Ariel Castro could face death penalty

He kidnapped three females, for ten years, right?

Stealing thirty years of freedom from them in total?

Thirty years in the slammer as compensation, another thirty years in the slammer as penalty?

All of it at hard labor, for as long as his medical condition permits?
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THink he'll become a liberal darling. He's hispanic, and he could face the death penalty for "forcible miscarriages" when liberals think that it's just a clump of cells.

BBC News - Ohio prosecutors may seek execution for Ariel Castro

OK, here we have another asshole trying to turn the atrocities committed by a truly evil man into political fodder against people who had absolutely nothing to do with any of it.

Yes, Ariel Castro should face the death penalty for the whole of the criminal acts he committed. And the only people that will make a 'darling' of him, is people like yourself that wish to use his evil to smear people you disagree with. You are serverely twisted in your own right, and really should be getting psychiatric help.
I don't think he should get the death penalty. It doesn't solve anything, Just keep him locked up for the rest of his miserable life.

I used to feel this way. However, after 70 years of life and observation of my fellow human beings, I have come to the conclusion that there are some people that are so twisted that their very existance is a threat to the rest of the citizens of this nation. And that the best thing for society to do is simply put them to death. No theatrics, or publicity, just a quiet end to a menace to all citizens.
What was in the minds of the women? One I can understand, but over and over again, EVEN WHEN they knew that women had disappeared in this same area. They were taken out of the same area, within a short time of one another. Why? There is as much of a pathology among women as there is among predators. It would be interesting to find out how many women were rebellious enough to say no thanks and not get in that car.

Damn. So you wish to blame the women? Another very sick individual posting on this evil.
What was in the minds of the women? One I can understand, but over and over again, EVEN WHEN they knew that women had disappeared in this same area. They were taken out of the same area, within a short time of one another. Why? There is as much of a pathology among women as there is among predators. It would be interesting to find out how many women were rebellious enough to say no thanks and not get in that car.

Ariel Castro said much the same--'They shouldn't have accepted a ride...'

Again--all of the answers to your questions and more is available via CNN. I have heard enough.

blech--I have my fingers crossed that he will plead guilty and the judicial system can deal with him and that will be that.

If I were a citizen of Cleveland and particularly a resident of this section of the city my main concern would be improving relations with LE. Something sounds off.

I hope someone at CNN is busy as we speak compiling a thorough review of this case. They like to do things like that.

Perverted behavior-- I've grown tired of analyzing. It is wrong and should be corrected./gavel

'If wishes were horses'---what if the other side of the story was shared occasionally--the families that produce stable and decent citizens. what if we were 'mesmerized' by that. At times this seems to be the greatest unsolved mystery?
I don't think he should get the death penalty. It doesn't solve anything, Just keep him locked up for the rest of his miserable life.

I used to feel this way. However, after 70 years of life and observation of my fellow human beings, I have come to the conclusion that there are some people that are so twisted that their very existance is a threat to the rest of the citizens of this nation. And that the best thing for society to do is simply put them to death. No theatrics, or publicity, just a quiet end to a menace to all citizens.

me too.
Castro deserves the same he placed on his victims. Lock him up, throw him into general population and see how quick he becomes someones bitch. Life in prison is far more a fitting punishment than giving him the easy way out through death.

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