ARGUEMENT for how legislation could stop domestic meth

By providing dangerous products to the general public wer only enabling such activity an behavior Outher far less dangerous products in cause an effect have been pulled An for every two boxes of pills a person uses to cook there is approx a quart of spent coleman fuel Is most often flushed into our ground water An i would bet my eye Teeth greater than 50%of all psuedodoeffedrine products sold in the continental US are used to manufacture METH this the equivalancy of an oil tanker spill anually.., its our reponcibility as american's To prevent domestic crime!!


By providing dangerous products to the general public wer only enabling such activity an behavior Outher far less dangerous products in cause an effect have been pulled An for every two boxes of pills a person uses to cook there is approx a quart of spent coleman fuel Is most often flushed into our ground water An i would bet my eye Teeth greater than 50%of all psuedodoeffedrine products sold in the continental US are used to manufacture METH this the equivalancy of an oil tanker spill anually.., its our reponcibility as american's To prevent domestic crime!!

Make it legal and then no one will bother with illegal Meth labs.

Problem solved.

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