Arizona Lawmaker Retweets Push to Celebrate Confederate Generals on MLK Day, Days After Speaking at Trump Rally

Not at all

historians and informed citizens understood the issues better at the time than barely literate lib students do today

southern soldiers were highly respected at the time by their peers on the Union side

your version today is the revision
Not at all

historians and informed citizens understood the issues better at the time than barely literate lib students do today

southern soldiers were highly respected at the time by their peers on the Union side

your version today is the revision
Who gives a shit if a bunch of deplorable racists respected each other? What does that have to do with Americans today?
Not at all

historians and informed citizens understood the issues better at the time than barely literate lib students do today

southern soldiers were highly respected at the time by their peers on the Union side

your version today is the revision
100%. You’re telling the revisionist history used to soothe the ancestors of their sordid past rather than acknowledge the truth.

Slavery was at the foundation of the civil war. Without it, there is no conflict.
So you are bashing the Union soldiers too?

just as I suspected
You suspected what? That I don't care much for people who were just fine profiting off of slavery before the civil war? Big reveal there guy. Lol.

I'll ask again, why do you think a bunch of deplorable racists having respect for each other is some brilliant point you've made? Lol. Who gives a shit?
You suspected what? That I don't care much for people who were just fine profiting off of slavery before the civil war? Big reveal there guy. Lol.

I'll ask again, why do you think a bunch of deplorable racists having respect for each other is some brilliant point you've made? Lol. Who gives a shit?
I see you have little understanding of history in its proper context

dont judge 19th Century men by 21st Century standards
I see you have little understanding of history in its proper context

dont judge 19th Century men by 21st Century standards
I judge them by my standards you ignorant moron. Time doesn't have standards as time doesn't have a consciousness.
Time doesn't have standards as time doesn't have a consciousness.
I dont know what that means but I do know that slavery was a common practice all over the world 200 years ago

and still is common in nations that are a sending immigrants to America today thsnkd to liberals
I dont know what that means but I do know that slavery was a common practice all over the world 200 years ago
And I don't know what you white wingers mean when you talk about today's standards vs yesterday's standards. Time doesn't have standards, people do. 200 years ago there were more morally bankrupt slavers and rapists than there are today, is that what you mean? Because you certainly can't be arguing that slavery and rape were OK just because they happened a long time ago. That would just be stupid.
and still is common in nations that are a sending immigrants to America today thsnkd to liberals
So you acknowledge that even today some places still see slavery as the standard, I guess that blows your argument out of the water that there are today's standards and yesterday's standards.

Really though we all know it's just a sad attempt to defend hero worshipping slavers and rapists.
Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers (R-AZ) retweeted white nationalist Scott Greer on Monday calling for celebrating Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

Greers’ call to celebrate Confederate generals came on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, in an apparent message to his supporters that he believes in the tenants of the Confederacy over those the slain civil rights leader.

Rogers retweeted the controversial message just days after she spoke at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Florence, Arizona.

“Arizona is a red state,” Rogers declared during the rally. “We are not turning purple.”

The Arizona lawmaker, who has embraced the QAnon conspiracy theory and pushed allegations that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, also led the crowd in chanting “decertify” during the rally.

Rogers, a freshman legislator who is running for re-election, announced last week that she raised an eye-popping $2.5 million in 2021.

No stranger to controversy the former Air Force pilot and die-hard Trump supporter has previously shared posts from notorious white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes.

It is amazing how folks wonder why black folks don't support the Grand Ole Party.
It's a wonder how normal society looks at the way, you choose to be outraged. As abnormal. Enjoy life, you little bitch! Dang, I would be miserable if I looked at life, the way you do.
And I don't know what you white wingers mean when you talk about today's standards vs yesterday's standards.
Blacks were universally looked down upon by all other races 200 years ago far more than they are today

thats just the way it was

but attitudes have changed since then

or at least as much as the leftwing race hustlers will allow

what clueless libs misunderstand is that treatment of blacks 2 centuries ago was not then and isnt now the defining issue of that time

no matter how much the left remains single-minded about it today
You know why it happens? Because we took your country and cucked coward racists like yourself.

You took nothing. You've been HANDED everything. But go on, keep taunting white people.

When blacks get mad they loot a Foot Locker.
When whites get mad they annihilate civilizations.

Keep poking.

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