Aren't we violating ALL Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Aren't we violating ALL Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

The TRUE religion is practiced by the terrorists and Fundamentalists.

Why are they called FUNDAMENTALISTS?

Because they get as close to what the Prophet said and they follow it as closely as possible.


Old School.

The MODERATE Muslims practice a lesser interpretation of Islam.

We, America non-Muslims, smile on Islam and Muslims only because we assume all Muslims will follow the FALSE Islam.

We EXPECT all Muslims to follow the lesser interpretation. The FALSE interpretation.

But what about what THEY think and feel and believe?

By expecting all Muslims to be the moderate kind of Muslims aren't we IMPOSING our religious vision on them???

Aren't we violating the Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?
How do you distinguish between a true follower and a moderate follower? I think we expect the people living here not to kill us. That their Holy book tells them to do just that presents a problem.

I read the Bible because I believe what it says. If they read the Koran for the same reason, then while they may not receive the same reward as a bomber, or a martyr, they are still called by Allah to support the bombers. Moderate Muslims cheered worldwide over their fanatic brother's coup on 911. You may not have heard them, but if they read the Koran, and believe the Koran, they cheered.
I have heard it said often from Muslim moderates that they follow the true teachings.
They say that the extremeists twist the words of the prophet that says it's their divine
duty to kill all infidels....

I say we take those extremeists out at all costs.
They will continue to butcher women and children...And so I say.Fuck their first ammendment rights,
Read and memorize the first 5 words of the First Amendment.

Pay especially close attention to the word "congress".

Whatcha think?
Read and memorize the first 5 words of the First Amendment.

Pay especially close attention to the word "congress".

Whatcha think?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

To my mind that is proof positive we are violating their rights because we only "approve" of Muslims following the non-violent interpretation of it.

And the non-violent interpretation of it is not the TRUE interpretation.

Therefore, we must accept and embrace and protect the Muslims' right to follow the fundamentalist interpretation and not just the one WE like.

That is, IF we are going to take the 1st Amendment to its logical extreme.
Read and memorize the first 5 words of the First Amendment.

Pay especially close attention to the word "congress".

Whatcha think?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

To my mind that is proof positive we are violating their rights because we only "approve" of Muslims following the non-violent interpretation of it.

And the non-violent interpretation of it is not the TRUE interpretation.

Therefore, we must accept and embrace and protect the Muslims' right to follow the fundamentalist interpretation and not just the one WE like.

That is, IF we are going to take the 1st Amendment to its logical extreme.

Why is it that RWs just can't understand those first five words?

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(I) - or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ....... (II) - shall not be infringed.

Mojo2, makes a strong case for the violent Muslim fundamentalists rights per the Constitution - the same taken by the physcho fundamentalist gun-rights enthusiasts (rigid) interpretation of the II Amendment.

Aren't we violating ALL Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

The TRUE religion is practiced by the terrorists and Fundamentalists.

Why are they called FUNDAMENTALISTS?

Because they get as close to what the Prophet said and they follow it as closely as possible.


Old School.

The MODERATE Muslims practice a lesser interpretation of Islam.

We, America non-Muslims, smile on Islam and Muslims only because we assume all Muslims will follow the FALSE Islam.

We EXPECT all Muslims to follow the lesser interpretation. The FALSE interpretation.

But what about what THEY think and feel and believe?

By expecting all Muslims to be the moderate kind of Muslims aren't we IMPOSING our religious vision on them???

Aren't we violating the Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

I have no problem with their beliefs until they start killing people who don't believe the same thing. That is when they violate other people's rights, and when I get to react with whatever force I feel needed to defend those rights.
How do you know what "true" Islam is?

Are fundamentalist Christians the only "true" Christians?

Well, the fundamentalists MAY follow the TRUE religion or the moderates may be the ones who are following the true religion.

But, American law seems to APPROVE of peaceful Islam but frowns on the Islam which is obviously antagonistic to our laws and way of life and customs.

And in answer to your question, the person or people who abide by the written word of the Koran should be given the benefit of being the true followers and those who fail to follow the written word of the Koran should not be considered a true follower.

For example, anyone who believes in democracy should not be considered a true believer because the Prophet said man's law is only for infidels and only Allah's law, Shariah law, should be used to rule mankind.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"

Benador Associates ^ | May 19, 2004 | Amir Taheri

To understand a civilisation it is important to understand its vocabulary.

If it was not on their tongues it is likely that it was not on their minds either.

There was no word in any of the Muslim languages for democracy until the 1890s. Even then the Greek word democracy entered Muslim languages with little change: democrasi in Persian, dimokraytiyah in Arabic, demokratio in Turkish.

Democracy as the proverbial schoolboy would know is based on one fundamental principle: equality.

The Greek word for equal isos is used in more than 200 compound nouns; including isoteos (equality) and Isologia (equal or free speech) and isonomia (equal treatment).

But again we find no equivalent in any of the Muslim languages. The words we have such as barabari in Persian and sawiyah in Arabic mean juxtaposition or levelling.

Nor do we have a word for politics.

