Arizona official may keep Obama off ballot

Yes, in 1968 in Hawaii and New York. His name was Eldridge Cleaver.

He was a Presidential candidate in 1968 on the ticket of the Peace and Freedom Party.[ Cleaver was born on August 31, 1935, and therefore would not have been the requisite 35 years of age until more than a year after Inauguration Day 1969. (Although the Constitution requires that the President be 35 years of age, it does not specify if he must have reached that age at the time of nomination, or election, or inauguration.) Courts in both Hawaii and New York held that he could be excluded from the ballot because he could not possibly meet the Constitutional criteria

Also there was a democratic presidential candidate named Sal Mohamed that was kicked off the state ballots in New Hampshire back in 08 because he was found to not be a natural born citizen according to New Hampshire state election statutes.

So did anyone get into trouble because of this?

But I was thinking more along the lines of Lincoln
I don't think so. They knocked them off prior to the general election.

Have a look at this little gem a someone found in the archives:

Ike needed birth certificate to run for president
Ike needed birth certificate to run for president / September 22, 2010 / Sonoran News

Elected 34th president of the United States in November 1952, Eisenhower made it through his first 62 years without any need for a birth certificate.

However, the need arose when he became a presidential candidate. Since Eisenhower was the oldest man to be elected president since James Buchanan over 100 years earlier, age was obviously not at issue. Instead, there was protocol in place for presidential candidates to provide proof of eligibility to appear on the ballot.

So a democrat asked to see a republicans BC?
So did anyone get into trouble because of this?

But I was thinking more along the lines of Lincoln
I don't think so. They knocked them off prior to the general election.

Have a look at this little gem a someone found in the archives:

Ike needed birth certificate to run for president
Ike needed birth certificate to run for president / September 22, 2010 / Sonoran News

Elected 34th president of the United States in November 1952, Eisenhower made it through his first 62 years without any need for a birth certificate.

However, the need arose when he became a presidential candidate. Since Eisenhower was the oldest man to be elected president since James Buchanan over 100 years earlier, age was obviously not at issue. Instead, there was protocol in place for presidential candidates to provide proof of eligibility to appear on the ballot.

So a democrat asked to see a republicans BC?
I imagine they would have.
Yet another dumb-ass birther thread.


As I said before, Arizona has no business questioning the legitimacy of Hawaii's public records, as is specifically stated in Article 4, Section 1.

If they actually try to invalidate Hawaii's decision on this matter, they are committing an illegal act, and need to be jailed.

That is the law.

Therefore this is a moronic suggestion, and has no basis in reality.

Anyone who doesn't laugh at this fool's suggestion is a moron, or is a propagandist who knows better, but is trying to stir up a bunch of morons.

That is all, I will make no further comment to lengthen yet another BS birther thread after this one.
Yet another dumb-ass birther thread.


As I said before, Arizona has no business questioning the legitimacy of Hawaii's public records, as is specifically stated in Article 4, Section 1.

If they actually try to invalidate Hawaii's decision on this matter, they are committing an illegal act, and need to be jailed.

That is the law.

Therefore this is a moronic suggestion, and has no basis in reality.

Anyone who doesn't laugh at this fool's suggestion is a moron, or is a propagandist who knows better, but is trying to stir up a bunch of morons.

That is all, I will make no further comment to lengthen yet another BS birther thread after this one.
You have no idea what you are talking about as your predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates. I have shown where candidates in the past were kicked off the presidential ballots in 08 by the New Hampshire Sec of State and in 1968 where Eldridge Cleaver was kicked off the presidential ballot in New York and Hawaii.
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If the Obamination campaign can't produce a notarized legal birth certificate then the FBI needs to step in and investigate.

It's very simple, show the damn document.
Yet another dumb-ass birther thread.


As I said before, Arizona has no business questioning the legitimacy of Hawaii's public records, as is specifically stated in Article 4, Section 1.

If they actually try to invalidate Hawaii's decision on this matter, they are committing an illegal act, and need to be jailed.

That is the law.

Therefore this is a moronic suggestion, and has no basis in reality.

Anyone who doesn't laugh at this fool's suggestion is a moron, or is a propagandist who knows better, but is trying to stir up a bunch of morons.

That is all, I will make no further comment to lengthen yet another BS birther thread after this one.

It is sad so many are afraid of a fair election process.
Yet another dumb-ass birther thread.


As I said before, Arizona has no business questioning the legitimacy of Hawaii's public records, as is specifically stated in Article 4, Section 1.

If they actually try to invalidate Hawaii's decision on this matter, they are committing an illegal act, and need to be jailed.

That is the law.

Therefore this is a moronic suggestion, and has no basis in reality.

