Ariel Castro could face death penalty

CNN just announced that there is an Ohio statute that would cover that --'interfering with a pregnancy'--capital offense.

I suspect no stone will be unturned by the prosecutor and a jury of his peers shouldn't need more than 10 minutes to arrive at a consensus. 'Guilty'--all counts.

They said insanity wasn't a probable defense.

His brothers may still be implicated--possible 'conspiracy' if they aided and abetted in anyway.

I, for one, am tired of hearing 'X, Y, or Z knew nothing of this', thinking of Katherine Russell's denial that she had any idea her husband and BIL were building bombs in their tiny apartment. cough--Maybe. I am cynical and skeptical. Her family seemed to be aware that a good attorney would be needed and I assume such an attorney would advise--'Deny and keep on denying that you knew anything...'

His brothers knew 'something' and should face consequences.

We should find ways to economize---why waste taxpayer dollars, by the millions on matters such as this. That is what I ask myself.

Cleveland---lots of room for improvement in many ways. jmo.
I'm not an expert, but you don't have a duty generally to report felonies. Since he wasn't being sought, you can't be aiding and abetting like say in the Boston Bombing story where those other guys got busted.

If I walked int your basement and saw you murder someone I'm not obligated to report it.
I'm not an expert, but you don't have a duty generally to report felonies. Since he wasn't being sought, you can't be aiding and abetting like say in the Boston Bombing story where those other guys got busted.

If I walked int your basement and saw you murder someone I'm not obligated to report it.

I'm certain CNN will explain this many X tonight and the days to come. What was said made sense.

One example--If the brothers supplied food <for the women>and something, something, something else--they were complicit/conspiracy. My mind is gone--there must be many nuances in such laws--how they can be interpreted.

Say the brothers occasionally stopped by and noticed the locked doors, etc and had conversations with Ariel in which he dropped 'clues'--I suppose that sort of thing is enough.

On Law and Order/Special Victims --the DA's seem to have latitude and someone always thinks of an interpretation that would be appropriate.

CNN opines--'This is just the beginning---clearly many more gruesome details will be revealed as the case advances...'

The mother of Ariel Castro is mortified and humiliated --probably in her 70's or 80's --he took Amanda Berry's child to visit her. Now known to be his child. People thought she was his granddaughter--could his mother also be implicated--so disgusting--so sad for everyone.
They don't have the DNA tests to confirm it. They say it will take weeks, but somehow they were able to test Osama Bin Ladin's DNA in a few hours on the run
I'm not an expert, but you don't have a duty generally to report felonies. Since he wasn't being sought, you can't be aiding and abetting like say in the Boston Bombing story where those other guys got busted.

If I walked int your basement and saw you murder someone I'm not obligated to report it.

I'm certain CNN will explain this many X tonight and the days to come. What was said made sense.

One example--If the brothers supplied food <for the women>and something, something, something else--they were complicit/conspiracy. My mind is gone--there must be many nuances in such laws--how they can be interpreted.

Say the brothers occasionally stopped by and noticed the locked doors, etc and had conversations with Ariel in which he dropped 'clues'--I suppose that sort of thing is enough.

On Law and Order/Special Victims --the DA's seem to have latitude and someone always thinks of an interpretation that would be appropriate.

CNN opines--'This is just the beginning---clearly many more gruesome details will be revealed as the case advances...'

The mother of Ariel Castro is mortified and humiliated --probably in her 70's or 80's --he took Amanda Berry's child to visit her. Now known to be his child. People thought she was his granddaughter--could his mother also be implicated--so disgusting--so sad for everyone.
How could his mother meet with this child and not hear about the childs mother being back home in chains? How is that possible? Children talk!
How could his mother meet with this child and not hear about the childs mother being back home in chains? How is that possible? Children talk!

But that's all that child ever knew. The child thought that was "normal," that some people were kept in chains. Nothing of any consequence to talk about. Plus, the child had probably been molded and programmed since birth to speak, think and react in a certain way.

A novel that addresses this concept is called "Room: A Novel" by Emma Donoghue. It is about a man who kidnaps and keeps a woman captive in a one-room, sound-proofed shack in his back yard and has a child with her. When the story begins, the boy is five years old. That "Room" is the only thing he has ever known. That room is the universe and that is "normal" for that child.
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That is heartbreaking. I hope this causes neighbors to begin to have a closer look at any houses with the windows all covered up - when something doesn't look right? REPORT IT.
How could his mother meet with this child and not hear about the childs mother being back home in chains? How is that possible? Children talk!

eh--Stretch your imagination. This sort of monster was clearly capable of intimidation at advanced levels. If you have the misfortune to be born in such an environment--you would learn at an early age what was expected of you. Certainly this small child must have concluded--'If I don't do what --cough--Daddy wants--he will hurt me like he does my mommy and the other ladies.' So if he says 'Don't tell anyone'--it is reasonable to think the child understood.

