Arizona GOP candidate Blake Masters scrubs abortion section of his policy page in the latest sign of abortion issue shifting the political landscape

If the Dem's win the next election, how will it overturn the Supreme Court ruling? And as I said, you are arguing to never overturn a ruling you argued for years needs over turned.
"If"? Dems already told you, they will pack the SCOTUS and RIG it at the first opportunity and that will be the end of this short lived Roe vs Wade victory. People need to understand just how corrupt the Dem party has become. If Dems gain the power there's no way they will suffer a conservative court for the next decade.
"If"? Dems already told you, they will pack the SCOTUS and RIG it at the first opportunity and that will be the end of this short lived Roe vs Wade victory. People need to understand just how corrupt the Dem party has become. If Dems gain the power there's no way they will suffer a conservative court for the next decade.

So again, never actually over turn the law, just keep on running on the idea that you will.
Why can't they all just say that the issue should be put to a vote by the people of (insert state here) and be done with it for good and all?

The gop is as stupid as the dems are when it comes to virtue-signaling and it usually looks twice as bad when they do it because they are not near as good at it.

SCOTUS sent it back to the states to be hashed-out so let the people decide the outcome.

The vote of the people is still tyranny. This is between a woman and her doctor. This is called privacy rights and the Supreme Court made the proper ruling in Roe vs Wade. This Supreme Court is composed of right wing religious fanatics who hide behind democracy. The people do not get a vote because Republicans have to find a way to get around it because their policies are so unpopular.
In Arizona, Blake Masters backtracks on abortion, scrubs campaign website "I am 100% pro-life," Masters' website read as of Thursday morning. That language is now gone. Also deleted: support for "a federal personhood law"


You are a right wing fascist and a religious fanatic. The right to life is not guaranteed by the Constitution. The question is when does life begin? Sometimes abortion is a necessary procedure if a pregnancy goes bad.
I TOLD YOU never underestimate the GOP's ability to pull defeat from the jaws of victory. Roe vs Wade should have waited until AFTER the midterm elections hello. Democrats were on the ropes, pummeled by Biden's stupidity and the wreckage of their far left policies. Then the GOP hands Dems this gift, wow just wow.

This is what the Republicans wanted. The only decent thing this Supreme Court did was doing it before the midterms.
They are doing it because abortion rights is a major issue. I wouldn't trust them anyway. Vote these clowns in and they will change their minds.
Just like Democrats would.

Or do you think (?) only Republicans flip flop?
Because they are worried about climate change. You ought to be worried.
They are finding past civilization in lakes and other areas changing. So that must mean those civilizations caused climate change also by your spews. This is a scam. A scam for globalist government to take our tax dollars and give it to other nations.
I TOLD YOU never underestimate the GOP's ability to pull defeat from the jaws of victory. Roe vs Wade should have waited until AFTER the midterm elections hello. Democrats were on the ropes, pummeled by Biden's stupidity and the wreckage of their far left policies. Then the GOP hands Dems this gift, wow just wow.
So you are saying they shouldn't tell the Supreme Court to kill something until it is political advantageous to them. Thanks for spelling out the independence of the court there...
US people to know how partisan the SC has been made by Mitch... It is not representing the people any more and it should be expanded as with tradition to match the number of circuit courts, 13... This was the way it was meant to be and they stopped it
So you are saying they shouldn't tell the Supreme Court to kill something until it is political advantageous to them. Thanks for spelling out the independence of the court there...
US people to know how partisan the SC has been made by Mitch... It is not representing the people any more and it should be expanded as with tradition to match the number of circuit courts, 13... This was the way it was meant to be and they stopped it
It is not representing the people any more

it isn't set up to represent the people.

It's set up to enforce the Constitution.
All, or at least most, politicians do it.

(vid is from Australia)

You are conflating changing one's mind on an issue after weighing the facts with what Masters did. Which was to deceitfully hide his extreme position on abortion because he knows how unpopular it is with the majority of voters.
You are conflating changing one's mind on an issue after weighing the facts with what Masters did. Which was to deceitfully hide his extreme position on abortion because he knows how unpopular it is with the majority of voters.

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