Anyone who doesn't laugh at this fool's suggestion is a moron, or is a propagandist who knows better, but is trying to stir up a bunch of morons.

That is all, I will make no further comment to lengthen yet another BS birther thread after this one.

It is sad so many are afraid of a fair election process.

Has anyone ever been kept off a presidential ballot?
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Why are the far right afraid of a fair election.

Why do they want to rig it.

I have faith in Romney, and the guy won't put up with this bull shit.
Why are the far right afraid of a fair election.

Why do they want to rig it.

I have faith in Romney, and the guy won't put up with this bull shit.

Has anyone ever been kept off a presidential ballot?
Oh look, a liberal posing as a conservative. That bullshit is old. Try winning on your own dumbfuck platform within the law for once.

Instead scum like you defend blocking voter ID laws, blocking providing a legal birth certificate.... under the false identity of a conservative.

Why are the far right afraid of a fair election.

Why do they want to rig it.

I have faith in Romney, and the guy won't put up with this bull shit.
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GoneBezerk's bull shit is old. Romney is not a far right wing nut goon loon. We are not going back to the fifties.
Romney is a nice guy and opposes getting into the dirt with liberals. Who cares....he doesn't control the Republican party.

He is afraid of bringing up Rev Wright for fear of being labeled a racist. I guess in your tiny mind Republicans should ignore Obamination's dirty racist past because Romney doesn't want to bring up Rev Wright.

The same goes for Obamination's infamous birth certificate, just show the damn document to AZ officials. Romney is going to stay above the scrum in the weeds, but that doesn't mean the liberals like you shouild get a free ride from us.:eusa_boohoo:

GoneBezerk's bull shit is old. Romney is not a far right wing nut goon loon. We are not going back to the fifties.
You have no idea what you are talking about as your predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates. I have shown where candidates in the past were kicked off the presidential ballots in 08 by the New Hampshire Sec of State and in 1968 where Eldridge Cleaver was kicked off the presidential ballot in New York and Hawaii.

Sigh, I always get dragged back into these things for one more post...

My point had nothing to do with a State's right to choose who goes on their ballot.

My point had to do with the REASON Arizona is giving to keep him off the ballot, which is an illegal one.

Cleaver was kept off the ballot because he was too young to be president. That was a recorded, undisputed fact, and the argument did not contradict the legal records of another state.

The incident with Ike was due to the fact that he had not shown birth record at all. Again, no contradiction with the legal records of another state, they had simply not been presented.

If Arizona attempts to invalidate the legal documents and ruling of the State of Hawaii, however, they are specifically attempting to violate the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution, which is an illegal act, and should be treated as such.

Once again, the only authority that has the right to validate or invalidate the birth records of Mr Obama is the State of Hawaii.

That is not my opinion, that is what is specifically written in the US Constitution.

To Wit:

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

The clause is perfectly clear, and does not leave room for error. One state simply cannot over-rule the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings" of another state. It's ILLEGAL.

Now, having pointed that out, AGAIN, I will leave this thread to be posted on by fools and their manipulators.

You have no idea what you are talking about as your predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates. I have shown where candidates in the past were kicked off the presidential ballots in 08 by the New Hampshire Sec of State and in 1968 where Eldridge Cleaver was kicked off the presidential ballot in New York and Hawaii.

Sigh, I always get dragged back into these things for one more post...

My point had nothing to do with a State's right to choose who goes on their ballot.

My point had to do with the REASON Arizona is giving to keep him off the ballot, which is an illegal one.

Cleaver was kept off the ballot because he was too young to be president. That was a recorded, undisputed fact, and the argument did not contradict the legal records of another state.

The incident with Ike was due to the fact that he had not shown birth record at all. Again, no contradiction with the legal records of another state, they had simply not been presented.

If Arizona attempts to invalidate the legal documents and ruling of the State of Hawaii, however, they are specifically attempting to violate the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution, which is an illegal act, and should be treated as such.

Once again, the only authority that has the right to validate or invalidate the birth records of Mr Obama is the State of Hawaii.

That is not my opinion, that is what is specifically written in the US Constitution.

To Wit:

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

The clause is perfectly clear, and does not leave room for error. One state simply cannot over-rule the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings" of another state. It's ILLEGAL.

Now, having pointed that out, AGAIN, I will leave this thread to be posted on by fools and their manipulators.

My point had to do with the REASON Arizona is giving to keep him off the ballot, which is an illegal one.

Opinionated and irrelevant
Arizona official may keep Obama off ballot

Telling and pathetic that republicans, conservatives, and others on the right feel the need to resort to such shameful tactics because they’re fearful of a fair election process.

