Argentina's Javier Milei Is Draining the Swamp

The "Bad Boy", Mel Lastman was a very popular businessman and in 1997, became the first Mayor of the newly amalgamated, Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto. Lastman was originally elected Mayor of North York in 1973, a job he held for 24 years.

Originally campaigning on the promise to throw all of the corrupt developers out of North York City Hall, he kept that promise. They were promptly replaced with Lastman's own group of corrupt developers.

Trump openly sought to create his own "Deep State" with his appointments to boards, and especially in his judicial appointments. But what Trump calls the "Deep State" are those civil servants who genuinely BELIEVE the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, and who refuse to show loyalty to HIM.

Trump is demonstrating his greatest wrath towards anyone who would DARE to question him in any way, or refuse him anything! He wants control over the FCC and the broadcast licenses of networks who criticize him. He wants to go after news outlets and reporters who criticize them as well.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
so you do agree xiden and your guy are corrupt!!!!! about fking time.
When Donald Trump wins in November, he should look to Argentina’s Javier Milei on how to deal with a bloated bureaucracy.

It’s also one that got weaponized against him.

There is some fear among Democrats that Trump could go on a revenge tour.

With no re-election on the horizon, Trump can and should go all-out against the deep state operatives in all facets of government.

Do whatever it takes to ruin these people because they deserve it. However, we must await the results of the 2024 elections. Yet, in Argentina, President Milei is draining the swamp, announcing another 50,000 government workers will be given the axe.

BJ -
This is the type of reformer the US needs.
Listen UP, Donald Trump!

Trump would have done it but America is much much more complicated and has probably 300 million more people.

Plus COVID messed up half his term big time.

Just hope he can execute his plans fully this time. But he definitely needs to have the same success Argentina has had.
Well he first act was to send helicopters to Ukraine and join NATO global partnership...

Javier is anti coruption in a country full of it... Trump is about giving the the corporates & rich more, in tax cuts, Cutting Oil Supply,...

They are not alike, Trump is an authoritarian, Javier is a libertarian... US libertarian is not the same as a Global libertarian. US libertarian kisses Trump's ass while Global libertarian would hate his Gov Spending increases, his increased Government borrowing to record levels, Trump also wanted to increase restrictions on the Media, Trade wars....

That is not to say I support Javier, I don't think there is a reasonable sided country in the world where Libertarianism has worked well..

Trump is an authoritarian

That is where every person that thinks for themselves, says - no that's crazy.
The so-called "swamp" kept Trump knee deep in quicksand during his administration and butt deep since he left office. He has as much chance of draining the swamp as the White Sox have in winning this fall's World Series. It's a shame the Republicans decided against going with somebody that knew what they were doing.
Only by pussies like you.
Are you still upset that ribbed condoms don’t taste like ribs?
hahahahaahahahahahahaha look at you. dude, you left me speechless with how fking much a dick you are!!! do you get called penis often? Do you get ribbed?
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so you do agree xiden and your guy are corrupt!!!!! about fking time.

You must get all of your exercise jumping to conclusions, or ducking as the point goes right over your head. Guys who tell you they're going to clean up the "corruption", are just going to replace it with their own corruption.

You have to make sure the guys you elect aren't corrupt in the first place.
You must get all of your exercise jumping to conclusions, or ducking as the point goes right over your head. Guys who tell you they're going to clean up the "corruption", are just going to replace it with their own corruption.

You have to make sure the guys you elect aren't corrupt in the first place.
you made the argument all in power are corrupt! your quote
"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Didn't you say that the Russian people wouldn't have been as easily fooled as the Americans and expressed what a great leader Putin is.
I did? where, give me that post #. ahhhh, another demofk making shit up!
When Donald Trump wins in November, he should look to Argentina’s Javier Milei on how to deal with a bloated bureaucracy.

It’s also one that got weaponized against him.

There is some fear among Democrats that Trump could go on a revenge tour.

With no re-election on the horizon, Trump can and should go all-out against the deep state operatives in all facets of government.

Do whatever it takes to ruin these people because they deserve it. However, we must await the results of the 2024 elections. Yet, in Argentina, President Milei is draining the swamp, announcing another 50,000 government workers will be given the axe.

BJ -
This is the type of reformer the US needs.
Listen UP, Donald Trump!

And, as Trump did in his first term, Miliei is doing it without having majority support in his legislature. But he enjoys much more support from his legislature than Trump ever did, even when the GOP was in power because so many old guard Republicans resented what Trump was able to do and accomplish that they could not or did not. And they undermined him at every opportunity given to them if they thought they could get away with.

If we want Trump to have the same kind of success in a second term, we have to give him a substantial majority of reformer Republicans/conservatives/Patriots who will help and not hinder the effort.
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you made the argument all in power are corrupt! your quote
"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Power does corrupt. That's why don't elect someone who is corrupt before they ever take office.

Biden has amply demonstrated the ability to put the American people and the trust they have given him ahead of his own personal benefit or gain. And he's never forgotten where he came from.

He doesn't cheat at everything he does, shit on a golden toilet, or demand loyalty from people. When he makes mistakes, he admits them and apologizes like a real human being.
Trump is an angry toddler who thinks of no one but himself, and how badly he's been mistreated all of his life. Everything is rigged against him because people are jealous of his wonderfulness.
And, as Trump did in his first term, Miliei is doing it without having majority support in his legislature. But he enjoys much more support from his legislature than Trump ever did, even when the GOP was in power because so many old guard Republicans resented what Trump was able to do and accomplish that they could not or did not. And they undermined him at every opportunity given to them they though they could get away with.

If we want Trump to have the same kind of success in a second term, we have to give him a substantial majority of reformer Republicans/conservatives/Patriots who will help and no hinder the effort.

You are not wrong.
And, as Trump did in his first term, Miliei is doing it without having majority support in his legislature. But he enjoys much more support from his legislature than Trump ever did, even when the GOP was in power because so many old guard Republicans resented what Trump was able to do and accomplish that they could not or did not. And they undermined him at every opportunity given to them they though they could get away with.

If we want Trump to have the same kind of success in a second term, we have to give him a substantial majority of reformer Republicans/conservatives/Patriots who will help and no hinder the effort.

BULLSHIT. Trump didn't have the first clue about what he was doing and hadn't even made a plan of what he would do if elected. He started interviewing for cabinet jobs AFTER he'd been elected.

Trump had the fewest appointments ready to go to the Senate for confirmation of any President in history, and he had over 90 staffers who FAILED their security checks.
Show me ABYONE who is willing to run for office and I’ll show you someone who if they aren’t already corrupt will be shortly after elected.

Spoken like a man who is completely dishonest and untrustworthy, and thinks everyone else is just like him.
Spoken like a man who is completely dishonest and untrustworthy, and thinks everyone else is just like him
No, just spoken as a realist with more than 30 years of looking at politicians as individuals, not as monolithic members of a particular party.

My education in this regard started with the independent candidate (A Connecticut Party) for Governor in 1990. I put in 80+ volunteer hours for that motherfucker. I put my personal integrity and reputation on the line asking people to vote for that lying piece of shit. We got him elected only to see him stabbed in the back within weeks.

I have not trusted anyone in the political sphere since then.
Then rewrite the Constitution or amend it; don’t just decide to ignore it.

Not the role of the Federal Government. Again, if you don’t like it amend or replace the Constitution.
And SCROTUS, with Only 9 Members, Is the Most Powerful Sect,

Another example of how the elitist Constitution imposed on us by the ruling class is being treated the way Christians treat the Bible. There are dozens of denominations, the same as political ideologies. Each sect believes that its own interpretation is obviously the only true one.

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