Argentina's Javier Milei Is Draining the Swamp

We've learned that "draining the swamp" and going after "the deep state" have nothing to do with removing entrenched bureaucrats.

Turns out, it's just about getting rid of anyone who would hold Trump accountable.

Go figure.

The "Bad Boy", Mel Lastman was a very popular businessman and in 1997, became the first Mayor of the newly amalgamated, Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto. Lastman was originally elected Mayor of North York in 1973, a job he held for 24 years.

Originally campaigning on the promise to throw all of the corrupt developers out of North York City Hall, he kept that promise. They were promptly replaced with Lastman's own group of corrupt developers.

Trump openly sought to create his own "Deep State" with his appointments to boards, and especially in his judicial appointments. But what Trump calls the "Deep State" are those civil servants who genuinely BELIEVE the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, and who refuse to show loyalty to HIM.

Trump is demonstrating his greatest wrath towards anyone who would DARE to question him in any way, or refuse him anything! He wants control over the FCC and the broadcast licenses of networks who criticize him. He wants to go after news outlets and reporters who criticize them as well.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
We could start with every employee and contractor related to the Departments of… Education, HUD, HHS, & Energy. Then move on to anyone related to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and SNAP.

You could easily get rid of SNAP, just by raising the minimum wage and forcing employers to pay their employees a living wage, instead of their giving their head office executives and CEO's 7 figure salaries.

I love that you want to end the Department of Education because if there is anything the right has been very effective at doing, it's in undermining and destroying the public education system in the USA. Your dropping education rankings and rising costs for education are proof positive of the success of that operation.

The Department of Energy is responsible for maintaining the nuclear weapons. What do you propose they do, Just fill in the silos and bury them?

I just love the idiocy of libertarians. Not a thought in their heads.
You could easily get rid of SNAP, just by raising the minimum wage and forcing employers to pay their employees a living wage, instead of their giving their head office executives and CEO's 7 figure salaries
So we get rid of SNAP through another illegal and immoral program - the Federal Minimum Wage? No thanks. I’d rather just watch them starve.
I love that you want to end the Department of Education because if there is anything the right has been very effective at doing, it's in undermining and destroying the public education system in the USA. Your dropping education rankings and rising costs for education are proof positive of the success of that operation
It’s not a Federal issue. It’s a local issue. Always should have been and always should be going forward.
The Department of Energy is responsible for maintaining the nuclear weapons. What do you propose they do, Just fill in the silos and bury them?
They belong to the Department of War (which should be reestablished. The non-military aspects would be left to the utility providers and the local/state regulators.
I just love the idiocy of libertarians. Not a thought in their heads
I agree. Too bad I’m not one. The political terms that best describe me are: Isolationist, Nationalist, Traditionalist, Misogynist, Conservative, and Authoritarian.
My Dear Leaders are Andrew Jackson, Duke William of Normandy and Ghengis Khan.
Those are nice.
Why not try someone who is just like them......but alive.


Who thinks, just like your dear dear leader.
^^^^ That's the big fabrication the lefty Democrats keep pushing. ,,, :cuckoo:

We prove it to you every single day, and you continue to deny the facts, the data, and the evidence of your own eyes and ears.

Right wing media has now paid out over a billion dollars in slander, libel and claims of abuse and being forced to lie to the public. They've been exposed for telling Americans that vaccine mandates are a violation of their rights and freedoms (despite vaccine mandates being in force since the day they were born), while lining up for the shots because Rupert Murdoch told them to.
So we get rid of SNAP through another illegal and immoral program - the Federal Minimum Wage? No thanks. I’d rather just watch them starve.

It’s not a Federal issue. It’s a local issue. Always should have been and always should be going forward.

They belong to the Department of War (which should be reestablished. The non-military aspects would be left to the utility providers and the local/state regulators.

I agree. Too bad I’m not one. The political terms that best describe me are: Isolationist, Nationalist, Traditionalist, Misogynist, Conservative, and Authoritarian.

Let them starve??? Cruelty and indifference. That hallmarks of today's right wing idiots.

Basing how your run your nations education system, on the national economic needs of trained and productive citizens nearly 300 years ago, is not very smart, when you consider that farming is only 5% of your economy today.

