Arielle Fodor says white people shouldn’t point out errors that are made by black people.

This video is from an online meeting of white people who support Kamala Harris. This is one of the most extreme examples of white supremacy that I have ever seen.
Why does skin color determine how one should respond to decision outcomes? Why is she telling people how they should respond? Is she implying that black people make poor decisions?
This video is from an online meeting of white people who support Kamala Harris. This is one of the most extreme examples of white supremacy that I have ever seen.

Right, so if a child who is black is playing on a bridge and they may fall to their death, better to stay silent because one doesn't want to belittle them in a racist manner?

Politicians and leaders are judged on performance. If they aren't strong decision makers, people die. It's that simple.

I'm the type who if I go to a restaurant and the server isn't perfect, I'm relaxed. I'm not going to be an ahole when someone is just trying to do their job, even if imperfect (within reason of course). Maybe the cashier gives you the wrong change, I politely correct, crack a joke, the problem is solved and I go on with my day.

That's lightyears away from politicians who make decisions that either today or tomorrow place people at risk. Potentially destroy economies which might leave you vulnerable and/or unable to compete militarily and otherwise. In such vocations, they need to be called out for their mistakes and poor decisions.

The litany of mistakes made by Western politicians over the last 30 years is why today if World War III broke out, there are no guarantees the West will win. Think about that reality.

Maybe more scrutiny along the way would have been beneficial to us all.

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