I'm willing to believe that the GOP rank and file is this...well frankly stupid.

I mean, we've had Mudwhistle question the Navy SEALs killing of Bin Laden in hopes of trashing the President. Righties who normally reject conspiracy theories are embracing this one just to trash the President. I don't get it but...okay. They hate the man. Why? I think we all know because this sort of crap would never fly with a white President.

What I am not quite willing to believe is that the State party officials are willing to go USMB-twoofer/right wingnut.

It means either 1 or 2 (or both) things:

  1. They are this worried about Obama winning Arizona that they are actually trying to keep him of the ballot.
  2. They are this convinced that Romney has no chance of winning in the general election that they are trying to extract their pound of flesh from the President.

I tend to think it is the latter since Clinton was the last Dem to win Arizona in 96 I believe.
You have no idea what you are talking about as your predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates. I have shown where candidates in the past were kicked off the presidential ballots in 08 by the New Hampshire Sec of State and in 1968 where Eldridge Cleaver was kicked off the presidential ballot in New York and Hawaii.

Sigh, I always get dragged back into these things for one more post...

My point had nothing to do with a State's right to choose who goes on their ballot.

My point had to do with the REASON Arizona is giving to keep him off the ballot, which is an illegal one.

Cleaver was kept off the ballot because he was too young to be president. That was a recorded, undisputed fact, and the argument did not contradict the legal records of another state.

The incident with Ike was due to the fact that he had not shown birth record at all. Again, no contradiction with the legal records of another state, they had simply not been presented.

If Arizona attempts to invalidate the legal documents and ruling of the State of Hawaii, however, they are specifically attempting to violate the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution, which is an illegal act, and should be treated as such.

Once again, the only authority that has the right to validate or invalidate the birth records of Mr Obama is the State of Hawaii.

That is not my opinion, that is what is specifically written in the US Constitution.

To Wit:

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

The clause is perfectly clear, and does not leave room for error. One state simply cannot over-rule the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings" of another state. It's ILLEGAL.

Now, having pointed that out, AGAIN, I will leave this thread to be posted on by fools and their manipulators.


Well Hawaii needs to send to Ken Bennett a original certified copy of Obama's long form birth certificate so it can be authenticated by independent document experts so it can be accepted under the FF&C. Do you agree?
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GoneBezerk's bull shit is old. Romney is not a far right wing nut goon loon. We are not going back to the fifties.

Romney is a nice guy and opposes getting into the dirt with liberals. Who cares....he doesn't control the Republican party. He is afraid of bringing up Rev Wright for fear of being labeled a racist. I guess in your tiny mind Republicans should ignore Obamination's dirty racist past because Romney doesn't want to bring up Rev Wright. The same goes for Obamination's infamous birth certificate, just show the damn document to AZ officials. Romney is going to stay above the scrum in the weeds, but that doesn't mean the liberals like you shouild get a free ride from us.:eusa_boohoo:

doosh bezerk is now telling MR what he can and can't do? That's funny. And Mitt is going to not give you anything after the election, including the time of day. Dumb fuck.
You have no idea what you are talking about as your predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates. I have shown where candidates in the past were kicked off the presidential ballots in 08 by the New Hampshire Sec of State and in 1968 where Eldridge Cleaver was kicked off the presidential ballot in New York and Hawaii.

Sigh, I always get dragged back into these things for one more post...

My point had nothing to do with a State's right to choose who goes on their ballot.

My point had to do with the REASON Arizona is giving to keep him off the ballot, which is an illegal one.

Cleaver was kept off the ballot because he was too young to be president. That was a recorded, undisputed fact, and the argument did not contradict the legal records of another state.

The incident with Ike was due to the fact that he had not shown birth record at all. Again, no contradiction with the legal records of another state, they had simply not been presented.

If Arizona attempts to invalidate the legal documents and ruling of the State of Hawaii, however, they are specifically attempting to violate the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution, which is an illegal act, and should be treated as such.

Once again, the only authority that has the right to validate or invalidate the birth records of Mr Obama is the State of Hawaii.

That is not my opinion, that is what is specifically written in the US Constitution.

To Wit:

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

The clause is perfectly clear, and does not leave room for error. One state simply cannot over-rule the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings" of another state. It's ILLEGAL.

Now, having pointed that out, AGAIN, I will leave this thread to be posted on by fools and their manipulators.


Well Hawaii needs to send the Ken Bennett a original certified copy of Obama's long form birth certificate so it can be authenticated by independent document experts so it can be accepted under the FF&C. Do you agree?

No, Hawaii doesn't need to do anything except verify what was submitted to the SOS office is authentic. You really don't have a clue about the way this works do you? Go outside and play kid.

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