't go to church because they say they:
  • Don't believe in organized religion.
  • Are spiritual not religious.
The truth is, they don't want to be bothered. They might be interested in a piece of candy, but please, no vegetables. There is no depth when the formula is, "It is just me and God alone--and I am not sharing." People avoid effort.

Seek and find God, and He just might ask that something be done--like building a huge ark, or leading cranky people on a forty-year journey through the desert. And, have you noticed how often that people willing to do something for God end up dead? People don't like risk.

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