The word siassah, now used as a synonym for politics, initially meant whipping stray camels into line.( Sa'es al-kheil is a person who brings back lost camels to the caravan. )The closest translation may be: regimentation.

Nor is there mention of such words as government and the state in the Koran.

It is no accident that early Muslims translated numerous ancient Greek texts but never those related to political matters. The great Avicenna himself translated Aristotle's Poetics. But there was no translation of Aristotle's Politics in Persian until 1963.

Lest us return to the issue of equality.

The idea is unacceptable to Islam.

For the non-believer cannot be the equal of the believer.

Even among the believers only those who subscribe to the three so-called Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam ( Ahl el-Kitab) are regarded as fully human.

Here is the hierarchy of human worth in Islam:

At the summit are free male Muslims

Next come Muslim male slaves

Then come free Muslim women

Next come Muslim slave women.

Then come free Jewish and /or Christian men

Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian men

Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian women.

Each category has rights that must be respected.

The People of the Book have always been protected and relatively well-treated by Muslim rulers, but often in the context of a form of apartheid known as dhimmitude.

The status of the rest of humanity, those whose faiths are not recognised by Islam or who have no faith at all, has never been spelled out although wherever Muslim rulers faced such communities they often treated them with a certain measure of tolerance and respect ( As in the case of Hindus under the Muslim dynasties of India.)

Non-Muslims can, and have often been, treated with decency, but never as equals.

(There is a hierarchy even for animals and plants. Seven animals and seven plants will assuredly go to heaven while seven others of each will end up in Hell.)

Democracy means the rule of the demos, the common people, or what is now known as popular or national sovereignty.

In Islam, however, power belongs only to God: al-hukm l'illah. The man who exercises that power on earth is known as Khalifat al-Allah, the regent of God.

But even then the Khalifah or Caliph cannot act as legislator. The law has already been spelled out and fixed for ever by God.

The only task that remains is its discovery, interpretation and application.

That, of course, allows for a substantial space in which different styles of rule could develop.

But the bottom line is that no Islamic government can be democratic in the sense of allowing the common people equal shares in legislation.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
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Aren't we violating ALL Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

The TRUE religion is practiced by the terrorists and Fundamentalists.

Why are they called FUNDAMENTALISTS?

Because they get as close to what the Prophet said and they follow it as closely as possible.


Old School.

The MODERATE Muslims practice a lesser interpretation of Islam.

We, America non-Muslims, smile on Islam and Muslims only because we assume all Muslims will follow the FALSE Islam.

We EXPECT all Muslims to follow the lesser interpretation. The FALSE interpretation.

But what about what THEY think and feel and believe?

By expecting all Muslims to be the moderate kind of Muslims aren't we IMPOSING our religious vision on them???

Aren't we violating the Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

Arguement holds true for all religions. Those who actually know what's in the BIble for example, were they to stick to the letter of the law, would all be locked up as enemy combatants. Islam was invented long after Judaism was. If I followed Torah to the same degree some Muslims do Qur'an I'd be burning down non-Jewish churches and temples and slaughtering non-Jews.

US law restricts all religions. No one of any faith is allowed to actually practice it verbatim as written as is seen when ever the government raids an FLDS compound and nullifies 'underage' marriages even though Biblically marriage is permitted to girls at 12 and boys at 13. I like to think this is because lawmakers conceed religion's nonsense. So to protect us from some nitwit one that says walking around nude and havig sex in public is a holy sacrament, limits will be placed on them. :)
Aren't we violating ALL Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

The TRUE religion is practiced by the terrorists and Fundamentalists.

Why are they called FUNDAMENTALISTS?

Because they get as close to what the Prophet said and they follow it as closely as possible.


Old School.

The MODERATE Muslims practice a lesser interpretation of Islam.

We, America non-Muslims, smile on Islam and Muslims only because we assume all Muslims will follow the FALSE Islam.

We EXPECT all Muslims to follow the lesser interpretation. The FALSE interpretation.

But what about what THEY think and feel and believe?

By expecting all Muslims to be the moderate kind of Muslims aren't we IMPOSING our religious vision on them???

Aren't we violating the Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

Arguement holds true for all religions. Those who actually know what's in the BIble for example, were they to stick to the letter of the law, would all be locked up as enemy combatants. Islam was invented long after Judaism was. If I followed Torah to the same degree some Muslims do Qur'an I'd be burning down non-Jewish churches and temples and slaughtering non-Jews.

US law restricts all religions. No one of any faith is allowed to actually practice it verbatim as written as is seen when ever the government raids an FLDS compound and nullifies 'underage' marriages even though Biblically marriage is permitted to girls at 12 and boys at 13. I like to think this is because lawmakers conceed religion's nonsense. So to protect us from some nitwit one that says walking around nude and havig sex in public is a holy sacrament, limits will be placed on them. :)

Thanks for agreeing with my contention.
There is nothing wrong with enforcing the Golden Rule
that all such Jihadists who worship Jihad (instead of All merciful Allah
and all sent by God) impose their practices on themselves and not on other faiths.

This is in keeping with the First Amendment.

