Arizona Judge Rejects Kari Lake’s Effort to Overturn Her Election Loss

You're lying again. You really should stop. That is not Biden's only experience. Working in the Senate for decades was his.
Hah hah hah.....

Cornpop was a bad dude......
Boy oh boy.....are you reaching.
Her only attribute is reading a teleprompter......that's Biden only attribute.
Jokes on you, pal.

No, the joke is you for being so blindly partisan.

I think Biden sucks as a POTUS, one of the worst so far, but he had actually experience and skills related to the job of president.
Elon's opened a Pandora's box on election rigging.......stay tuned.

You're lying again. You really should stop. That is not Biden's only experience. Working in the Senate for decades was his.
Why do people who fake their way through TV...think they can govern>? Obviously, trump showed how incompetent he is. We will never know how much damage has been done to our national security after he stole classified documents as he slivered from the WH.
Democrat scum have corrupted the courts.
You know I actually believe it. The entire country is under some sort of corrupting spell.

The agenda's that lay hidden just beneath the surface for a long time, and for which have been raising it's head up for a look see in order to test for the change it's needed throughout the generation's, undoubtedly had finally figured out that it could just come out of it's hiding place to over take a weakend down population that has since made itself vulnerable over time to those agenda's.

Yes the nation has made itself vulnerable all due to it's wrongful use of it's riches, and the greed over it's excesses and therefore it has since blinded itself from the truth.

It's moral decline, and it's temptations/lustfulness in which it has indulged in over time, basically has caused it to finally make itself ripe for the pickings, and therefore it had opened itself up for those that were ready to pick the nation bare of everything it ever stood for and believed in.

This is why we are seeing the things that we are seeing today. The sell out by politician's that have since exploited/ignored every issue for their own self serving gains, has since placed this nation in one hell of a quandary. They should have to stand to account for it big time.

This stuff is no longer a joke folk's.

Allowing radicalism to take over this country is no joke.

Just think about this - How do you think an army can hold up if it is being attacked from without, and from within ??

Not well at all. Wake up America.
(((SOROS))) There's that anti-semite dog whistle.....all the MAGAts come running.
While you ignore him. That's how he is able to function here. Because of the stupids of America...
You want it to be antisemitic, but all it is is a dislike for anyone that wants to destroy our way of life. Of course you'd be on board with Soros. You hate our country as much as he does........
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Motions For Sanctions Filed Against Kari Lake In Maricopa County.

Funny you laughed at my last post. What did the truth strike a funny bone maybe ??

I noticed that when these official's are being grilled on capital hill, and the truth is laid upon them like a ton of bricks, they bust out laughing because they can't believe that they were caught in such ways after they had been lying like they were. They think that they are so insulated in their bull crap, that when someone like Rand Paul or Ted Cruz goes there, they bust out in either a smile or a laugh due to their disbelief that a crack had been shined a light through on them.
Motions For Sanctions Filed Against Kari Lake In Maricopa County.

They will gather together to destroy anyone that questions them. This country is done.

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