Arizona will require Obama to provide birth cert if he wants to be on ballot

Actually, I do not believe he is a natural born citizen but his election has now set a precedent. Get ready folks, Arnold will be running for president next.

Oh lordy. Just think about that.

Years ago both Jesse Jackson and Pat Robertson were presidential candidates in the same election and both were doing pretty well in the early going.

My husband and I looked at each other and said that if those two are the candidates to choose between, who do we vote for? It was not a pleasant prospect.

I can't get much more excited about a race between say AHnold and say Barack Obama.

(And all that stuff you listed is also on our short form birth certificates. I wonder if Hawaii doesn't have that information?)
LASER copy from 1961......quite interesting.

Where's the original?

Err, laser copy from 2008. Copied from the original, which is probably still sitting in some file in Hawaii.

Where's the one with the attending physicians signature?

Where's the one with a witness signature?

Where's the one WE ARE ALL ISSUED?

As long as Obama's incompetent ass refuses to provide it, the stupid motherfucker should expect questions to be asked about his supposed citizenship.

Not that Arizona needs to prove anything. Obama's extreme ineptness and inability to lead will no doubt cause the moron to be kicked to the curb after one term. After all people, it's approaching 1 1/2 years in office and he's fully proving to be the worst president this country has ever seen. And if he can't, or refuses to provide the REAL proof of citizenship, he will be considered the worst FOREIGN president this country has ever seen.

My original copy was lost, personally. Does that make me ineligible to run for national office?

No, it doesn't.

As far as I'm concerned, if you can't get a copy of your original birth certificate, it makes you ineligible to run for office.

Since when was having a copy of your original birth certificate a requirement for being a natural born citizen?
LASER copy from 1961......quite interesting.

Where's the original?

Err, laser copy from 2008. Copied from the original, which is probably still sitting in some file in Hawaii.

Where's the one with the attending physicians signature?

Where's the one with a witness signature?

Where's the one WE ARE ALL ISSUED?

As long as Obama's incompetent ass refuses to provide it, the stupid motherfucker should expect questions to be asked about his supposed citizenship.

Not that Arizona needs to prove anything. Obama's extreme ineptness and inability to lead will no doubt cause the moron to be kicked to the curb after one term. After all people, it's approaching 1 1/2 years in office and he's fully proving to be the worst president this country has ever seen. And if he can't, or refuses to provide the REAL proof of citizenship, he will be considered the worst FOREIGN president this country has ever seen.

My original copy was lost, personally. Does that make me ineligible to run for national office?

No, it doesn't.

As far as I'm concerned, if you can't get a copy of your original birth certificate, it makes you ineligible to run for office. And unless you have citizenship papers it should also make you ineligible to vote.

I am right now looking at my husband's cert of live birth. It lists his name, sex, that he was a single birth, his birth date, the county he was born in, the city he was born in, the name and address of the hospital where he was born. His father's name, race, age, birthplace and occupation. His mothers name, race, age, birthplace and occupation, his mother's mailing address and the doctor that delivered him. All on a certificate of live birth, the small form. My husband was born in 1953, in Memphis. I have a hard time believing HI can't provide us with the same information for a presidential candidate, unless of course, they don't have that information. And it makes you wonder why they don't have that information....

Gasp you mean Hawaii might have different info on their birth certificate than Memphis? Clearly it's a conspiracy and the certificate is fake.
Father Time, you need to clock your ass over to the time thread I started.

Time has stopped there.

Just like Madonna’s creativity.
Err, laser copy from 2008. Copied from the original, which is probably still sitting in some file in Hawaii.

My original copy was lost, personally. Does that make me ineligible to run for national office?

No, it doesn't.

As far as I'm concerned, if you can't get a copy of your original birth certificate, it makes you ineligible to run for office.

Since when was having a copy of your original birth certificate a requirement for being a natural born citizen?

Since they started requiring them to get Visas and such. You know...anything that requires you to be a US citizen. Obama never produced a valid copy with the seal of the state of Hawaii on it.
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As far as I'm concerned, if you can't get a copy of your original birth certificate, it makes you ineligible to run for office.

Since when was having a copy of your original birth certificate a requirement for being a natural born citizen?

Since they started requiring them to get Visas and such. You know...anything that requires you to be a US citizen. Obama never produced a valid copy with the seal of the state of Hawaii on it.
Yes he did.
It doesn't have to deny the right of any state to do anything.

It would only pertain to Arizona. That he would prove that he was born in the US by showing a birth certificate to be on the ballot on Arizona. It makes sense to me.

Also remember Michelle Obama, herself, said that Barak Hussein's home country is Kenya.

It doesn't matter where it pertains to, Arizona would be denying the validity of the citizens of Hawaii as US Citizens.

This is not a state post we are talking about here, it is a national post.

That is a direct affront to the sovereign state rights of Hawaii.
I love how both Arizona's new laws are coming out at the same time...there's some Irony here.
I love how both Arizona's new laws are coming out at the same time...there's some Irony here.

Yeah.......they don't think the darkie belongs in the White House, and they also think that the brown people need to leave their white retirement community.

Yep........gotta love the nAZi state!
I love how both Arizona's new laws are coming out at the same time...there's some Irony here.

Yeah.......they don't think the darkie belongs in the White House, and they also think that the brown people need to leave their white retirement community.

Yep........gotta love the nAZi state!

Hmm, a state that demands that the president actually prove he's a natural born citizen AND that their own police be able to arrest illegal aliens....Maybe that is a good place to retire.
Yeah....wonderful place........

