Arizona GOP Candidate: “We are not tyrants, We are LIBERATORS! The real tyrants are the ones that shut down our churches, schools & small businesses”

Do they really think the "droves of distinguished academics" argument works after covid?

The New Yorker on economist John Lott: "He stands against droves of distinguished academics who have determined that the opposite is true."
In 2021, Twitter promoted "expert" Eric Feigl-Ding said that Hong Kong's masking achieved "Zero COVID" & "defeated" the virus

Except now the death rate in Hong Kong is higher than Finland, Norway & Denmark, all countries that had comparatively little mask usage

Nailed it again

it's my Lebanese bro Abe Hamadeh, he really brought down the house here, i know i'm shamelessly plugging him, but i really believe he can be the best AG in the nation and has a bright future

They're gonna elect lake
She good I'm liking her more and more

Just about every covid related action the gub'mit pursued came with consequences anyone could see, save for the gub'mit.....


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