If they want to get into a debate if the Constitution is given by God,
(and therefore contains laws they are supposed to obey as Muslims)
it could be up to the Muslim community to enforce this teaching and practice
to deter violations of "due process" as one of the core principles "given by God."

The Jihadists may not be able to accept correction by others they distrust.
If they can receive Muslims and/or Christians as fellow believers they respect,
perhaps they would better accept enforcement from them instead.

I've never met anyone who could not accept enforcement of laws
from fellow peers using the same laws they believe in; it is a sure sign
that you have matched the right people together, to make the corrections,
when the grievances can be redressed. Just have to find the right venue that works!

Aren't we violating ALL Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

The TRUE religion is practiced by the terrorists and Fundamentalists.

Why are they called FUNDAMENTALISTS?

Because they get as close to what the Prophet said and they follow it as closely as possible.


Old School.

The MODERATE Muslims practice a lesser interpretation of Islam.

We, America non-Muslims, smile on Islam and Muslims only because we assume all Muslims will follow the FALSE Islam.

We EXPECT all Muslims to follow the lesser interpretation. The FALSE interpretation.

But what about what THEY think and feel and believe?

By expecting all Muslims to be the moderate kind of Muslims aren't we IMPOSING our religious vision on them???

Aren't we violating the Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?
Re: Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"

The head of Houston CAIR cited principles given by Mohammad
which enforced democratic and religious freedom.

The shortcut I would offer, is for Muslims to hold a conference over whether
the natural laws and Constitution are "sent by God."

If so, these laws are supposed to followed and respected as part of "all sent by God."

So then the concepts of religious freedom, due process BEFORE depriving liberties,
and equal protection of the laws would be "given by God" through the Constitution.

If this is agreed upon by all Muslims, it can more readily be enforced
to prevent and deter violations of due process, as with terrorist/jihadists
who execute and punish without first proving which wrongdoers committed violations.
Don't worry about Muslims' 1st Amendment rights, they've fixed it for us:

"Malaysia's top court on Monday upheld a government ban forbidding non-Muslims from using "Allah" to refer to God, rejecting an appeal by the Roman Catholic Church that argued that the ban failed to consider the rights of minorities in the mostly Muslim nation."

Malaysia's top court forbids non-Muslims from using 'Allah' - IBNLive

Now we know how we should express ourselves. Thank you "somebody up there". :badgrin: :lol:

There is nothing wrong with enforcing the Golden Rule
that all such Jihadists who worship Jihad (instead of All merciful Allah
and all sent by God) impose their practices on themselves and not on other faiths.

This is in keeping with the First Amendment.

If they want to get into a debate if the Constitution is given by God,
(and therefore contains laws they are supposed to obey as Muslims)
it could be up to the Muslim community to enforce this teaching and practice
to deter violations of "due process" as one of the core principles "given by God."

The Jihadists may not be able to accept correction by others they distrust.
If they can receive Muslims and/or Christians as fellow believers they respect,
perhaps they would better accept enforcement from them instead.

I've never met anyone who could not accept enforcement of laws
from fellow peers using the same laws they believe in; it is a sure sign
that you have matched the right people together, to make the corrections,
when the grievances can be redressed. Just have to find the right venue that works!

Aren't we violating ALL Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

The TRUE religion is practiced by the terrorists and Fundamentalists.

Why are they called FUNDAMENTALISTS?

Because they get as close to what the Prophet said and they follow it as closely as possible.


Old School.

The MODERATE Muslims practice a lesser interpretation of Islam.

We, America non-Muslims, smile on Islam and Muslims only because we assume all Muslims will follow the FALSE Islam.

We EXPECT all Muslims to follow the lesser interpretation. The FALSE interpretation.

But what about what THEY think and feel and believe?

By expecting all Muslims to be the moderate kind of Muslims aren't we IMPOSING our religious vision on them???

Aren't we violating the Muslim's 1st Amendment rights?

Is it Unfair to Make Muslims Follow an Untrue Religion?

Just how do you envision islamists attempting to conquer America?
Re: Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"

The head of Houston CAIR cited principles given by Mohammad
which enforced democratic and religious freedom.

The shortcut I would offer, is for Muslims to hold a conference over whether
the natural laws and Constitution are "sent by God."

If so, these laws are supposed to followed and respected as part of "all sent by God."

So then the concepts of religious freedom, due process BEFORE depriving liberties,
and equal protection of the laws would be "given by God" through the Constitution.

If this is agreed upon by all Muslims, it can more readily be enforced
to prevent and deter violations of due process, as with terrorist/jihadists
who execute and punish without first proving which wrongdoers committed violations.

CAIR is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood and is an unindicted co-conspirator in the HolyLands Foundation scandal.

There is usually an Islamist ulterior motive behind everything they say and do.

And rather than trying to invent or discover or figure out excuses for what they do or say I just assume that whatever they do or say is to further their goal of establishing a global caliphate.
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Read and memorize the first 5 words of the First Amendment.

Pay especially close attention to the word "congress".

Whatcha think?

Oh yeah Luddly, it says it right there doesn't it? The right for religious people to murder themselves and kill as many as they can while doing it.

Even when the 1st Amendment was written, it did not give religious rights to Satanists back then who killed.
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