Today citizens need to have a basic foundation in the skills needed to become productive citizens in the 21st Century, not based on the needs or knowledge required for 18th Century farmers. Basic public education should be standardized in all 50 states, to ensure that the children in the worst states in the union are getting better basic skills for 21st Century employment, and technology.

If you're pursuing policies isolationist policies for world peace, why would you need a "War Department"?

Can you name a single authoritarian nation where the people have enjoyed peace, security or freedom?
People who have made refugee claims are not "illegals", nor are they "overwhelming" your country. In fact, immigrants are driving your economic recovery.

Republican keep lying to you and you believe them. Why?????
This is my country USA, not canada where no one is allowed to do free things. Just that.
Those are nice.
Why not try someone who is just like them......but alive.

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Who thinks, just like your dear dear leader.

With The Donald, the only man to save the US from being wiped out .
After the revolution , will the US be merged with Russia and become its dominion ?
Seems more likely by the week

Volodya remains totally alert , highly intelligent , speaks very good English .
Emperor Piss Pants is a laughable comparison .
Let them starve??? Cruelty and indifference. That hallmarks of today's right wing idiots
The hallmarks of reality. Life sucks, deal with it.
Basing how your run your nations education system, on the national economic needs of trained and productive citizens nearly 300 years ago, is not very smart, when you consider that farming is only 5% of your economy today
Then rewrite the Constitution or amend it; don’t just decide to ignore it.
Today citizens need to have a basic foundation in the skills needed to become productive citizens in the 21st Century, not based on the needs or knowledge required for 18th Century farmers. Basic public education should be standardized in all 50 states, to ensure that the children in the worst states in the union are getting better basic skills for 21st Century employment, and technology
Not the role of the Federal Government. Again, if you don’t like it amend or replace the Constitution.
If you're pursuing policies isolationist policies for world peace, why would you need a "War Department"?
Just because we’re ignoring them doesn’t mean they’d be ignoring us; and the best way to ensure they do is to make sure we can eliminate their entire population overnight if necessary.

Though it would probably require eliminating the first two or three nations that try it before everyone else got the hint.
Can you name a single authoritarian nation where the people have enjoyed peace, security or freedom?
Who says those are the things I’m looking for in a nation?
With The Donald, the only man to save the US from being wiped out .
After the revolution , will the US be merged with Russia and become its dominion ?
Seems more likely by the week

Volodya remains totally alert , highly intelligent , speaks very good English .
Emperor Piss Pants is a laughable comparison .
Yeah, we know.............

When Donald Trump wins in November, he should look to Argentina’s Javier Milei on how to deal with a bloated bureaucracy.

It’s also one that got weaponized against him.

There is some fear among Democrats that Trump could go on a revenge tour.

With no re-election on the horizon, Trump can and should go all-out against the deep state operatives in all facets of government.

Do whatever it takes to ruin these people because they deserve it. However, we must await the results of the 2024 elections. Yet, in Argentina, President Milei is draining the swamp, announcing another 50,000 government workers will be given the axe.

BJ -
This is the type of reformer the US needs.
Listen UP, Donald Trump!

Well he first act was to send helicopters to Ukraine and join NATO global partnership...

Javier is anti coruption in a country full of it... Trump is about giving the the corporates & rich more, in tax cuts, Cutting Oil Supply,...

They are not alike, Trump is an authoritarian, Javier is a libertarian... US libertarian is not the same as a Global libertarian. US libertarian kisses Trump's ass while Global libertarian would hate his Gov Spending increases, his increased Government borrowing to record levels, Trump also wanted to increase restrictions on the Media, Trade wars....

That is not to say I support Javier, I don't think there is a reasonable sided country in the world where Libertarianism has worked well..
It's only been 6 months and it's way too early to tell what's going to happen with his policies. He doesn't have a parliamentary majority so he's limited on the things he is legally able to do.

So far that all he's done is fire 50,000 government workers and devalue the currency. That's not doing much of anything, but it has cut government spending without cutting taxation, so the country is showing a surplus.

Firing 50,000 people with no idea how that will impact your the government's ability to function is very foolish indeed. And inflation is still 300% per year,

or locking down for 2 years…

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