An acquaintance said he used to see them at the park --the child didn't play with other children so he let her play with his dogs. She didn't speak much--he noted.

As difficult as it may be for the 3 older girls/women--I cannot imagine what it will take to help this child recover. Elizabeth Smart commented that people are resilient and with proper support miraculous recoveries can be made.

sigh--It is said they went out of the house--to the garage--twice in 10 years.

If we later learn that 'some' people knew something about this--then every single person needs to be brought to justice. They discussed or theorized that in this particular community there was a distrust of law enforcement/The System, I assume--and that possibly that was a factor. At this point God Only Knows?

In my world---people would have reported suspicions. Code violations--if nothing else someone would have requested an investigation of the property. Then law enforcement could have investigated more thoroughly.

I somehow don't think the community will make radical changes. They need a good 'Community Organizer'---lol. We have some good ones--they should look into this. There would be such outrage --here in the home of CNN--change would come rather quickly. shrug--That is how we are about social issues--and it seems to have been successful overall. I hope the Mayor of Cleveland is getting an earful from someone.
I don't think he should get the death penalty. It doesn't solve anything, Just keep him locked up for the rest of his miserable life.
I don't think he should get the death penalty. It doesn't solve anything, Just keep him locked up for the rest of his miserable life.

he is cooperating with authorities--'confessing'--providing details and waived Miranda rights.

I infer that he feels profound guilt and some level and perhaps would prefer to be dead.

Ohio law does provide a remedy--death penalty--for ??not certain of the wording --'interfering with a pregnancy/causing an abortion'--something like that.

So he could receive the death penalty--that is the law.

Not in the mood for a discussion on abortion. Someone intimated he might choose to plead guilty and save the expense of the trial. I can support that. I often wonder why more don't plead guilty when it is clear that the State can prove 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that they did what they did.

Plead Guilty--spare us all the agony of any further fyi on the horrendous and despicable details. Then he can meet his Creator and I would be very afraid in his shoes.
Alan Dershowitz thinks it would not be prudent of the DA to drag abortion into this case.

That is what he said on CNN at least. Was he playing 'devil's advocate' or does he truly believe this?

Gloria Allred said --it wouldn't be that big of a deal--Dershowitz concerns were primarily that the miscarriages couldn't be proven--forensically. She opined that when there are first hand witnesses--scientific evidence isn't that big of an issue.

Anyway--the idea is floating about that he might opt to plead guilty--an excellent idea. He waived his Miranda rights and is cooperating/providing details of his horrific acts during interrogation.

After Adam Lanza/Newtown--I wondered to myself--what more horrifying crimes will we have 2013--I honestly couldn't think of anything worse than that.

5 months into the year and we have had the former LE officer that went on a rampage in CA, bombing of the Boston marathon and now this. I tremble in fear and what may lie ahead.

Senseless to theorize that if this sort of thing continues, as it will, we are going to choose 'more government' control of private lives. Of course we will self-destruct in the process of choosing this. This is what I come up with on my own after processing the overload of fyi. what can we do--not a lot it would seem.
Ariel Castro got all three women the same way. He offered them a ride home and they voluntarily got in his car.

Why would someone like Castro be so automatically assumed to be such a nice guy?
Ariel Castro got all three women the same way. He offered them a ride home and they voluntarily got in his car.

Why would someone like Castro be so automatically assumed to be such a nice guy?

smacking my head--is this a rhetorical question?

That is 'how he was'--I could share the details--tune into CNN and they repeat them 24/7.

He was 'connected' within his community--played in a band, BBQ'd with neighbors, etc.

They showed a few pictures of him with the band--smiling playing his instrument--maybe a bass cello or something.

It is amazing that anyone could 'be like this'--but I no longer question that there are those who can. Almost like he had 'multiple personalities'.

If you can take it--just keep listening to the news--they explain all the theories, over and over again. I am satisfied with his own diagnosis--he opined in his letter--'I am a sexual predator.' Others agree.
I really don't want to know more about the inner workings of sexual predators. This is covered thoroughly on Law and Order: Special Victims--for my level of interest. Plenty of reruns--and I believe Friday night is Special Victims marathon night--several hours of episodes. I often opt for that over anything else that is offered on Friday night. Benson and Stabler--they will not rest until the guilty are brought to justice.

such is my life. lol.
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What was in the minds of the women? One I can understand, but over and over again, EVEN WHEN they knew that women had disappeared in this same area. They were taken out of the same area, within a short time of one another. Why? There is as much of a pathology among women as there is among predators. It would be interesting to find out how many women were rebellious enough to say no thanks and not get in that car.
Shouldn't the fathers/brothers/uncles/cousins of the girls get to spend some "quality time" with Castro and a Louisville Slugger before he gets sent away?

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