"Arf! Arf!"

That Kool-aid has really taken over the Trumpsters bloodstream. They are so addicted to the Trump Kool-aid, they can't see how wrong it is to call a former Whitehouse employee a dog.

What kind of a US president calls someone who served the country a dog?

US presidents use to have class and behaved in a respectful way. Even Bush Jr's goofy ass knew how to behave respectfully.

And calling a female a dog is a very sexist term. But I guess Trump calls women dogs daily.
"Being In Total Control of Herself"

But She, the divine deplorist, would never be disrespectful to people who betrayed Her.
They should be outraged the comment was clearly insulting, demeaning and derogatory. To dogs they are wonderful kind and loving creatures who have done nothing to deserve be mentioned in the same sentece as Omarosa.

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