ARGUEMENT for how legislation could stop domestic meth


Feb 21, 2013
I believe the only way to prevent Methamphetamine in rural areas is to Ban the sale of psuedo effedrine products An legislate that the only way for citizens to obtain psuedoeffedrine is thru a doctors perscription after a panel style allergy test,.. An anyone convicted of a meth related offense Should not be allowed to obtain psuedoeffedrine ever again for LIFE.., An a registry thru the doctors offices that closely moniters all those wth a script Please contact your local congressman ( Im sure sinus headaches an bull crap TV programs are far more importaint than stopping this menacing disease when there are hundreds of safe cold medications on the market an none of them are used to make meth) when hundreds of thousands of gallons of coleman fuel have been disposed of illegally into our watertables or ground water not to mention the multitude of persons on SS I disability an clogging the court systems NOT to mention our over crowded prison systems,,.
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I didn't know anything about meth or it's production, until I had problems with the septic system in an RV park, shortly afterwards one of the tenents was arrested for making meth. Glad they and all their scummy friends are gone from my park.

I don't know if the OP has a valid point or not. If that is the ONLY way to produce it, it might. But if there is another way it will be found.
In VA there is a limit to how much one person can buy at any given store. To get advil cold and sinus I have to sign my name on a paper and leave a phone number or something. I can think of an infinite number of ways around that.


The OP said a doctor's prescription should be required. That has been very effective. So has the implementation of heavy restrictions and monitoring of the bulk sales of meth precursors.

It's a pain in the ass for the average citizen, though, who now has to pay for a doctor's visit just to get effective cold medicine.
In VA there is a limit to how much one person can buy at any given store. To get advil cold and sinus I have to sign my name on a paper and leave a phone number or something. I can think of an infinite number of ways around that.


The OP said a doctor's prescription should be required. That has been very effective. So has the implementation of heavy restrictions and monitoring of the bulk sales of meth precursors.

It's a pain in the ass for the average citizen, though, who now has to pay for a doctor's visit just to get effective cold medicine.

I don't think I'd bother with it if it needed a prescription. I'd ask for something stronger with antibiotics if it came to that. And if not then dayquil and nose drops.
there are limits on how much cold medicine, certain kinds, that one may buy here. That one chemical in them, psuedephidrine, (or somesuch, mighta spelled it wrong), bothers me,. I can't take it. So I never had to sign for any cold medicine. If I used it I would have to, but I don't.
In VA there is a limit to how much one person can buy at any given store. To get advil cold and sinus I have to sign my name on a paper and leave a phone number or something. I can think of an infinite number of ways around that.


The OP said a doctor's prescription should be required. That has been very effective. So has the implementation of heavy restrictions and monitoring of the bulk sales of meth precursors.

It's a pain in the ass for the average citizen, though, who now has to pay for a doctor's visit just to get effective cold medicine.

I don't think I'd bother with it if it needed a prescription. I'd ask for something stronger with antibiotics if it came to that. And if not then dayquil and nose drops.

You would ask for antibiotics for a cold? I can tell you are not a doctor. :lol:

Really? Nobody makes meth anymore?

Meth use dropped dramatically.

But people still use meth? Marijuana is illegal, but people still grow it and smoke it. All these drugs are illegal and yet they're still around. At some point we're going to have to realize that wasting all this money and making criminals out of people who just want relief from their runny nose is not going to stop people from doing drugs.

The OP said a doctor's prescription should be required. That has been very effective. So has the implementation of heavy restrictions and monitoring of the bulk sales of meth precursors.

It's a pain in the ass for the average citizen, though, who now has to pay for a doctor's visit just to get effective cold medicine.

I don't think I'd bother with it if it needed a prescription. I'd ask for something stronger with antibiotics if it came to that. And if not then dayquil and nose drops.

You would ask for antibiotics for a cold? I can tell you are not a doctor. :lol:

Lol well I get bronchitis a lot. For colds I don't bother with anything. For bronchitis I just ride it out w/ advil c & s or dayquil/nyquil. Probably smarter to go to a doctor about it but I've had it so many times I can't be bothered.

EDIT - if I could get a Z Pack otc I'd be all over that shit
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By providing dangerous products to the general public wer only enabling such activity an behavior Outher far less dangerous products in cause an effect have been pulled An for every two boxes of pills a person uses to cook there is approx a quart of spent coleman fuel Is most often flushed into our ground water An i would bet my eye Teeth greater than 50%of all psuedodoeffedrine products sold in the continental US are used to manufacture METH this the equivalancy of an oil tanker spill anually.., its our reponcibility as american's To prevent domestic crime!!
Meth use dropped dramatically.
Not on "Breaking Bad!"

I love that show!
Did you see the one where he goes over to the gang leaders apartment to get his money for the dope they took off his partner (who's now in the hospital from a severe beat down) and Martin walks in, puts this big rock on the table in front of the gang leader and says, "Is this what you want? Well, I want my money!"

And the gang leader responds, "What makes you think the same thing that happened to your partner, won't happen to you?"

Then Martin picks up the huge rock, holds it in front of the guys face and say's, "Because THIS, isn't meth!"

Then he turns around and throws it at the back wall and the whole room explodes!

Then he picks up a real bag of dope and starts threatening the guy with it, unless he gets his money.

That's too fuckin' funny!
I believe the only way to prevent Methamphetamine in rural areas is to Ban the sale of psuedo effedrine products An legislate that the only way for citizens to obtain psuedoeffedrine is thru a doctors perscription after a panel style allergy test,.. An anyone convicted of a meth related offense Should not be allowed to obtain psuedoeffedrine ever again for LIFE.., An a registry thru the doctors offices that closely moniters all those wth a script Please contact your local congressman ( Im sure sinus headaches an bull crap TV programs are far more importaint than stopping this menacing disease when there are hundreds of safe cold medications on the market an none of them are used to make meth) when hundreds of thousands of gallons of coleman fuel have been disposed of illegally into our watertables or ground water not to mention the multitude of persons on SS I disability an clogging the court systems NOT to mention our over crowded prison systems,,.

Screw your police state crap. Who cares if a few morons want to destroy their bodies with Meth? It certainly isn't worth the draconian policies you want to legalize. Why should I have my freedom limited because busybodies like you are so worried about what other people do?

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