The President had to get verified BEFORE he ran (remember, you've got to submit paperwork and 50,000 to run), yet because the senator from that state didn't win, he's going to pass a law requiring the birth certificate.

They enact a law against illegal immigrants, without specifically stating what kind of behavior would be considered "illegal" under this law.

I mean, if you see someone standing on a street corner shaking hands with different people and looking around nervously, can pretty well guess that person is selling drugs.

But guessing someone is illegal because of their name or how they look? You do realize that under this law in Arizona, someone running around in sandals named Jesus who wasn't from here would be arrested for not having ID, right?
Yeah....wonderful place........

The President had to get verified BEFORE he ran (remember, you've got to submit paperwork and 50,000 to run), yet because the senator from that state didn't win, he's going to pass a law requiring the birth certificate.

They enact a law against illegal immigrants, without specifically stating what kind of behavior would be considered "illegal" under this law.

I mean, if you see someone standing on a street corner shaking hands with different people and looking around nervously, can pretty well guess that person is selling drugs.

But guessing someone is illegal because of their name or how they look? You do realize that under this law in Arizona, someone running around in sandals named Jesus who wasn't from here would be arrested for not having ID, right?

One more time, illegals, like Americans, come in all colors. I carry ID with me at all times, and I'm sure that someone can get their id and bring it in to prove their residency requirements if they are caught without it. I was caught without .my car insurance card. It cost me a trip to the court house and $25. It's required by law a carry it, it was my mistake <even though I didn't expect my special needs son to clean out the glove compartment when he cleaned out the car>.
Yeah....wonderful place........

The President had to get verified BEFORE he ran (remember, you've got to submit paperwork and 50,000 to run), yet because the senator from that state didn't win, he's going to pass a law requiring the birth certificate.

They enact a law against illegal immigrants, without specifically stating what kind of behavior would be considered "illegal" under this law.

I mean, if you see someone standing on a street corner shaking hands with different people and looking around nervously, can pretty well guess that person is selling drugs.

But guessing someone is illegal because of their name or how they look? You do realize that under this law in Arizona, someone running around in sandals named Jesus who wasn't from here would be arrested for not having ID, right?

One more time, illegals, like Americans, come in all colors. I carry ID with me at all times, and I'm sure that someone can get their id and bring it in to prove their residency requirements if they are caught without it. I was caught without .my car insurance card. It cost me a trip to the court house and $25. It's required by law a carry it, it was my mistake <even though I didn't expect my special needs son to clean out the glove compartment when he cleaned out the car>.

Yeah....wonderful place........

The President had to get verified BEFORE he ran (remember, you've got to submit paperwork and 50,000 to run), yet because the senator from that state didn't win, he's going to pass a law requiring the birth certificate.

They enact a law against illegal immigrants, without specifically stating what kind of behavior would be considered "illegal" under this law.

I mean, if you see someone standing on a street corner shaking hands with different people and looking around nervously, can pretty well guess that person is selling drugs.

But guessing someone is illegal because of their name or how they look? You do realize that under this law in Arizona, someone running around in sandals named Jesus who wasn't from here would be arrested for not having ID, right?

One more time, illegals, like Americans, come in all colors. I carry ID with me at all times, and I'm sure that someone can get their id and bring it in to prove their residency requirements if they are caught without it. I was caught without .my car insurance card. It cost me a trip to the court house and $25. It's required by law a carry it, it was my mistake <even though I didn't expect my special needs son to clean out the glove compartment when he cleaned out the car>.


okay, pun not intended. :D
Sniper Kitty, you know I love you a great deal, but on this one we're gonna just have to disagree.

If they could have defined illegal activity as it applies to immigration, I'd be all for it, but trouble is, not even the governor can tell you what an illegal looks like.

You know what a drug dealer looks like, they profile the behavior all the time. You see someone on a streetcorner acting furtive, you've probably got a drug dealer.

You see a woman shaking her hips in a known prostitution area, she's probably hooking.

How do you define the behavior of someone who is here illegally?
You spot probable illegals the same way you spot any other person breaking the law. They avoid check points. They duck or hide or run when they see a cop. They are evasive about their name, address, place of work, etc. The authorities in Arizona have made it perfectly clear that a person must be acting suspiciously in order to be stopped and questioned. Racial profiling won't be an option, especially since a huge percentage of Arizona's population who are legal won't look that much different from the illegals.

We have to have a valid driver's license to drive. We have to prove who we are to board an airplane or get into many public venues. If I enter a courthouse or other secured government building, I have to walk through a metal detector and submit anything I'm carrying, including my purse, to search. In restricted areas I must wear visible ID. People with green cards are required as a condition to get that green card to have that green card with them at all times and show it to authorities when asked.

So why is a law strengthening ability to enforce illegal immgration laws such a big deal?

IF those illegals were presumed to be in favor of Republican policies and would likely vote Republican when made legal, do you think there would be the same level of anger re the Arizona policy?
I wonder if Obama is using this new law as and excuse to get back at Arizona. For requiring him to produce a valid birth certificate.

He's the kind of sneaky little shit that would try something like that.
The bill may be unconstitutional, but it does not make AZ a police state.

Willow: this issue has been settled already. That a very few like you who don't like it will have to lump it.
The bill may be unconstitutional, but it does not make AZ a police state.

Willow: this issue has been settled already. That a very few like you who don't like it will have to lump it.

SNL did a skit about "Show me your papers"

I guess we shouldn't have to get a Visa to travel abroad anymore because that has been in effect as long as I can remember.

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